I got this anonymously:

I think it's fake since we aren't especially going after renters (20B on PBLRD, 160B on CFC members in
April), but it's still hilarious.
Here is the weekly list of Grr wars:

The greyed out wars are
not paid by me. I'm happy to see others jumping in to support the holy crusade against evil in New Eden. There are still holes in the chart, step up and make them pay for serving griefers, like
this Goon slave!
Update: support my
suggestion to keep solo PvE players subscribed for a year or more!
You can also tell it's fake because it's amazingly poor English. 'I need to awake some of the corps'?
Mittens doesn't use broken English. Ever.
Real broadcasts on the gsf jabber server include a timestamp out to extraordinary precision (or possibly just gibberish). Besides, love or hate the man, its pretty well known that Mittani doesn't type that poorly.
what benefit is gained by having marmites and lemmings separate entities?
couldn't you cut your costs in half by giving lemmings alliance membership?
or is it important to keep lemmings out of marmites other wars?
@Anonymous: Marmites are a generic highsec wardeccers with 100+ wars. Lemmings are an "everyone is invited" anti-CFC alliance.
I like your suggestion to keep EVE PVE players logged on. I would do it, if for nothing else but to kill time until a better space game came along.
CCP lost my money when they pushed everyone to null.
what benefit is gained by having marmites and lemmings separate entities?
couldn't you cut your costs in half by giving lemmings alliance membership?
or is it important to keep lemmings out of marmites other wars?
There's also the minor issue that Gevlon can't make any decisions about Marmite or Lemmings merging with anyone. Those alliances have their own leaders, and they've told Gevlon to stop trying to give orders, as he's no good at it.
I like your suggestion to keep EVE PVE players logged on. I would do it, if for nothing else but to kill time until a better space game came along.
Would you? Why? Even in the forum post, Gevlon admits the ship that's supposed to be the carrot he wants to wave at you is useless.
Let's look at the idea for a moment: what are you going to use the supercapital for? Showing it off to your friends?
Missioning? How many L4-L5 missions actually take place in the same system, and not 1-2 systems over? The ship can't take gates. It can't jump. The proposal itself says it's locked into the system where it's built.
I hope you like those one or two agents you use in there. Oh, wait, that character - the one you've spent all that time skilling up - can't ever dock again. So you'll need to do the faction grind on a second character in order to use those agents to get missions you might be able to do.
Assuming, you know, you can kill anything on the mission. Sure, the proposal calls for the supercarrier shell to use regular drones, but at that point, I have to ask: why's that better than a regular carrier?
What makes an Aeon, without the capital-killing DPS of the fighter-bombers (because hey, no caps), and e-war immunity, any better than an archon? More EH?
Do you really think you're likely to run into someone in highsec that can put out that kind of damage before CONCORD kills them? Or before you can de-aggress and dock up?
And titans? You don't have a DD, your turrets can't hit anything smaller than a carrier... sure, you can set it up for mining titan, but then we get back to 'I need a second alt to take the ore somewhere'.
So: You say you'd do the year-long grind to get the hollowed-out shell of a supercapital. I say: why? What would get out of it, other than laughed at in local for buying a completely useless tomb?
@Arrendis: about Marmites and Lemmings, the right decision is the same, no matter who makes it. If it would be a good idea to merge, the leaders would make it to save money. It's not because of the very different profile of the two alliances: elite & generic deccer vs everyone is invited & anti CFC
About the uselessness of highsec supers: Why do you grind Sov? Does it give anything to the individual pilot who grinds it? No. It's a game achievement, like the supers.
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