The very reason why morons can exists: because "freindly heplfull ppl" want them (by Jeanie - Bloodscalp US, the tank):
Crumbs Chief did this simple but effective action. He found this specimen (check the gem in the belt), and warned him to do his job. The specimen's reply can be read on the picture. Also his spell ranks. They kicked him before the last boss. Did he learn from his fate? No, he rather created a lvl1 to harass those who refused to boost him:
This is a real gem. There is a hunter, a lock, a mage and a DK in the party (+ the healer). Which can be the tank? And who shall give battle res? (By Katie)

This specimen has 0 enchants, 0 gems, 1100 DPS, and big mouth (by Anethesia)
Velshinathey EU-Dentarg learned the hard way, that if you expect more than 900 DPS, you have no life. I assume, our specimen has a wonderful RL, judged from his gear:
Blizzard made a design error in the Scourgelord Tyrannus. This boss casts a debuff that mirrors the damage taken by the boss to the tank. That expects DPS to stop. Of course such action is impossible if you have a rich real life. So it's really not Whompkin's fault that he killed the tank. But telling lies obviously is. (by Saime - Dalaran, US)
No one is really mean here (I'm a bit), but I literally fell down the chair laughing. It was a raider promotion run (where I check who is good enough to be raider in the blue geared guild). The boss was Zuramat:

Crumbs Chief did this simple but effective action. He found this specimen (check the gem in the belt), and warned him to do his job. The specimen's reply can be read on the picture. Also his spell ranks. They kicked him before the last boss. Did he learn from his fate? No, he rather created a lvl1 to harass those who refused to boost him:

This is a real gem. There is a hunter, a lock, a mage and a DK in the party (+ the healer). Which can be the tank? And who shall give battle res? (By Katie)

This specimen has 0 enchants, 0 gems, 1100 DPS, and big mouth (by Anethesia)

Velshinathey EU-Dentarg learned the hard way, that if you expect more than 900 DPS, you have no life. I assume, our specimen has a wonderful RL, judged from his gear:

Blizzard made a design error in the Scourgelord Tyrannus. This boss casts a debuff that mirrors the damage taken by the boss to the tank. That expects DPS to stop. Of course such action is impossible if you have a rich real life. So it's really not Whompkin's fault that he killed the tank. But telling lies obviously is. (by Saime - Dalaran, US)

No one is really mean here (I'm a bit), but I literally fell down the chair laughing. It was a raider promotion run (where I check who is good enough to be raider in the blue geared guild). The boss was Zuramat:

New goblin racial ability: Take Candle.
I actually found the last one pretty funny.
You no take candle indeed.
It might be M&S sure, but many priests dont buff shadow resistance, unless theres a specific RAID boss it might help on.
Even in blues, Zuramat shouldnt require it.
I laughed at the candles comment - time to pay a bit more than minimum wage Gevlon? :P
Actually the last one would belong more to "Morons of the Week" if the Aurowen's statement wasn't meant ironic....
The only Aura which realy gives DPS is the Retribution Aura and that isn't individual DPS, the talent which gives you 3% Damage increase works for all Auras.
"hurt my dps to change aura"? Not for a while now, your paladin should carefully read their aura-specific talents again.... I assume what they're changing from ist retribution aura, which only gives a little DPS for the tank...
I had an hHOS run recently (healing as a resto shammy) with an elemental shammy who REFUSED to drop totems, except on bosses. Even worse than the candle-saving priest, I mean its a single click and a bit of mana, what's the big deal. After I called him on it, he didn't even drop them on bosses... Which leads to my only complaint about the vote to kick, is that it isn't allowed until the 15Min initial debuff wears off. Sigh....
Anyone else notice that Garlane belongs to the guild named "subpar"? Truth in advertising, I guess.
I hope Koushirou got into the raids!
Kick the paladin imo, he obviously doesn't know his class. All auras give the exact same damage boost to the party and the paladin himself.
Well except ret aura's gets a bit more reflect dmg off the tank, but really?
At last Anon.
Irellevant. the paladin was absolutely correct. It doesn't matter if ret aura does 1 DpS (through reflective damage), it's still more than shadow res' 0 Dps.
Thus, if you want to be technical, then yes, him switching auras would be a loss of DpS.
I fail to see how a correct statement counts as 'not knowing their class'.
(Not to mention that considering a standard boss melee Speed of 2 s, Ret aura is 150 Dps, or 10% of what is suspposedly the needed number for heroics)
Amusingly, Lycanss' level 80 achievement was gained on the 24/08/2009. That's still way too long to be still dealing 1k dps.
About the paladin switching his aura part, i think he was really talking about wasting a GCD, not the bonus the aura gives. Dunno if that makes it better or worse though...
Well actually the priest could have shadow buffed without using a candle - Shadow Protection v PoSP - sure it lasts less time but how long is VH taking these days?
I presume he did fortitude and spirit? Otherwise you'd have ticked him off for that as well.
I dunno - I have healbot watching for buffs so I buff to make the annoying colours disappear - but priests not giving full buffs and shammys not dropping totems? I think something inside me just died a little more.
Haha... that last one is great :p
I don't necessarily agree with your views, but did you see this statement on Blizzard's current intentions for the future of raiding? "...the type of gamers we want to attract..."
At everyone commenting on the shadow res / candle situation. I was the idiot Paladin, and yes for that comment I deserved a kick, and yes I didn't know that aspect of the class. I also fully expected to see my name here today. I could come up with loads of excusses but in the end what matters is learning from my mistakes.
In the two run we did, I made some more mistakes on Aura's, so I know my homework now. Needless to say, I didn't get raider promotion, but Gevlon offered me another go at a raider run in a week.
For Breevok; Gevlon next comment was that the 1000 gold that raiders get on promotion, buys a lot of candles.
Normally, I do not buff Prayer of Shadow Protection if I know there is no shadow damage in the instance (e.g. Halls of Lightning (nature+fire) or Oculus (arcane+frost+fire)).
I would certainly buff resistance if Zuramat comes as random boss or the party heads for Maiden of Grief instead of usual course Tribunal->last boss).
You take no candle!
I'm saddened to see our server represented in Exhibit #2... /facepalm
WTF, saves you a candle? How about saving you mana by not having to heal that damage that you could have prevented? ROFL
We have a priest who always has to be reminded to buff shadow protection on Festergut, but has no problem doing it on Rotface, where it isn't needed. Come on, people, know what kind of damage you're being hit with. :/
I hate when people gear wrong for their class/spec. First of all, do some research on your class/spec to see what would be needed. Second of all, know your abilities/spells. Third of all, if someone points out a major gem/enchant issue on your gear, maybe check into it (whether or not you change it). Sigh. Who cares if it's not a raid... sometimes stuff resets if there's not enough DPS.
Now that I'm leveling my druid through running LFD instances, I should start screenshotting the idiocy to send to you. :/ And I should get my friend to do the same. He was in Crypts on his mage, and the tank couldn't hold ANY aggro... and they all wiped. The tank said something like, "It's not my job to fight you for aggro." Now, this friend of mine is a tank on his main, and so he said, "Actually, it IS your job." So the guy dropped group. Apparently he just wanted to auto-attack and have everyone else wand the thing to death!
You didn't mention that the DK is using Spark of Life, a healing/caster trinket. I guess he likes haste but I have tried to get that thing multiple times on my paladin and priest and always lost the role.
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