Greedy Goblin

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Weekend minipost: first week of donations

The Mordus Angels donation board is up for less then a week. It already collected 23B ISK. Most donations came from a few rich highsec trader like myself (#1 with 6B), some came from other alliances and lot from MoA members who support their own alliance. Much better use of money than spending it on bling and losing it to Goons. For some weird reason Goons find it funny to send small donations in large numbers. I hope this strange meme keeps on and they keep financing the massacre of their own coalition.

Remember that you can donate too for the noble cause of getting rid of Goons.

PS: You must see this kill. You must.
This Goon house slave surely put up hell of a fight before going down.
Noobship down.
Weird choice for a transport ship.
Empty slots can kill.
I really should write a covops hauler guide.


Pappy McStonkems said...

Have you ever heard of hunters who will stock their own deer? They provide for the animals so that they can have the sport of hunting them later.

That's what Goons are doing Gevlon.

MoxNix said...

Cov Ops hauling guide


Covert cloak, DC-II and Nanos in the lows, MWD and AIFs in the mids, HVO or Polycarbon rigs. Possibly 1 cargo rig if you need to haul over 10k cargo.

When you need more cargo space swap out Nanos and/or DC-II for cargo expander IIs.


Manual flight jump/dock, cloak, activate tank mods if necessary. Rinse and repeat until done.

Autopilot (in hi sec only!), jump/dock, cloak, turn on auto, go afk.

MoxNix said...

BTW, the donation board has a minor error. It had the date of last donation wrong wrong for you. Looks like it might be using first donation date instead.

Arrendis said...

For some weird reason Goons find it funny to send small donations in large numbers.

Oh, that's pretty simple: even if they're killing a few of our ratters here and there, we're having ourselves a good time camping them and generally making their lives miserable.

We're also having fun making LP and doing burner missions in 5ZXX - as you've pointed out, we're massive carebears.

By the way, while you keep talking MOA up, you're aware that they hired a lowsec merc corp to get most of their assets out to lowsec, right? They haven't exactly been active since.

Anonymous said...

500m and 420m aren't "small" amounts.

Can you think of any reason why goons would send money to what you consider a serious threat to their alliance?

Anonymous said...

To me it seems to make a lot more sense to put more bounty on goons rewarding those who actually kill goons than to throw money at someone who might run, and who is spending most of his time doing other stuff..

Gevlon said...

This is likely the impression they want to make: "this is just content for us and we're having fun sitting outside of a station doing nothing". Of course if they'd mean it, they'd send serious amounts, not just lols.

Putting bounty is stupid since Goons can just burn it by self-destructing unfit battleships.

Gevlon said...

@Arrendis: confirming that MoA doesn't even log in

Arrendis said...

Right. 1 guy camping M-O.

Compared to how many that were on my kill in the exact same system?

Provi Miner said...

if you afk a cloaky hauler you deserve to die, if you need more than one cargo expander you deserve to die if you are nano fitted you deserve to die.

Nulli-Pilot said...

"By the way, while you keep talking MOA up, you're aware that they hired a lowsec merc corp to get most of their assets out to lowsec, right? They haven't exactly been active since."

Erhh... you know that thing called a killboard... its a pretty interesting tool when attempting to determine activity... you should definatly check out moa's... lol fail@goon

Face the fact, you guys cant do shit about moa living right under your nose, lets see how long it takes before goon forum warrior army whines to CCP for some sort of solution like you did when CCP saved you from extinction by nerfing raiden. and co's supers