As you could see, the CFC is taking lot of damage from The Marmite Collective in highsec.
But there is one minion of Goons, who doesn't go down without fierce fighting. Who makes their attackers pay dearly for every kill. Mad props for Circle of Two, for being a great example of the skills and dedication of true CFC pilots:
But there is one minion of Goons, who doesn't go down without fierce fighting. Who makes their attackers pay dearly for every kill. Mad props for Circle of Two, for being a great example of the skills and dedication of true CFC pilots:

Why on earth would a nullsec alliance like Co2 go to highsec to play station games with Marmite? The fact they have 0 kills only proves how few fucks they give about the entire affair.
Why on earth would a nullsec alliance like Co2 not have the brains to use alts and courier contracts when flying around highsec?
Right now "giving no fucks" is amounting to "didn't want that 47B anyway".
A better question is why they to high sec at all? When war dec'd by competent groups nothing is safe. The best you can do is hunker down and hope they come to you.
So nuet alts, co alliance members who are not war dec'd become the method of recieving goods. A good alliance should have no problem moving goods around a war dec. Doubt me? (look the difference between two war decs) pick an alliance like yulia federation, and severance use marmite to even it out.
hm... sorry, this is just a bad troll post.
Co2 lost a few idiots that were in highsec... so what? it is as if some hisec careberas flew into nul and got killed there.
these were barely fights but single targets pickeg out by a lerger fleet. that's what is called pvp in eve. 10 to 1, how skilled or chivalrous can one be?
sound people will shkae their heads and ask, why they were in high sec in the first place.
so far, the GRR goons campaign hasn't effected the goons half as much as you thought it would. there might have been one effect though: reputation loss. People in EVE realize that not every single goon pilot has an "I-win" module fitted, but can get killed if singled out, as much as anybody else in EVE.
While I personally enjoy the drama and like the approach of your campaign, I fail to see results that REALLY matter. Yes they have losses, yes, those losses look terrible on goon KB and snug on everybody elses, but highsec is not really their playground. Have goon activities seriously been damaged in their space?
Have these campaigns any influence on their campaign planning?
Do they sometimes feed mamrmite Kills just to be able to laugh about your conclusions?
I fear that this campaign will lead nowhere and that thegoons will have the last laugh...
"Why on earth would a nullsec alliance like Co2 not have the brains to use alts and courier contracts when flying around highsec?"
Stupid people who can't follow instructions also join alliances. Since it's their own stuff they are losing, on alliance levels we don't care, and every time they die, they learn why we keep saying "don't got to highsec on alliance characters". If you'd ever been in ANY null group you'd know this to be true. Its always been a fact that if you want to buff you highsec KB, you just wardec the big alliances and go nuts on the hundreds of dumbasses flying in and out of Jita. To suggest that means anything on a coalition level is laughable though.
"So nuet alts, co alliance members who are not war dec'd become the method of recieving goods. A good alliance should have no problem moving goods around a war dec"
All CFC logistics are done through neuts. These losses are individuals being idiots. Sure, we could kick them for being idiots, but why bother? We don't care about out KB efficiency since it's just a random number, and we'd rather have the extra idiots to fill the ranks than nobody at all.
Why does CFC recruit/keep having complete idiots?
I mean they serve some purpose within the alliance or they would be purged. If we hunt them down, we make them loses assets, therefore utility to the alliance.
They will always be able to fight for the alliance, so the alliance doesn't lose anything.
why kick them? Well they obviously can't follow simple instructions so it is doubtful they fleet up, and if they do they are just as likely to target logi as they are the bad guys. So yeah I can think a few reasons to kick the S/M people. Of course lucas points to kb and that is fine, but what about the other stuff they screw with? The fact you know they are too stupid to be counted on.
As the others have said, we lose nothing by keeping them.
"If we hunt them down, we make them loses assets, therefore utility to the alliance."
Why do they lose utility to the alliance? You've stated before that when you kill them they don't show up to operations, but that's not evidenced anywhere. If anything, them dying will encourage them to operations as they can then play with ships that will be replaced rather than putting more of their own stuff on the line ratting. The alliance is completely unaffected by a random member losing his expensive stuff in high sec. If it wasn't they'd get the boot.
"Well they obviously can't follow simple instructions so it is doubtful they fleet up, and if they do they are just as likely to target logi as they are the bad guys"
Can you show me a single shred of evidence that is the case? Someone that shoots blues would obviously get the boot, but someone dumb enough to get shot in highsec isn't necessarily so dumb they will shoot blues in a fleet fight. I think the difference is that not going to highsec is a guideline, not a rule. Some people choose to ignore that guideline, but that doesn't suddenly mean they can't F1 the broadcast target.
"Why does CFC recruit/keep having complete idiots?"
Maybe because they aren't elitistic asshats who yell at their mamber-base for making bad decisions.
Maybe, just maybe, the CFC leadership doesn't worship, live and die by the KB's.
Maybe, they just like to play the game, with other guiz who also like to play the game.
Shocker, right.
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