Question: If we consider "leading the Goon fleet into its largest defeat, Asakai" a 10pt embarrassment, how bad is being killed and podded by the model carebear pubbie shitlord Gevlon?
On a different note: Foo also took on the task of solo PvP against Goons. You can read his report on the glorious battle!
Another troll freighter destroyed!
Come to Jita with your PvP ship or troll freighter and make them a Burn Jita they'll remember.
I've heard his name already. Isn't he some FC too:

PS: I hope Goons are mad enough to gank my Orca. The poor thing has been orbiting Perimiter gate since downtime (with little interruptions when I did trading on an alt) and Goons did not touch it.
Actually, most of us think it's pretty hilarious, yeah. I was in Boat's thrasher gang earlier when he tried to get you, but I think he was playing it too cautiously.
I did think he'd called it a night, though. Was he actually warping around, or did he leave his covops out in space decloaked?
He was 120km from the gate but got decloaked by something and he didn't notice.
I don't think there's a member of the CFC that doesn't think this is funny, well other than DBRB
Well played.
Realgan is a senior FC with the Goons, strat FC I think
Seriously though, Goons are damed if they gank your orca, damned if they don't.
If they gank your orca you will claim that they lost the isk war, even though they have stated publicly that they don't care about the isk war and any objective analysis of their finances will back up the fact that the isk war doesn't matter to them financially either.
If they don't gank your orca, they are incapable of doing so and you win by just oribiting perimeter.
I'd bet they are just going to ignore you and declare you irrelevant. In the scheme of things, the sheer volume of kills they are wracking up is more than enough without your orca.
As others have said, yeah, it is hilarious...although, you should do it again when he is at keyboard to call it pvp :)
As Anonymous said, if they explode you, you will say "Hey, look how relevant I am, Goons could not resist blowing me up"
If they ignore you (Which, they will, unless your orca has lots of shinies in it), you will say "LOL, goons can't even explode my afk empty orca, what complete failures"
I thought there was nothing sweeter than Goon tears. Then i discovered Goon spin.
This is the point. Burn Jita is dumb. If they gank my Orca, they are dumb. If they don't, they didn't burn!
So in short, yes, whichever way they play it you consider it a win. And pretty much that is the reason you get ignored. I'm sure when we run out of targets, you'll get added to the list, until then you'll probably continue to orbit.
Let me put it this way: if I start to brag that I can drink two liters of Tequila, I lost whatever I do.
If I don't drink it, I failed.
If I drink it, I die of alcohol poisioning.
Solution: don't brag nonsense, like "burning Jita" and you won't get called on it.
oportunity cost. you could do something else with your orca char, which will earn you isk. you defeat yourself
The Orca pilot is my Jita trader main. I can trade in Jita while orbiting
I don't get it, you make a blog post saying that you're going to run freighters with nothing in them but double wrap it so scanners can't detect and tank fitting them just to waste our time yet goons are bad for not engaging you?
Seems like goons are smarter than you are Gevlon.
So in your mind, Jita is not burning, right? So people can just fly in, no worries, right?
You sitting around saying "they aren;t killing me, so it's not happening" doesn't bring back the hundreds of billions lost already, neither does it suddenly make it safe to plod into Jita. It certainly doesn't make the solid tidi vanish.
Solution: don't brag nonsense, like "burning Jita" and you won't get called on it.
Except that Jita is burning. Are we bringing all trade to a halt? No, but that's never been the objective. The objective is to go in, and have fun, and blow stuff up.
freighters with nothing in them but double wrap it so scanners can't detect and tank fitting them
*sigh* freighters don't have fitting slots.
No, Lucas, Jita is not Burning. Profitable suicide ganking is going on, just like it used to. OK it usually happens in Nairja and Uedama.
How is this "Burn Jita" different than an ordinary day when overpacked freighters die? Just because it's in Jita?
Then every other day is "Burn Niarja".
Goons promised something DIFFERENT: when no one is safe, when ISK be damned and everything burns. Instead, they just do the usual Miniluv stuff with larger numbers.
I'd call it "Miniluv open day for line Goons, check out what we do and join if you like it"
Instead, they just do the usual Miniluv stuff with larger numbers.
You're aware that the Ministry of Love grew out of the first Burn Jita, right? That 'the usual Miniluv stuff' is a continuation of BJ on a smaller scale? That what you've just said there is 'instead, they just do Burn Jita'?
Niarja has hundreds of gankers operating in it 24/7? That's news to me.
It's Burn Jita because it's disruptive to trade in Jita and the server (which is reinforced right now) is operating in near constant tidi. That doesn't mean we kill 100% of all targets, and if you think that's what it takes to be a success, that's your misunderstanding. Clearly it's not just a regular day in Jita, if it was, you wouldn't be spending half your day smacktalking local.
No, Niarja has 15 gankers. Which is enough to do the same job, since they have more time and they are not cueless to shoot from 15km. Again, I'd like to refer to the 2013 highsec damage chart: http://greedygoblin.blogspot.hu/2014/04/goonswarm-federation-in-burn-jita-2013.html
The month of last Burn Jita was barely above average.
For a ganking event to be success, it should be more damaging than an ordinary month.
For a ganking event to be success, it should be more damaging than an ordinary month.
Eh, not really. First, a lot of those gankers are involved in BJ, so their normal activities are part of the composite.
But more than that, you have to remember how predation affects ecosystems: the introduction of a new apex predator (organized, large-scale ganking, which had no predators of its own when introduced) always has the initial bloodletting as the populations of prey animals are culled. The prey has been fattening up, they're not expecting the new danger, they're not as quick to react... as a result predators are flush with food, breed rapidly, and the bloodletting appears to increase...
Look at the same ecosystem after a period of time, and you generally see most of the initial surge is gone: predation has made the surviving population harder to kill, and so the excess growth of predators has, well, starved itself out.
Also, again, I have to remind you: your chart is only showing GSF activity. Add in the rest of the CFC and see what it looks like. (Note: I have no idea what it would look like, but I have a feeling the rest of us are more active in ganking during events like BJ than on a day-to-day basis.)
"No, Niarja has 15 gankers. Which is enough to do the same job, since they have more time and they are not cueless to shoot from 15km"
Strange, I can't seem to find any days where those 15 gankers kill anywhere close the the same amount of freighters.
"For a ganking event to be success, it should be more damaging than an ordinary month."
Only IF the goal is to efficiently gank. Though even then, arguably success only requires kills to be greater than losses.
Check the graph again. You can find several days in 2013 which had the same highsec kill magnitude as Burn Jita.
An event demands extraordinary results. Otherwise any day is an "event".
"An event demands extraordinary results. Otherwise any day is an "event"."
No, it doesn't. An "event" just requires people to arrange it and get people to show up, which has happened. You are the only one that wants everything to have some spectacular level of results.
And the results are good enough. Near solid tidi, price spikes on several items, Red-frog are operating at their Kraken level, over 400b of transports destroyed, and most of all a mumble server full of people having a laugh.
The only thing we are not doing is adhering to the standards that you have made up, where you expect everything to be dead. Well newsflash, nobody actually cares what standards you set. When you want to run an event, by all means go ahead and set up whatever goals you want for it, then you and the 2 other people that show up can go ahead and accomplish those goals.
Lucas: Butthurt goon detected.
It's funny, how you always manage to find an excuse not to blow up Gevlon.
Tell me that thoose goons on the mumble would not laugh scooping up Gevlon's corpse.
@Arrendis @LucasKell:
Your constant refutation of everything Gevlon says belies one of two uncontrovertible truths:
1. He's right (to some degree), and you're here on damage control, or
2. You're arguing with a complete nobody on the Internet. Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics - win, lose, or draw, you're still a retard.
Why do you bother? Why do you care?
@Anonymous: "It's funny, how you always manage to find an excuse not to blow up Gevlon."
You mean kinda like this?
"Most importantly: the Burn Jita is a pogrom. Goons want to drink "highsec pubbie tears". Give them a finger with a troll freighter or Orca. Platinum insure it, put a double-wrapped package in it with a Damage Control I inside and fly in and out. Get a clean pod. Troll goons after they wasted a fleet for an empty freighter."
Yep, we're totally going to go kill someone that's not worth our time.
If Gevlon hadn't been a moron and announced his plan ahead of time he might have gotten a bunch of eager goons shooting him but he destroyed any chance he might have had to troll goons with this post.
"Lucas: Butthurt goon detected.
It's funny, how you always manage to find an excuse not to blow up Gevlon.
Tell me that thoose goons on the mumble would not laugh scooping up Gevlon's corpse."
OK, so why don't you tell me why it is we aren't blowing him up then. I mean if it's not by choice, then that means it's impossible for us to blow him up, surely? So explain why that is. You give me an explanation for why we aren't blowing him up which doesn't boil down to us choosing not to engage him. It can't be an efficiency thing, since we've blown up plenty of empty ships.
And FYI, no, not many goons actually think about Gevlon. It's not like we jump on mumble and hear "omg, Gevlon said...". He's just like Dinsdale, we have a laugh if they are about squealing and we forum troll and such, but that's about the extent of it.
How exactly we can be butthurt by someone so utterly ineffective at even propaganda, I really don't know, but in honesty mate, if thinking I'm sitting around in tears helps you get through your day, be my guest.
@Lucas Kell
Then why did you goons bother blowing up his wormhole pos? Something which took a lot more effort than just destroying an afk orca.
I don't think your crying tears but the inability of the goons to destroy Gevlon's orca must be uncomfortable for you. Sorry.
Lucas Kell said: " And pretty much that is the reason you get ignored."
So why do you keep posting on this website? Doesn't look like you are ignoring him to me. He is so ineffective and unworthy of Goon attention in-game yet you waste time in the real world to read his blog and argue with him. Makes sense.
Anonympous said: "although, you should do it again when he is at keyboard to call it pvp :)"
Yes because pvp is all about fairness and gentlemen's agreements isn't it.
Lol, because it was available and they knew it would annoy him and make him throw more isk away at it.
So let me get this straight though, you honestly think it's an inability to destroy an AFK Orca that's preventing him getting blown up?
Look mate, you guys repeatedly saying "look tears!" isn't going to suddenly make it so. If you need to say it to make yourselves feel better, then fair enough, but at some point you need to face the reality of the situation. Gevlon came plowing in with all these "great ideas" about how to stop Burn Jita, and as usual he's going to repeatedly spin BS rather than own up to his failings. You guys harbour so much hate for the goons that you'd rather believe his word even though it's counter to what you can observe first hand yourselves.
Enjoy your delusion though, I'll just be over here.. what was it I'm doing? Oh yeah, crying, that's it.
"So why do you keep posting on this website? Doesn't look like you are ignoring him to me. He is so ineffective and unworthy of Goon attention in-game yet you waste time in the real world to read his blog and argue with him. Makes sense."
I read and post on a lot of blogs. Please don;t tell me you are going to start rolling down the path of "you post therefore he must be super relevant!". I generally tend to respond more to people who are the most ludicrous. I mean seriously, do you really believe all he states? That having fun makes you pathetic, and how important it is to grind isk? It's a game, it's here for entertainment, not a second career.
As someone who doesn't play Eve and is rather impartial on the subject, I find this statement to be rather confusing:
Gevlon: An event demands extraordinary results. Otherwise any day is an "event".
Lucas: No, it doesn't. An "event" just requires people to arrange it and get people to show up, which has happened. You are the only one that wants everything to have some spectacular level of results.
If you organize an event with the stated goal of causing mass destruction and mayhem and have a large turnout, but the results of the event cannot be distinguished from any other random day ... then was the event successful? Seems like the answer would be no.
So these uber-wealthy goons who say their losses to Lemmings do not impact them at all are running around with T1 salvagers picking up scrap? I lol.
@Lucas: Gevlon is right -- without a measurable goal, it is impossible to declare Burn Jita a success. Gevlon's points about it not being much of an event compared to an average day are correct -- you are all showing up and you think something grand is happening, but the results are not above a "better" day of normal ganking.
The Goon self-congratulation and self-delusion is a bit sad, actually.
My friends and I are all relatively new industrialists and have been flying in and out of Jita as usual in Charons and Iteron V's. Other than Catalyst wrecks on gates, we're not sure what all the noise is about. It cracks us up that Goons think they are scaring people or something. I think they are becoming space-irrelevant.
"If you organize an event with the stated goal of causing mass destruction and mayhem and have a large turnout, but the results of the event cannot be distinguished from any other random day ... then was the event successful? Seems like the answer would be no."
But then, that's not the stated goal. The "die pubbies die" overshadows the whole thing, sure, but the goal is to have fun ganking people, which is accomplished. It's Gevlon that's trying to force some kind of efficiency metric into it.
The only metric we'd actually stated was that we were hoping to do more damage in this one than last year, which wasn't even a goal it was just a "nice to have". We accomplished that anyway. You can verify all of this, there's the official posting on both the TMC and EN24 as well as several other sources of leaked comms.
Oh, and it's distinguished from "any other random day". There's no way this many freighters go down every other day and certainly no way that Jita operates in solid tidi on a reinforced node, dropping all the way down to 10%.
Except, despite what Gevlon says, the events can be distinguished. While destruction does occur regularly in other systems, Burn Jita has an order of magnitude more than a regular day even in the most dangerous systems. And while goons may do their fair share of ganking around high sec on a regular basis, it's not normally concentrated in one place. Even those that aren't killed are affected, as it takes much longer than average to get in and out of system, due to player caps and time dilation.
Tons of people are talking about it, websites have been made to track it, and Gevlon has made a half dozen blog posts about it. It's clearly distinguished from a normal day.
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