Greedy Goblin

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mad goons and the monument

On the Goon propaganda site, there is a post about how CCP the handling of bans. I have little comment on the main issue, CCP has an infamously lousy customer support. I have a two months old open ticket that received no GM answer of any kind.

But there is a very interesting piece of information in the post. It's about how the bans were handled about the monument defacement case. If you don't follow the EVE community: CCP built a monument for EVE, near their headquarters in Iceland for the last Fanfest. Some players attending vandalized it, got caught, and were forced to pay for the damage and were banned from EVE.

In the linked article, every person mentioned in the post (perpetrators and investigators) are either a CCP employee or a GSF member. The post openly discusses how GSF internal forum names were used. Unless the post is a purposeful troll, the official "news site" ran by Goons openly claims that the monument vandals were Goons!.

So far, not anyone is shocked. My grandma would have told that Goons did it, despite he never heard of EVE Online. The interesting part is that the vandals created a twitter account "The_Real_Gevlon", to frame it on me, hopefully to get me banned by the less-than-perfect CCP community management. Not "The_Real_Grath", "The_Real_PGL", "The_Real_Elo_Knight" or even "The_Real_Gen_Eve". The one they wanted to get rid of by performing a real world crime is me.

Now, I know that these are not directors or FCs, but random dumbasses who thought it's a good idea to perform a crime and frame it on someone using a 1-post twitter account. However it means that the average Goon is really mad at me. The directors and good players might ignore me or consider me harmless "content". But the line ones are getting really frustrated that a "highsec publord" who supposed to fear them is attacking them.

"Irrelevant", right?.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure your iron clad alibi, "I was blogging in Hungary!" will hold just fine.

Hell, the one guy couldn't even scratch out that name right. I don't think we're taking about master criminals, here.

Anonymous said...

the official "news site" ran by Goons openly claims that the monument vandals were Goons!.

I don't know why this is surprising. Despite the fact that TMC is a business which is owned by the same person who runs an in game alliance, it doesn't mean that it's a propaganda site. TMC has reported on plenty of bad goon things.

My grandma would have told that Goons did it, despite he never heard of EVE Online.

Only if you misrepresented them to your grandma... otherwise she'd have no basis to form any opinion.

But the line ones are getting really frustrated that a "highsec publord" who supposed to fear them is attacking them.

"Irrelevant", right?.

Some random goons trolling you doesn't make you relevant. It just makes you a great target for trolling because you post about it...

Nulli-Pilot said...

What is monument defacement case?? would be nice if you had put that in the article, allways assume your audience is fifth-graders :/

Gevlon said...

@Nulli pilot: clicky link, but I added a summary.

@Anonymous: "trolling" is a bit different from "performing a crime, forced to pay for repairs and get yourself permabanned".

Anonymous said...

Actually anon is right. This sounds like a simple troll, because they knew you would make a big fuss out of it and write a blog post. Remember how you said you are relevant because they reply to you on the forums? They are just using that now.

Anonymous said...

"trolling" is a bit different from "performing a crime, forced to pay for repairs and get yourself permabanned".

Sure - but blaming YOU is trolling. and you are taking the bait

Gevlon said...

And what is their gain?
Made an irrelevant guys post?

Anonymous said...

Trying to pin it on you in the lousiest attempt ever was trolling.

Hell, you don't even know if it's the same guys. If there's one thing you've earned with your attacks on the CFC and funny rhethoric is becoming an excellent target for trolling.

Anonymous said...

First off, just be a single member of goons decided to act like an idiot doesn't mean that every single one of them must be tarred with the same brush. A Hungarian person was arrested for murder once, does that mean all Hungarians are murderers?

Secondly, how do you know that the perpetrators made that twitter account? It's just as feasible that it was made by someone completely separate to the goons.

And no, the average goons doesn't know you exist. Only a handful know you exist at all, and sure, I'm sure a couple of them are well mad, again thugh, actions of the few do not reflect on the many.

And let's face it, who's the most mad? A couple of goons who troll you or you, who posts about goons almost every day, spends billions upon billions of isk to try to attack them and spends hours putting together stats trying to figure out which way can be spun as winning?

Bobbins said...

@Anonymous 07.48
Since when trying to frame someone for a real life crime not a criminal offence? If the original crime had been more serious the troll could have got into a lot of trouble.

Unknown said...

Well, the vandalism incident just showed that immature people will do immature things.
It is the same as kids scratching cras, or, if in France setting fire to cars, because for french people scratching is too difficult or harmless...
So, are all these scratching kifs goons? No...
Are all goons studid retards because out of a rowd of 30k people, not even a handful of people committed that crime?
Do the goons define themselves as the monument scratchers??
I am convinced that most of the goons would happily ban the delinquents themselves if they were able to.
False and unlogical deductions...
It is the same as assuming that Gevlon is a burglar in an organized crime gang since he is coming from hungary and we in the EU know very well how criminal these pesty little hungarians are... (just kidding...)

Yes. some goons are mad, some may be even mad at gevlon, but most, like the rest of the EVE community just don't care.
CCP, i.e. is relevant, but how many EVE pilots do actually read the dev blogs, patch notes and the like?
They just don't care...
Anyway, keep up writing articles about improving EVE gameplay, most readers really like these...

Gevlon said...

No, a random kid doesn't represent the Goons, hence I didn't talk about this issue.

However TMC does represent them, as its ran by The Mittani, and they choose to allow this article.

In the article there isn't a single piece of condemnation of the crime the mentioned ones committed.

Anonymous said...

Time to serve them up with a libel and slander suit. Might get some more site traffic because of it also.

Gevlon said...

- "Goons" didn't libel me, 1 Goon did.
- "Goons" didn't have any problem with 1 Goon libeling and vandalizing.
- I doubt if the "Gevlon" identity has legal rights. It's not a person, nor a business.

Anonymous said...

"However TMC does represent them, as its ran by The Mittani, and they choose to allow this article."

TMC no more represents goons than Eve-Central represents the corp of the guy who runs it, or this blog represents Marmite when you were funding them (he who pays the piper calls the tune and all that).

Endie said...

As a matter of interest, why do you think that the person who created the troll twitter account was a Goon? In all seriousness, you have more people aware of who you are in Test, for example, than in GSF. Likewise with Zulu in general.

Gevlon said...

@Endie: the twitter appeared pretty fast. While it's possible that a third party seen the vandalism and created it, it's unlikely.