Anchovy, a dwarf hunter, on Staghelm commited the crime of selling arrows. He instantly got his mail. This mail is not just fun, it has educational value! If you get such, do sell them arrows until he can't take more. Then continue undercutting him.

Tully sells bags. Minimage is not content with that. Too bad!

My GF found a stack of titansteel for 100G/piece. She bought it and started to sell them as singles for 135G/piece. Soon she got a love-letter:

Sovash of Korgath, US Alliance tried to help a beggar by offering him a job. Too bad he couldn't accept it:

Hroc Stormrage, US found a genius who sold saronite razorheads exactly for the same price that a vendor would give for 2 saronite bars. He crafted razorheads, listed them, will pay AH cut for nothing:

Morose of the Alliance Burning Legion, EU got a strange mail. I can't really figure out what the M&S thinks:

Mookia definitely have problems about estimating proper price of his wares:

Anti says: "I'm not sure exactly who the moron in my picture is. Me, for posting a 32g glyph in a 90s glyph market? (32g is my fallback price when the price is too low to undercut) The three undercutters fighting for the 90s glyph market? The guy who bought my 32g glyph when there were 9 of the same glyph for 90s each?" Dear reader, decide yourself:

Poor Druidenn of Stormscale chose a wrong target for getting boost for social pressure: me (read this if you don't get it):

Sovash of Korgath, US Alliance tried to help a beggar by offering him a job. Too bad he couldn't accept it:


Morose of the Alliance Burning Legion, EU got a strange mail. I can't really figure out what the M&S thinks:

Mookia definitely have problems about estimating proper price of his wares:

Anti says: "I'm not sure exactly who the moron in my picture is. Me, for posting a 32g glyph in a 90s glyph market? (32g is my fallback price when the price is too low to undercut) The three undercutters fighting for the 90s glyph market? The guy who bought my 32g glyph when there were 9 of the same glyph for 90s each?" Dear reader, decide yourself:

Poor Druidenn of Stormscale chose a wrong target for getting boost for social pressure: me (read this if you don't get it):

the best part about Mookia is that you don't even have to have an addon to see vendor price anymore - it is now a built in game feature.
It is the best, when gelvon tears some moron a new ass.
does anyone know an addon, or macro to only cancel glyphs i've been undercut on.
For example I use this
/run local i=1;local n=1;while n ~= nil do n=GetAuctionItemInfo("owner",i);if n~=nil and strfind(n,"^Glyph of") then CancelAuction(i) end i=i+1 end
to cancel my auction in the morning before doing a scan. but I'd like to only cancel auctions that i've been undercut on.
@comradevik a few weeks ago gevlon got sent a macro to cancel auctions that i think that took care of your problem, im not sure, go back a few pages on this site
Two days ago i spent 4k gold on saronite ore - it was posted below vendor price for bars. Things with arrows seems to be quite common here too.
Oh, the punctuation! Wont anyone think of the punctuation?
The letter from Nixii to Morose was hilarious. Frankly, it was all hilarious. I still hate my competitors for not sending me angry letters.
Quick auctions 2 is what you are looking for, look it up on
Lol (for real)! I'm getting the strong urge to mail my competition today that they're on my part of the AH and should just send me their items. Just for laughs. That first SS is the best I've seen yet, especially because it's so nicely written too :)
Amazing. Gevlon, would you accept screenshots in Spanish if I send you a translation?
@Vedast: yes
"I run that part of the AH." I must be jaded, in that I find it sort of refreshing that this guy flatly admits what most AH morons believe but never say. When they are angrily telling people to fall in line with pricing, this is what they mean to say. I run this part of the AH.
"...I run that part of the AH :)"
Oooooh, I bet he has a special badge, too...
Enlight me: what is the purpose of these screenshots? They don't teach us anything that we don't already know. The other purpose i see is to give us a good laugh which is, i believe, a social function and a ape subroutine - both objects of terror in your goblinish minds.
@Dr. Scepticu - I'm a Troll, mon. Whatchu talkin' 'bout.
I've often thought of having my own newbie workforce. An army of newbies selling me their leather, herbs and ore for a fraction of the auction price! But alas, very few beggars are willing to work for their keep.
Mmm, Grin'dal's Army...
So much stupid! It sustains me.
I didn't get a mail about it, but I had a similar situation to screenshot 1 with Mammoth Cutters on my server. Someone was buying mine and relisting them at 5G higher, so I used the gold from that to buy a whole mess of mats and flooded the market with Mammoth Cutters at my price...
Azzal, hogy lehülyézel valakit, mert ő lehülyéz téged az árazási technikád miatt, egy kategóriába süllyeszted magad az illetővel. És van itt azért rosszabb eset is.
morons of the week
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