Great first 2 weeks so far !
War: Darwins Lemmings vs. Goonswarm Federation [Gevlon's note: it includes RvB kills and losses]

War: Darwins Lemmings vs. Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere:

* 117 members so far -
* Our next goal will be 200 members are more kills.... Hopefully next week.
* Dont forget to read the alliance buletins, about the free ships we have and the Tengu training the next 4-5 weeks.
* Good to see all the good new and current pvp players in the alliance joining forces. Keep up the good work !
* Next week we will start with small fleet roams. We have a few fc's who are ready to take you along.
* Try to help the alliance grow as fast as possible and invite your friends, m8, buddies and mother in laws to the alliance.
* remember we have a Mumble server you can use. if you wish..
Happy Hunting,
General Lemming
And what of the POCOs?
As previously stated Gevlon, your personal victory condition is the complete removal of all Goon POCOs in highsec. Can you give us a report on how you are proceeding with this goal?
While RvB is around it's not a reasonable goal. We first need to make them drop the war.
>As previously stated Gevlon, your personal victory condition is the complete removal of all Goon POCOs in highsec.
Has he? I thought this was more about crying goons and exposing how bad they are. Lemmings are doing a good as it seems to me.
and you make them drop the war by giving them regular fights - the one thing ppl join rvb for?
>and you make them drop the war by giving them regular fights - the one thing ppl join rvb for?
Most peope join RvB for Reds fighting Blues in organized good fights. They didn't join to be podded in Jita undock because Mangala thinks RvB is Vichy France or something.
"While RvB is around it's not a reasonable goal. We first need to make them drop the war."
I'd say that it is atill a reasonable goal. In order to measure success it is not wise to change goals as soon as an obstacle appear. The obstacle should be dealt with. But perhaps that is just what you meant with that sentence.
RvB is another beast interely in this war. Beating RvB at what they do best will mean you will have to resort to metagameplay and break their spirit (in regards to this war). That seems like an impossible task. I'm quite tempted to come help try to do that.
Think Goons already lost 8.4B since the 2 weeks it started.....
@ gevlon. I told you on day 1 that we'd drop the ally sooner than later because we have short attention spans and because frankly you're not a threat to the goons, they didn't "call us in" we did it because you're fun to troll. As I recall I also said on day one that you'd somehow spin it into a win. Man I should buy lottery tickets I can see the future. Seriously though we can now drop anytime we want since the mandatory 2 week ally period is up. We might drop tomorrow, we might stay in another week or two. So far it's been pretty fun. When we do drop, I look forward to *not* seeing all the goon pocos dies
in the end this will turn rvb finaly and forever into the same thing as all the others.
it was a really nice thing before they started to lust for income.
@gevlon, next time they do their ffa in highsec, be sure to bust the event.
if rvb turned into a goon pet,
will lemmings one day be a n3pl one?
Lol... I'm thinking they will start Dropping. Hell, I'm now interested in RF'ing so many POCO's that RvB will start *sighing* each moment they hear "Another POCO in RF, Time to go waste time reppin up again instead of doing what we want to do".
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