Greedy Goblin

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Weekend minipost: all reps on the self-esteem of SMA!

You probably heard the story: Ivory Kantenu, SMA Director of Capitals and a full cap FC, made a silly mistake, that probably every logi pilot did at some part of his career: locked up a hostile and started repping it. The mistake of Ivory was louder, since he was FCing and called out the reps loudly.

This was heard by a witty BL spy who then commented on the BL comms: "our spy just burned himself". This was heard by a CFC spy and based only on this "evidence", Ivory was purged and his titan killed. After these, BL was probably prepared some serious troll post celebrating the event. To prevent this, the Evil One rehabilitated him, reimbursed his loss and reinvited him.

To SMA. While the story in itself is just an embarrassing tale of knee-jerk action (his titan was visible, they could just assign a HIC to guard it while investigating), the fact that Ivory was a director of an independent alliance proves how far "independence" goes in CFC. An innocent director can be killed and purged.

Keeping slaves is one of the most disgusting trait of Goons. My project is fighting against this and the other one: griefing. I spend about 55B a month for this crusade. So Goons can't keep intelligent and hard working people as disposable minions and grief victims.

Donate to Mordus Angels to kill as many CFC as possible! Not even a shield extender can save the griefers from justice!


Anonymous said...

An SMA directors was purged by higher up directors? So what? Give me the name of any corp where the CEO wouldn't purge a director if they were found to be working against them.

All this proves is that CFC leadership is decisive but fully willing to admit their failures and take responsibility.

Anonymous said...

So you would not do anything about other directors in a corp that you were running, and just let them stay where they were regardless of what they did, or what people thought of them?

Gevlon said...

I would strip their roles and investigate.

All he did was a mistake that every single logi pilot committed at some point.

Anonymous said...

and the cfc bought a new titan for and refunded all costs for. Still don't see much point in this post. Mistakes happen, at least the CFC was able to deal with the real possibility of a traitor quickly and deal with the consequences of him not being one just as quickly.

Does not point toward being moron and a slacker

nightgerbil said...

The point was it wasn't Sma that purged him. It was CFC/goonwaffe command team. The SMA ceo didnt even know what was happening according to his interview until after. Also for the first 2 days off it they toed the cfc line exactly, in the first article he was a filthy traitor not "someone we wouldnt give up on and fought for"

Anonymous said...

"The point was it wasn't Sma that purged him. It was CFC/goonwaffe command team. The SMA ceo didnt even know what was happening according to his interview until after."
Well someone in SMA must have known, since only and SMA director would be able to strip his roles.

And it's a coalition. There are coalition level rules that the coalition abides by. Just like how a corp CEO/director has do do what the alliance wants to do or get the whole corp removed an alliance in a coalition has to follow coalition rules or get removed from the coalition. It's simple and it's standard procedure. It's only being raised as an issue as a way to attack the CFC, even though if it were any other coalition it would be exactly the same.

Anonymous said...

@nightgerbil If you've ever been a part of a management team or committee you know towing the party line is a huge part of the role. I have had times in work where I felt a wrong decision was made, but you have the debates in private, make sure all objections are noted and then stand behind the decision in public. To all appearances stand together, or people will pull you apart.
To put this simply, they could be fighting his corner on teamspeak and still publish that first article, it's how group responsibility works.

Gevlon said...

No, in any other coalition they would quit the coalition because they aren't minions, but independents banded together.

The Falcon incident was dumb, but still a good example that they were independent and able to do their own thing (even if that thing is spectacularly stupid)

nightgerbil said...

@ anon 30 November, 2014 01:58

So your basically saying CFC is run by the Mitanni and is essentially the greater Goonwaffe? That all sub alliances, sub corps and members of any cfc corp are ultimately liable to be kicked and awoxed if a goon FC declares them to be a spy?. Now I for one dont have an issue with a "greater goonwaffe" (unlike Gevlon), but you are just proving his point.

@ anon 30 November, 2014 04:01
No thats not how leadership works, not at all. I have been a manager for 7 years in my last job and I have seen employees unfortunately unfairly dismissed. I've also sacked some for legitmate reasons. In NONE of those cases did I publically discuss it or rubbish them in public. If I had of I would have been unprofessional and probably jeopadised my companies legal position.

I MOST CERTAINLY wouldnt be able to claim with a straight face afterwards that I had in fact been privately fighting for his reinstatement. Dissenting in private to an operations plan, but going along with it in public IS NOT the same as the command failure SMA demonstrated here. Frankly the first thing I was taught ( and the first thing YOU should have been taught) is that you look after your people.

Anonymous said...

"No, in any other coalition they would quit the coalition because they aren't minions, but independents banded together."
No way! In another coalition, if a director was accused of being a spy by leadership with evidence alongside it, there no way in hell they would remove themselves from the coalition basically destroying their entire infrastructure. You can't possibly believe this to actually be true.

"So your basically saying CFC is run by the Mitanni and is essentially the greater Goonwaffe? That all sub alliances, sub corps and members of any cfc corp are ultimately liable to be kicked and awoxed if a goon FC declares them to be a spy"
No, I'm saying hat in a coalition there are coalition level decisions which are made by the leadership team. That team is made up of chosen directors from all alliances within the coalition. If SMA leadership wanted to pull out of the CFC instead of following the decisions made by the coalition leadership team they were fully able to. You can't expect to be part of a team then do whatever you want ignoring the needs of that team.

Either your're part of a coalition or you're not. You can't expect to get all the benefits of a coalition but act like an independent alliance.

Anonymous said...

"So your basically saying CFC is run by the Mitanni and is essentially the greater Goonwaffe? That all sub alliances, sub corps and members of any cfc corp are ultimately liable to be kicked and awoxed if a goon FC declares them to be a spy?. Now I for one dont have an issue with a "greater goonwaffe" (unlike Gevlon), but you are just proving his point.

yes, the cfc is run by the mittani? is this new to you?
other coalitions are run by other people...
there is no democracy in eve.

nightgerbil said...

I'll provide an IRL example to help clarify matters. In the Iraq war it was an American led coalition of the willing. Many states sent troops, from UK to Georgia. Same in Afghanistan. Now if a US Colonel had discovered evidence that an Australian Captain was collabrating with the the Taliban would he have:
a) shot him out of hand
b) arrested him, handed him over to US militry police to be tried in America
c) handed over the evidence to the Aussies and let them handle it?

See thats a "coalition", what we saw with the Goons treatment of the SMA leader they purged was that SMA ISNT part of a coalition, they are junior members of a greater alliance run by the Goons.

Anon of 30 November, 2014 14:06 asks if this is news to me? no ofc it isnt. It isnt news to Gevlon either. Its the point of this whole post: hes pointing out SMA aren't free and independant partners working with the rest of the CFC for the common good.

Provi Miner said...

I have held the line against alliance and coalition to protect members in my corp till "all" the facts were in. The point here is that sma doesn't defend its people or require a complete investigation before doing what they are told to do. They are weak sisters. Think of it like this you are team leader the boss comes in and says "hey one of your team members f'd up fire him. Now if you are someones bitch you say "yes sir" but if you believe in the team you built you say "prove it first slick"
Thats the difference here, strong people don't join the cfc only weak sisters who's highest dream is to be just another biatch join the cfc. Real leaders protect and defend their people till the evidence is in. And no mittens saying "we got evidence" doesn't cut it. its the "Show me" where sma failed like a whore.