I see now that I did a disservice to the blog and the real world struggle against the morons and slackers by playing EVE. Since I gained stupid amount of personal wealth, I wasn't pressed to practice a-sociality, I was free to do whatever I please with my wealth. In BDO the same happened, but at least I quit after a few months. In League of Legends, I'm not winning easily. So I'm forced to again and again rethink what do I do wrong and grab more and more a-social ideas to finally win.
The one I found recently is silence. Literally. At the beginning of the game, mute all your teammates. Talking to them or even listening to them is wrong for the following reasons:
According to the statistics, I'm reaching the median of the ranked players, only after a week.
PS: I just love how I was right. Also, it's good that Reddit remembers. Not like it would matter. Citadels were designed exactly for that, by corrupted developers. Just stop playing people!
The one I found recently is silence. Literally. At the beginning of the game, mute all your teammates. Talking to them or even listening to them is wrong for the following reasons:
- Forming and typing intelligent sentences takes time. Time not spent performing actions in the game. Directly in-game messages can be delivered via the ping system.
- The chance of changing the behavior of teammates is near zero. In Bronze-Silver you only find M&S and socials. M&S listen to nothing. Socials listen to peers and norms. I can shout my hearth out, if the other 3 wants to push against a tower protected by 5 fed enemies, the 4th social player will listen to the 3 and not me. Also, the norm in LoL is "pwn lol" and not "farm mobs" which would give the XP and money.
- No matter how constructively and nicely form your advice, they will see "I'm being criticized, I show him I can pwn" and feed again.
- Talking to people is subconsciously makes you socially relate to them and makes it harder for you to treat them as they should be: mobs on the map.
- Same for simply reading them. No matter how a-social you are, you'll need brain capacity to dismiss their nonsense. Don't waste a single brain-CPU cycle on the M&S!

PS: I just love how I was right. Also, it's good that Reddit remembers. Not like it would matter. Citadels were designed exactly for that, by corrupted developers. Just stop playing people!
>No matter how a-social you are, you'll need brain capacity to dismiss their nonsense. Don't waste a single brain-CPU cycle on the M&S!
This is a lot more important than most people realise. The brain will "read" whatever text is in front of you whether you're consciously choosing to or not. Managing visual clutter is vital for increasing productivity. Mother really did know best when she told you to keep your room tidy!
I do the same... Initially I tried to lead the party, and use the chat strategically as a tool for improving our chances for victory.
But in most cases there will be one or more toxic players, who will whine non-stop - and will prefer to chat, instead of playing.
Instead of using the chat intelligently, morons prefer to use it for causing internal fights and discussion. Instead of using the chat to unite the team, morons prefer to use it for distracting and making their allies less effective.
i'm usually just muting when they start insulting me or really just flame too much. other times i try to calm people down and mitigate.
i sometimes imagine that this is what being a guidance teacher feels like and i really don't want to do it. but it's more productive than ignore and i only do it if there's time.
-> being nice and a bit social can help to reduce the tilt of others -> they perform better / don't afk -> higher chance of winning
Muting all player ingame helps you to concentrate on the game. But you should write them your ideas (guide them) what to do sometimes if you have time in-game. They choose to follow or not to follow you. Give them the chance to change their mind.
I used to do this i WOT back then a few years when i played it and this helped to win a little bit more.
There is an anti-social strategy for junglers I think you should try. The idea is you pick one lane and gank it over and over again. Top lane is the best for this, as it is a long lane and he will not be able to hide under his turret to get farm like mid lane can. Bot lane can also work, but is much harder as 3v2 requires your teammates to play properly, but 2v1 will be a kill if he contributes anything.
What happens is, his team only sees that he keeps dying over and over and they start raging at him. He starts raging back because players will never responsibility for their own bad results. He rages at his jungler for not helping (which, any jungler worth a damn knows you abandon losing lanes and focus on where you can get kills). His whole team spends their time typing messages at each other instead of playing. Supposedly, the player you focus on will rage-quit roughly 1/3 of the time, giving a free win no matter how the rest of the game is going.
>No matter how a-social you are, you'll need brain capacity to dismiss their nonsense. Don't waste a single brain-CPU cycle on the M&S!
Agree. Also note that trying to talk to people (unless in very high MMR) will most often just make things worse no matter what you say, not so much because they will have any conscious reaction to your criticism, but because it keeps them talking when they should be playing.
P.S. Op.gg tells me you are playing on Nordic-East. I understand you live in Hungary and probably think it appropriate to play on that server but trust me, the difference in playerbase is astonishing. I play on both, as do a lot of my RL friends and we all agree that there's a huge difference in attitude/skill between the servers across all ranks, always in favor of EU-West. The main difference being that as you rise in the ranks the people start using their brains (as well as improve mechanically) and more importantly, start cooperating whereas in League of Poland the toxicity only increases as people try ever harder to solo carry games. On EU-West the "mute all" rule is -EV at Gold 1. On East it still pays to do it in high Diamond.
I am not opposed to the idea of first getting rid of all distractions and then carefully evaluate which tools you choose to incorporate and which you choose to avoid.
It has been my impression that it is entirely possible to get people to behave differently, as long as you are not up against an actual group of M&S (in which case muting is indeed best). Though, it does require both an actual high level understanding of the game (which is literally impossible to form in just a month) and a modicum of baseline respect towards human beings in general, regardless of whether you perceive them as M&S or not.
How much this improves your actual winrate, when compared to spending the attention on the game itself, is an interesting question. Chances are, not much until you start playing in higher tiers.
Gevlon, I don't think you are getting any better at forming a group of strangers into a team than you were seven years ago in WoW's Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch. At that time, a commenter called Ten gave you some very good advice on how to lead or co-ordinate a group of strangers (see 's comments in Sitah and Helsci and It's not my faliure.
Ten makes some very good points about how to gel a group of individuals into a team, and help them formulate winning strategies; but due to the social nature of leadership, I don't think you understood the point, and I don't think you have learned anything from it. You seem to be repeating the mistakes of the past.
Muting everyone usually works, just use pings, also if you're going to do the "gank one lane continuously" and you realized people tilt easily in LoL, you could always check match histories while in the loading screen and gank the person with the biggest losing streak, usually they're already tilted, make them tilt harder, and you'll win.
@Dacheng: what mistakes? I'm climbing on the ranking.
Ok, I got to answer that, it's just too funny :
Are you seriously calling others peoples toxic while you come on this blog to flame ?
On a side not, I don't know about your come backs, but mine succeed about 40% of the times, ( yes, that's possible, of course, not for you as just by reading your post, I'm pretty positive you ARE that guy that make sure any attempt at coming back will fail. )
Now how about some maths ? I was about to make a long explanation with examples and all, but in the end, this is a lot simpler :
Considering a 50% bad start rate and 20% success rate on recovering from bad starts :
50 win + (50 lost * 0.2) = 60% win rate.
So with only 20% of success on "not surrendering", I raised my win / loose ratio to 60%, that allow me to raise my ratings again.
And in the case you didn't know, ELO ratio isn't based on the number of game you played like an xp system, but about your ability to maintain a decent win / loose ratio again even stronger player.
Thinking you could have played another game in the meanwhile is like asking to roll the dice again, but in the end, you won't achieve anything just by "rolling a lot more dices", you will occasionally get carried, just the same way you will sometimes end up with the worst matchup ever possible. Or to say it bluntly : you're not trying to win, you're gabbling / hoping to get carried.
So, please, if you aren't willing to try to win, if you hope others to carry you to victory, or if you want to play as many easy game as possible in the least amount of time, please, stay away from ranked. If you think your own precious time is more important than an opportunity to win for the whole team, please, stay away from ranked.
On a final note : any average player can win a game they are already winning, it take some really good players to recover from disaster.
@Gevlon: But you're unable to "form a group of strangers into a team" to help those strangers climb on the ranking with you. So erroneous!
Hahahahahaha... Lenny finally read the signs on the wall and "officially" sells his shares at IWI. This means that IWI will soon be against TOS/EULA. He has made his ISK and RL money, gets trillions of ISK by "managing" the Citadel revenues without the need to play and will still wash enough ISK into his accounts to maintain his RMT...
Brilliant CCP, brilliant!
> I don't know about your come backs, but mine succeed about 40% of the time
Delusional. Nobody has 90% winrate, so this is just bullshit.
> Now how about some maths ?
The average comeback rate is 2%. The average disconnect rate is 10%. That means even disconnects do not bring a comeback when you are so far behind that one more underfed sad person can compensate.
But let's follow up!
Assuming your average game time is 35 minutes, and you waste 15 minutes in 50% of games by not surrendering those, with 2% comeback rate, we get that you waste 12 hours 15 minutes of your time feeding in lost games. You call that "trying" but that's just the alternative name for the worst kind of feeding. In this time you could have 13 more 35 minute wins plus 20 minute losses. Congrats, dumbass, you spent 12 hours of your precious little gaming time sucking in lost games while you could be winning in at least 7.5 of them. At the cost of one more won game. This is just retarded. I mean, that extra win could happen in any of those games, but you choose to try for it only when you had a bad start, where you and your team are miserable, and that makes you a jerk.
> Considering a 50% bad start rate and 20% success rate on recovering from bad starts :
> 50 win + (50 lost * 0.2) = 60% win rate.
And it just goes to show how terrible at math you are.
(50 win * (1 - 0.2)) + (50 lost * 0.2) = 50% win rate.
Assuming your enemy is fairly equal, and has the same recovery, you achieved nothing. Congrats, dumbass. Not that your numbers are right, they actually fall off for an order of magnitude, but I just wanted to show they can't be right by any amount.
> but about your ability to maintain a decent win / loose ratio again even stronger player.
So how come there are diamond players with w/l ratio below 50%? It's just someone, namely you, is wrong again. I don't exactly know how it is calculated, knowing riot and their indie game level, I expect some retarded formula, but it definitely doesn't match your w/l rate delusions.
Now, onto the retarded "dices" argument.
What YOU are hoping to do on a bad roll is praying opponent rolls even lower. You are not only gambling, but also bluffing in a very bad position. MOST of the time you will lose from a bad start, otherwise having a bad start would've been a mainstream strategy already. You will occasionally get carried (most of the time by a disconnect on the enemy team, but usually advantage of a good start is enough to trivially overcome losing 1 member), and to say it bluntly, you're not trying to win, you're gambling with a bad hand, hoping for a disconnect.
I am staying away from ranked, because that niche mode with 7% of the worst players is a perversion with everything gaming should not be. To be "successful" in ranked, one most play the most hated champion, with the most hated build, with the most hated tactics (mostly stalling the game in the most snooze-inducing way for 30 minutes), and receive back the equally hated setup on the other side. It's the best way to hate actual gameplay, to treat it as an obstacle on e-peen length growth, no sane human being would ever venture there despite the heavy promotion, and I have some faith in humanity restored knowing only 7% of monthly active playerbase is ranked.
In turn, please, if you have to play normals, leave your neversurrendertardosis in ranked and don't bring it over. Better yet, don't play them. Stay in ranked and rot there.
On a final note: if you are good, you won't get in a bad start position, and if you did, you're shit, and should ff more, till you drop to where you belong.
Ok, are you so confident of your own argumentation that you feel the need to act like a toddler and flame to get it through ?
>> I don't know about your come backs, but mine succeed about 40% of the time
>Delusional. Nobody has 90% winrate, so this is just bullshit.
Ok, back to Math : 40% of X% bad start isn't 40% win, unless of course I got 100% bad start. In all case, it isn't 90% win.
>> Considering a 50% bad start rate and 20% success rate on recovering from bad starts :
>> 50 win + (50 lost * 0.2) = 60% win rate.
>And it just goes to show how terrible at math you are.
>(50 win * (1 - 0.2)) + (50 lost * 0.2) = 50% win rate.
>Assuming your enemy is fairly equal, and has the same recovery, you achieved nothing. Congrats, dumbass. Not that your numbers are right, they actually fall off for an order of magnitude, but I just wanted to show they can't be right by any amount.
Yes, assuming my enemy is faily equal, and that's mean they aren't you, else they would just surrender and give me a free win. Oh, and that's most likely the tricky part for you. Most the player just play like you, don't even try to come back, and just surrender.
> So how come there are diamond players with w/l ratio below 50%? It's just someone, namely you, is wrong again.
Nice oversimplification. Did you know you can end up playing against Platinums peoples while you are still gold ? So of course any player that end up playing against team stronger than his ( like challengers ) would have a win rate lower then 50%, while still maintaining a decent win / rate against equal skill teams. And that's exactly why I used the term decent rather than a fixed number.
> Oh, I just saw that : I am staying away from ranked
So everything is prefect, you play your fast surrender game in normal, as that's what you want, and I play mines in ranked as I care about performing. ( and btw, this blog is about playing to win, I guess you got lost on the internet. )
>> On a final note: if you are good, you won't get in a bad start position, and if you did, you're shit, and should ff more, till you drop to where you belong.
Finally, something we can agree on, just let me rephrase it for you :
"You should surrender every bad start, so your ratting get hurt and you drop where I think you belong".
And just here, you agreed surrendering would hurt my ratting. Magic ;)
So in the end, you just came here to scream your rage, flame us, and tell us how much you hate the way we are playing while calling us toxic and making clear you don't play with us and that don't impact you. I will just assume the least evil of your a troll and your just absolutely toxic, and give you a kudos for that trolling, I fell for it.
> Most the player just play like you, don't even try to come back, and just surrender.
I wish. Do you know how hard it is to find a team which actually can surrender and not stupidly feed for another 15-20 minutes, wasting two games instead of one?
The neversurrendertardosis is a fucking epidemic, and the source for it is 7% of morons who play ranked and can't change their fucking tunnel vision to the fact they aren't playing ranked right now.
But you're right, I will ensure that their futile feeding ends as soon as possible, so they would toodle-oo towards their underpopulated niche ranked mode and never come back to fail another start for me, thinking it's possible to "recover" (unless you're gold trash playing against other gold trashes, it's impossible anyway).
> "You should surrender every bad start, so your ratting get hurt and you drop where I think you belong".
Your rating DOES NOT get HURT. It gets FIXED. It's not like you can win normally while being above your natural level anyway.
Do you think it's fun to play vs diamondtards? My new accounts start playing with them once they reach level 17 in normals (hooray matchmaking). The best strategy to actually have a good experience playing lol is to surrender at least every second fucking game - I mean, that is the only way you can ensure no masters in your game, and if you surrendered while bashing enemy nexus, you won, nobody can change that, but you won't get stupid adjustments making game give you matches you can't possibly win with 4 neversurrendertardosis gold trash patients against a diamond premade.
tl;dr neversurrendertardosis should be bannable offense in normals, people with 1/11 should not be allowed to deny surrender, the only way to make the game not lower your winrate with horrible purposely misbalanced matches is to manage it yourself artificially, which neversurrendertardosis patients seriously interfere with.
So, you are the one-eyed man that want to stay in the blind kingdoms ?
You are that guy that spam surrender or feed ( and actually feed ) because the enemy team got the first blood ?
I was going to argument, but I know a lost cause when I see one, so please, keep trowing your little tantrum, trying to bully others in submission with your "morons" and "dumbass",cursing the whole planet as they play the game not as YOU personally want it played, but as Riot want it to be played.
I will just watch that from the sideline, slightly amused.
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