It's no point denying when every single miner (who happens to be at the keyboard) knows and yells it in local anyway: we are losers. We have no job, we never met a woman who didn't laugh or scream and ran when we asked for a date, we are fat from the crappy food we eat front of the computer where we live 24/7. The only reason we gank them is to have a little escapism from our crappy life and feel stronger than those lucky and successful people who have everything we just dream of. After all, mining AFK is the best form of entertainment for a rich family man, because such man would never simply PLEX for some ISK but farm it with 10M/hour.
So the new WGBWC rule is that you must accept the above as truth when the miner accuses you. Why? Because his out-of-game insults are actually meant as conversion stoppers. They don't want to discuss how their incompetence lead to the loss of their ship so they want to talk about something that has no point. Neither he, nor me can prove what is my age, connection status, income, housing and so on. Arguing over it is stupid and that's exactly what he wants: to stop talking. Because talking about the game would be bad for him, because he was just defeated.
The solution is sweeping their nonsense out of the way by accepting it. They aren't prepared for this. They expect a pointless argument and get acceptance. And after it was established that we are total losers in life, we can discuss how he ended up defeated by a fat, basement-dwelling virgin. It also gets some attention on local channel which is great because more people will learn about the importance of fitting their ships.
This is also a lesson for them about meritocracy. In achieveing something it does not matter if you really are a fat virgin. Only you knowledge and effort about the task at hand matters. A fat virgin can be a brilliant scientist, programmer or workingsman. Judging people of their non-related qualities are sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia and various other isms that I forgot. They are all dumb. One can learn an important real life thing in the games: a fat, virgin, lesbian, black, jewis woman can beat you in the game if she is better in the game. If he learns that, then he'll be more successful in his professional life, since in your job your skill in the job matters and not your color, sexual preference, religion or look.
Another day, another anti-tear, an evidence that an ignorant player was saved from his ignorance:
Of course there are still morons:
So the new WGBWC rule is that you must accept the above as truth when the miner accuses you. Why? Because his out-of-game insults are actually meant as conversion stoppers. They don't want to discuss how their incompetence lead to the loss of their ship so they want to talk about something that has no point. Neither he, nor me can prove what is my age, connection status, income, housing and so on. Arguing over it is stupid and that's exactly what he wants: to stop talking. Because talking about the game would be bad for him, because he was just defeated.
The solution is sweeping their nonsense out of the way by accepting it. They aren't prepared for this. They expect a pointless argument and get acceptance. And after it was established that we are total losers in life, we can discuss how he ended up defeated by a fat, basement-dwelling virgin. It also gets some attention on local channel which is great because more people will learn about the importance of fitting their ships.
This is also a lesson for them about meritocracy. In achieveing something it does not matter if you really are a fat virgin. Only you knowledge and effort about the task at hand matters. A fat virgin can be a brilliant scientist, programmer or workingsman. Judging people of their non-related qualities are sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia and various other isms that I forgot. They are all dumb. One can learn an important real life thing in the games: a fat, virgin, lesbian, black, jewis woman can beat you in the game if she is better in the game. If he learns that, then he'll be more successful in his professional life, since in your job your skill in the job matters and not your color, sexual preference, religion or look.
Another day, another anti-tear, an evidence that an ignorant player was saved from his ignorance:

Of course there are still morons:

I'm surprised it took this long for you to come up with something like this rule. To have ever argued against this would be to admit you care what these random miners think about you. In accepting their stupid accusations, you have accepted that their opinion of you matters as much as the opinion of the chair you're sitting in or the desk your computer sits on.
In learning not to care whether total strangers respect you or not, you free yourself from the burden of 'living up' to their expectations. This itself is a lesson you should be teaching your people, and one that translates well to real life.
For it truly does not matter if the homeless guy on the street or the lady behind you in the supermarket checkout line thinks you're an evil greedy bastard. They are NPCs in your world, and will be forgotten and ignored as soon as they are out of sight anyway. The only people that matter are those who you choose to allow to matter.
You are happy to accept their nonsense because it may not be true of you - e.g. you have mentioned your gf enough for me to believe she exists.
However the elephant in the room is that for many players those insults hit a raw nerve. Admitting to something that isn't true is sometimes easier than admitting to something that is....
By the way, the fat no life virgin can "win" in a game without being skilled but precisely because they are a fat unemployed no life virgin.
Take the 1c human bot running 18 hours a day. I can force them down to zero profit and they will sell at zero profit -1c for months. I take your advice and cut my losses and find another market and the fat no life virgin wins precisely because of who they are.
The only way to beat them is to take on their dubious "qualities" rather than acquiring skill - because mmo's favour their play style. Unfortunately those qualities are considered a loss state in real life so I'm not sure what valuable lessons can be learned.
Which you kind of touched on in your post about designing games so that fat no life virgins cannot win as a result of their real life loss state.
I think the fat no life virgin has to ask what they are winning exactly. Being rich is winning but not so much if your money grabbing wife stopped sleeping with you years ago and is having an affair with your slim toned gardener...
The ganked guy who throws the insult is behaving rationally imo. He assumes the ganker ganked because he is a loser in real life and wants a feeling of power or success. By reminding the ganker of his real life loss state he is neutralising or diminishing the pleasure the ganker derives. Sure some are tears farmers who are real life winners and the insult will enhance their win state. But this is a law of averages game for the ganked and let's face it on average I suspect they will win more than they lose when using that insult in a more hardcore biased game like Eve.
if you read insults you already did to much. You know about the hatters gonna hate meme?
it's your choice. you are antisocial, right? so why read and agree? You can't stop insults or shortcut it. gank and leave a visitcard (mail+local with pointer to you bio). the visitcard is already too much but nothing else is better to spread your doctrine.
so no. you shouldn't even read and ontop of it answer to their insults. whatever they need to know they can read in your bio.
I am Kata Komba. I gank miners. I am a burger flipper at McDonalds. I am a loser, I am afraid of real pvp, because I have no skills, and I am afraid of playing with the big boys in null and low sec. That is because I was constantly abused in my childhood, and now I grow up to be a total retard. Also I am Gevlon's monkey. I love when he fetch me a stick. I have no own thoughts, and I have a boring life.
Surely the fact that you guys respond at all, and you have a whole blog post devoted to this is giving them exactly what they want. Generally when people are insulting, they are looking to invoke a response, any response. It doesn't need to be a tear filled hate mail, you responding by agreeing with them is to them just as much of a victory.
The only way to let people insulting you know that they are not having any effect is to completely ignore them. Act as if those sentences don't even exist in the conversation. Acknowledging them, and showing that you have read them and do remember what they are saying makes them feel like they are having their desired effect.
If I were trying to get on your nerves, a whole post dedicated to it like this would be a trophy, not a sign of me having no effect.
@Lucas: but we can't ignore them! We want to discuss fitting with them. If we act like they are air, they can't do that.
If they believe that I'm now crying in the corner because they called me a fat no-lifer, more power to them! Just tank their ship, or move another system, but do something in game!
"Generally when people are insulting, they are looking to invoke a response, any response."
Is this about being afraid to give other people what they want, or is this about getting what you want? What if what they want is to dominate you? If you are afraid to respond to them, then they are achieving their goal of dominating you.
Your strategy of being afraid to give other people what they want is flawed. #1 you might guess wrong as to what they want. #2 even if you guess right, you're still shaping your behavior to fit their actions, instead of shaping your behavior to fit your goals.
Perhaps you should consider how ill-prepared most people are to actually face the prospect of getting what they want.
Admit this and you'll immediately allow the ganked miner to rationalize their loss, rather than listen to your advice.
"A no life basement dwelling virgin beat me in this game. Such a person cannot beat me in real life. Hence I lost because the game was badly designed to give advantage to no life basement dwelling virgins, not because I lacked skill. I should not change how I play, lest I debase myself to the level of the no life basement dwelling virgin, etc, etc..."
Your approach will cause miners to be less likely to follow your advice, not more.
"fat, virgin, lesbian, black, jewis woman".
You left out 'disabled' :P
"Is this about being afraid to give other people what they want, or is this about getting what you want? What if what they want is to dominate you? If you are afraid to respond to them, then they are achieving their goal of dominating you."
Except it's nothing to do with being afraid, it's about not sinking to their level, and simply not responding. Just ignoring people that insult you is generally the best way to ensure they simply get bored and give up. Publicising them and showing that you are taking on board what they are saying is clearly not going to get you anywhere.
You have to think of it like a school, where the kids are throwing insults at another kid. Generally the best advice is to just walk away.
But feel free to instead acknowledge and empower them if that's what you think is best. It's affects me none.
"Your approach will cause miners to be less likely to follow your advice, not more."
Seems to me that any miner following the logical train you started above would end the train by quitting EVE, not by continuing to mine without making any changes, thereby dooming themselves to repeatedly get pwned by a no life basement dwelling virgin. It's puzzling to me that you would take 99 steps down that road and then veer off at the last second as you have.
@Lucas Kell:
"You have to think of it like a school, where the kids are throwing insults at another kid. Generally the best advice is to just walk away."
No, I'm sorry to tell you that I don't have to think of it like that.
You're not understanding the situation. For some small little kid, ignoring the insults and trying to make the people bored is a decent strategy, although they'd better have a backup plan if that doesn't work. How does your advice work out for say, a police officer, or any kind of leader? The answer is "horribly", if you don't know. Go try screaming insults at a cop, if you think they use your strategy; and you'll get quite a surprise.
Gevlon is trying to clean up the belts, he has to do better than trying to emulate a small scared child. Acting as an authority figure is one strategy--he's trying some mental ninjitsu instead. Worth a try, I suppose, and I imagine he makes the recommendation only after trying it.
You realise Gevlon is NOT a police officer or a leader. The reason they don't follow the same pattern is they have authority. Gevlon doesn't. Gevlon is a nobody, trying to enforce his playstyle on other players.
I honestly don't care what you think is the best way to go about doing things. If you want to sit about yelling "yes I'm a basement dwelling virgin" in local, thinking that somehow that's going to make miners respect you more, go right ahead. You clearly don't know the EVE playerbase if you think they will do anything other than hurl even more insults after that.
"I suppose, and I imagine he makes the recommendation only after trying it."
Then you don't know Gevlon very well. He's not exactly one to gather up research data before stating a claim. He generally guesses and posts around the idea of that guess being fact, which is why 99% of his posts are utter nonsense.
@Lucas Kell:
You don't have authority, but you aren't emulating a scared little child either. With every successive comment here you're acting more and more in the opposite fashion, actually.
"I honestly don't care what you think is the best way to go about doing things."
I don't care what you think either, except for my great amusement at how your actions here are proving that you don't care what you think either. You're acting in exactly the manner I recommend--and taking it a step farther, hurling insults yourself. You don't seem to believe a single word you're uttering.
" He generally guesses and posts around the idea of that guess being fact, which is why 99% of his posts are utter nonsense."
Sounds like someone commenting on this thread, someone who uses the word 'generally' quite liberally.
Oh, so you're repeatedly posting here and not running away and ignoring me because I'm not insulting you, but reasonably pointing out how you're wrong? So if I insult you, you'll give up defending your admittedly poor ideas and pretend I don't exist?
What a cowardly thing to do, you poor-thinking hypocrite.
How am I hurling insults?
I state simple facts and my opinions, and you start comparing that reaction to that of a scared little child.
React how you want to people insulting you, that's your problem, not mine. But if your aim is to make the insulters go away, you really don't understand what it is they aim to to. It's the white knights pushing the insults, and they want you to react. They want you to waste your time responding to them. That's part of their role.
But it seems instead of that you've chosen to instead come here and insult me. Bravo.
And seriously, you haven't read most of Gevlons posts if you think he bases anything on fact. I'd advise you read up so you know exactly what it is you are defending.
That said, we're done on this subject. Talk to yourself about if if you wish.
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