The Pug update: yesterday we couldn't raid because not enough healers and tanks online. Last time we killed Halfus with 4 tanks (one in DD offspec) and 4 healers (1 in DD). No attendance requirement has it's beauties. However it is also an opportunity for you to tank or heal in a guild where healer blaming and "gogogo" is completely unknown. Check the rules though.
I've found my final home on Agamaggan-EU, in The PuG. I will have one character to play, besides bankers. I will have no "serious alts" or any other projects. After long-long search I found my way to battle the M&S: a guild where boosting is not the custom.
This also means that my gold in other servers are wasted. There are a couple K-s here and there, but the big pack was in Arathor-EU, where I started playing, where I ran the Undergeared. I had 200K there. My girlfriend had 100K. So we thought we get this money to where we are, so Koltas, my former undergeared mage is now Koltes, a lvl 80 banker in Agamaggan. Below you can see my inventory:

The leather and the mining stuff belong to my girlfriend, the rest needs some explanation, because it's obviously not a perfect transfer-package. My girlfriend had it easy, being miner and LW on Arathor. She simply leveled mining enough to craft hardened elementum, and she also bought some truegold. The rest of her stuff is heavy savage leather, that stacks for 1K.
The glyphs are crafted from leftover inks on Arathor. I found in the bank several scribe-bags full of inks, so I crafted the glyphs for transfer, instead of selling these. Since I sell glyphs with 25G threshold, assuming they sell, a stack worth 500G+, 16K/bag. I also bought lot of Cata herbs and milled them, transfering the inks. The Heartblossom and the dust had huge price difference between Arathor and Agamaggan. The rest are flasks, cloths and such. Hardly enough to consume 80K. Where is the rest? In the red-encircled 4 slots. Combined to the 5 hieroglyphs and my girlfriend being alchemist, it will be a sure income source.
PS: if you transfer 48 sands of time between alliance and horde, be prepared that the deposit cost is 30K.
I've found my final home on Agamaggan-EU, in The PuG. I will have one character to play, besides bankers. I will have no "serious alts" or any other projects. After long-long search I found my way to battle the M&S: a guild where boosting is not the custom.
This also means that my gold in other servers are wasted. There are a couple K-s here and there, but the big pack was in Arathor-EU, where I started playing, where I ran the Undergeared. I had 200K there. My girlfriend had 100K. So we thought we get this money to where we are, so Koltas, my former undergeared mage is now Koltes, a lvl 80 banker in Agamaggan. Below you can see my inventory:

The glyphs are crafted from leftover inks on Arathor. I found in the bank several scribe-bags full of inks, so I crafted the glyphs for transfer, instead of selling these. Since I sell glyphs with 25G threshold, assuming they sell, a stack worth 500G+, 16K/bag. I also bought lot of Cata herbs and milled them, transfering the inks. The Heartblossom and the dust had huge price difference between Arathor and Agamaggan. The rest are flasks, cloths and such. Hardly enough to consume 80K. Where is the rest? In the red-encircled 4 slots. Combined to the 5 hieroglyphs and my girlfriend being alchemist, it will be a sure income source.
PS: if you transfer 48 sands of time between alliance and horde, be prepared that the deposit cost is 30K.
I thought you could transfer with 50K gold now instead of 20K, or?
At level 81 you can transfer 50k
Welcome home then...
for Transfer I personally prefer the Shadowmurne mount it still sell very good if you can get your hands on one. Another good way is to find an alchemist and directly craft the phiole, since you usually can sell it for 60-70k at most realms I watch. Truegold is a strage investment since it usually has high fluctuations in prices. It goes from 1k-1,7k some days above 2k and already bought up 2 stacks for 800g/tg.
Herbs are the most amazing things I see on the most servers. they have a high value and pretty stable prices. Ores as an example have pretty low prices but also a high stability. Enchantment materials are just like cut gems constantly undercutting. Higest prices at 5:00 lowest at 8:00 or 17:00 well, that´s the usual enlist time...
As I get it right undergeared was placed on a pretty low-pop and less progressed server? Since it would have been on a well populated server Maelstrom Crystal would have been a pretty good investment. I can´t recall the Agamaggan prices but on durotan the go away for 1,2-1,6k.
@Desolate: our own guild has several alchemist-enchanters who mass produce maelstorm crystals by crafting alchemist trinkets and disenchanting them. Currently I try to help my girlfriend to get her hands on a vial recipe, if that fails, I find a crafter who does mass-crafting for me.
Vial of the Sands prices will vary quite a bit. On smaller realms it's quite possible only one or two can craft it, so they can charge more.
On my realm, whilst I suspect I'm one of the few with the capital to craft it and put it on the AH, several others now have the recipe and for the most part the market demand isn't there at these prices.
My server seems to have a heavy "you farm it for free" mentality. So I let them farm the mats "for free" then charge for the craft. I make less profit than others will on some realms, but it's still a high level of profit, and risk free too.
I still have more or less complete control of the market on my server despite a few trying to undercut me or in one case craft it for free. Word of mouth has been a powerful tool in getting new business.
I´m used to know at least each one crafter posessing the vital reciepts on every of my serious buisness servers.
On Agamaggan it´s a different story. I only make a mouch gold as I need. I don´t want to get into any gold-related challenges here since I got into the PuG to have some relaxation. But if I´d want to find a vial-crafter I´d only have to set up a 5k fee for the crafters name or simply would search achievements for it.
I know 3 crafters on my home realm. And I´ll be pushing my arena mate into farming it since we usually cooperate in crafting buisness.
If I would transfer another Time I would pack up my Gold and craft at least 3-5 vials. If you set up a 5k headhunter fee for an capable alchemist and another 5k/vial it will still be more profitable than buying up X stacks of Gems, what already suffers from DR. The vials can only be sold once or twice a week, but they ususally compare to ~30 stacks of gems / 2 stacks of truegold / ~15 stacks of herbs. And you barely can sell ~600 gems / ~300 Herbs each colour per week without DR.
Oh yes and the chopper is coming back with 20k top sold this week.
Have you tried bearer bonds (aka flipped fortune cards)? They are being bought at 10% premium over vendor price on my server, and they are quite good to store money before transfers. Up to 5K gold per unit stored, guaranteed in value, since we are talking about vendor items...
if 'time is money' and it takes more 'real' time to sort this out than it does to ean the transfer fee, is it a little bit mute, all the extra work?transfer another toon with the gold?
Transferring 300k in cash would require a minimum of 6 characters if they were all 81+. It would cost about $150 (at least on US, I'm not sure about euro servers). Not exaclty cost efficient, especially when you consider the time to level the characters.
You can also make quite a lot of gold from a server transfer if you research the markets. Besides, doing goblinish stuff like that is a large part of what makes having a lot of money in a game fun in the first place.
I would advise transferring mysterious fortune cards as they stack to 200 and can be worth anywhere from 25-100 gold on your server at any given time. Never seen an easier way to transfer money than those cards.
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