Greedy Goblin

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The saddest moron

At first I thought this is just a random braindead. Then it turned out to be a player destroying everything he had when left EVE. This turns the moron into a sad moron.

Why? Because in 3 years and 8 months of playing he failed to find a single cause or even a friend to gift his wealth to. While he wasn't the richest man in EVE, his assets weren't trivial either. He could give 70-80B to someone or for something.

I preach anti-sociality and refuse to collect "friends" and still found groups worthy of my donations. If I had to leave EVE due to real life issues, I'd liquidate everything and give it to Chribba to keep donating 6B/week to MoA and pay 6B/week to Marmite for the CFC wardecs. So for 8-10 months the GRR project would continue after my departure.

This event shows the tragedy of socials. They want to get "friends", but their connection to other people they play together is very shallow and never last. Sharing stupid links, jokes and "having fun" doesn't form individual bonds, you are connected to the faceless "bros" crowd. The guys who are today "bros", the next day are in different groups fighting each other. You do remember the "best friends forever" between Goons and TEST, right?

When someone gets to a point where he must stop and think, he realizes that he didn't get a single real friend. This one was so bitter that he rather exploded his wealth than giving it to anyone.

Don't be a sad social moron! Bind yourself to ideas, not to people!


Anonymous said...

Often, people grow disillusioned with their ideas or ideals, too.

In fact, this is just what might have happened with that guy.

If you quit and set up a trust fund to support GRR for a period of time after you left, it still means that you care about the ideas/ideals that you had, and wish to see them continued.

To put it another way, maybe he just didn't care what happens after he was gone, and wanted a severe break-off.

And you, please, stop trying to fit people into neat little boxes, and ascribe them motivations for what you think they had. In this instance, it would have sufficed to ask why he quit, instead of all this philosophical supposition about friends and ideals. I thought you were more pragmatic than that.

Gevlon said...

I can't care less what were his feelings. His actions remained the same: destroying everything in a stupid fashion.

Anonymous said...

Actually eve enemies are often good friends in real life. If you look at any player gathering, people spend quality time together regardless of eve affiliation. Take a look at tweetfleet - everyone is socializing there without looking at who is at war with whom.
As for the guy himself - if he didn't care about his assets going to a better purpose, why should he give it away. He wanted to go out with a bang and he did. He took care of his own entertainment. Why should he care about what happens next in eve? Yet, if he made real friends with someone in game, they'll most likely still be friends. I can't imagine a mature person saying "I don't want to speak to you again because you didn't give me your stuff in a game". That's pretty childish.

Gevlon said...

It's "I don't want to speak to you again, because you preferred a lolbang event over saving me from paying $1600 on PLEX or ratting 800 hours"

Anonymous said...

" If I had to leave EVE due to real life issues, I'd liquidate everything and give it to Chribba to keep donating 6B/week to MoA and pay 6B/week to Marmite for the CFC wardecs. So for 8-10 months the GRR project would continue after my departure."

So, it is social for a guy to blow up his stuff when he leaves a game (better than deleting it, which I do), but not social for you to want to remain remembered in a game which you no longer played?

I destroy everything when I leave a game, because I will no longer be using it, I delete my characters as well.

Funny thing is, which guy do you think would be remembered longer in Eve, the one who exploded an expensive ship on his way out, or the one who paid for someones wardecs?

Gevlon said...

Do you know his name? (without looking up the killboard) I don't. He is just "the moron with the expensive JF loss" to me.

You know my name. So it's safe to guess I'll be remembered more.

Anonymous said...

If you had actually bothered to find and read the ingame event on the forums you would have noticed that Zhandra was neither sad nor moronic. The person also gave away lots of stuff to friends and even random persons in the thread. He/she simply wanted to grace the community with content on his/her last day. The lucky winner of the loot lottery even went so far as to keep the loot in the cargo bay and accept duels. Of course this is neither sensible nor a very efficient way of distributing stuff. But it's entertaining and games are supposed to entertain.

Anonymous said...

If any his friend actually asked him for it, he would have given it away. Since no one did, he decided to make an event for the community. He gave some stuff to other people around who asked, and decided what to do with the rest. It's his money and he is the only authority to decide what to do with it. He wanted an entertaining event so he made it. Nothing stupid in that.

Anonymous said...


Altho I'm not a fan, I would have donated it to the Angel Project. Or Eve Uni. That would have kept new players in the game and produced much more "content" than a single event like that.

Anonymous said...

"You know my name. So it's safe to guess I'll be remembered more."

Any publicity is good publicity?

If being remembered is your goal, then you're certainly succeeding. Just as notable Criminals, Dictators and so on will be remembered for their contributions.

Being remembered is overrated. Being remembered for things society frowns on. Is that really a thing to be remembered for?

Personally i'd undock the freighter and give people some fun.

Another point: if you were leaving a game, why would you care if people even remember you? You no longer have any ties / interest to the thing you've left. So being remembered is meaningless in the context of Eve.