Guild Wars 2 just listed the names of banned cheaters. This is a great move and it's also obvious. For long I'm for the public naming and shaming of exploiters, botters, goldbuyers and other scum polluting the games. Since in-game names aren't personal details, I don't see legit a reason why other game companies aren't doing the same. Of course I see illegit reasons.
I would go further: I think the best solution for caught cheaters would be hanging them. I mean in game. Imagine gallows in the main city or crosses by the main roads with executed characters of permabanned cheaters hanging on display. You could also spit on them or buy rotten vegetables from nearby vendors and throw at them. You could also get rare crow minipet that feasts on their body when you go nearby. You could read their signs telling the time of execution and the crime. In case of an account having multiple alts, only the most played "main" should be hanged, with the alts listed on the sign.

Temporarily banned cheaters could be hanged in little cages alive. The players shouldn't even be technically banned, they could log in and chat, but their character (no matter which one they log in) would be in the cage. The other players could still spit on them and throw rotten food, with the player getting a log who insulted their caged avatar in the last day. After their punishment is up, they would be released from the cage but be stinky from the thrown filth until get into water.
The point is exactly what was in the medieval world when this practice was common: to use them as example for the crowd that crime does not avoid punishment and to allow the law-abiding who often had to suffer bad conditions to look down and insult those who wanted to get better conditions at their expense. I'm sure games would have much less cheaters if every time people visit the main city they'd be confronted with the hanging corpses of former cheaters.
I would go further: I think the best solution for caught cheaters would be hanging them. I mean in game. Imagine gallows in the main city or crosses by the main roads with executed characters of permabanned cheaters hanging on display. You could also spit on them or buy rotten vegetables from nearby vendors and throw at them. You could also get rare crow minipet that feasts on their body when you go nearby. You could read their signs telling the time of execution and the crime. In case of an account having multiple alts, only the most played "main" should be hanged, with the alts listed on the sign.

Temporarily banned cheaters could be hanged in little cages alive. The players shouldn't even be technically banned, they could log in and chat, but their character (no matter which one they log in) would be in the cage. The other players could still spit on them and throw rotten food, with the player getting a log who insulted their caged avatar in the last day. After their punishment is up, they would be released from the cage but be stinky from the thrown filth until get into water.

The point is exactly what was in the medieval world when this practice was common: to use them as example for the crowd that crime does not avoid punishment and to allow the law-abiding who often had to suffer bad conditions to look down and insult those who wanted to get better conditions at their expense. I'm sure games would have much less cheaters if every time people visit the main city they'd be confronted with the hanging corpses of former cheaters.
I dont think pixel corpses have quite the same impact as actual corpses.
People are attached to their avatars. They go great length to get gear for them. Sure, hanging the cheaters themselves front of the game company HQ would be more effective, but ... baby steps.
Showing an in-game consequence to players is a good idea, but allowing the temp-banned to speak is not. They cheated, ban them. They should not get a "special" pulpit to speak from. I do like the lingering smell idea though, as an additional point of shame when they are unbanned.
Brutal. Also very interesting. Devs rarely publish any data about bans(which leads players to think "they're not doing anything"), and even if they did, numbers are hard to visualise. What is a 100 bans? 1000 bans? Is that a lot?
Well, let me tell you, seeing a field with 1000 hanged players would be pretty damn impressive.
Roma Victor did this. The dev's could crucify a character for suitably bad behaviour.
The avatar was online for the duration of the punishment and if the player logged on, they were stuck up on that cross.
You got my hopes up. I clicked on the link looking to see a list of exploiters or even some botters. Instead, it's just a list of characters who got caught cheating in a tournament. CCP's done that 2 or 3 times concerning the Alliance Tournament over the years.
In other words, nothing special.
Albion devs are so corrupt they even get DDOS'd by gold sellers:
Why would goldseller DDOS? That makes no money. If they can't make money in a game, they move to another.
The devs just screwed up something so the server isn't operate and "DDOS" sounds better than "idiots". Alternatively some shady competitor or angry script kiddie. But 100% sure not goldsellers.
Did you even read the post? They do it to bully companies into condoning RMT.
Why would they make up an excuse this one time, after having had dozens of server crashes since launch.
And it's not the 90s anymore, script kiddies don't take down internet companies.
That post was written by a nameless user, not a dev. It contain no links to other sources. It does not name any hacker groups. It's just useless nothing. Hell, it's not even the devs claiming DDOS, it's just a random guy blowing air.
Actually there is a Dev response.
I think some people would cheat just to have their "NPC" in the game. Valve is doing it right, just mark their account and everyone can see. People will cheat, its in their nature. Every successful game will have cheaters.
The worst thing are just inadequate punishments. When someone gets special treatment or when developer ignores cheating. Imo it is worse than some lowkey RMTers. Players dont see RMTers. But they see botters that are not getting banned (despite reports), streamers getting pardoned etc. and that damages the game the most.
Games need clear and better rules, especialy when it comes to harassment. CCP failed at this many many times.
@anon: "This is most likely in response to our recent actions against gold sellers". Which means they don't even CLAIM that they know. Which makes no sense. If goldsellers want to force them, they would send some demand.
But if "corrupt devs" can do all sorts of bad things, what is to stop them banning whoever they want and saying they are a cheater. Do you think CCP would have put your corpse up somewhere?
@Anon: if the devs are corrupt, the game is screwed with or without this feature.
There you have your demands:
@Anon "Since so many people msged me what the ransom is. Its simply money and not someone being unbanned."
They are real world internet criminal then with no connection to goldsellers.
Gevlon, have you heard of the recent alleged ddos attacks on albion servers?
The devs say they're being ransomed for money, many claim it's the revenge of the banned RMT/botting groups.
What's your take on this? Surely there would be no need for the RMT crowd to demand money in this fashion if they could just gain cooperation from corrupt devs?
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