If you are selling glyphs, you most know that Jessica Sellers only trades inks for Blackfallow ink. Since an inferno ink sells for 180G or more, a Blackfallow worth at least 18G (granted, this is might be a surge that will end with the Darkmoon Faire). Trading one for a lower ink is only profitable, if we can sell the glyph for more than 45G. So buying old world herbs is always preferred.
There is different supply of herbs and also different demand of inks. Some inks are used for lot of glyphs, others are just for a few. So you should have different herb buy price for all ink-groups (herbs that mill into that ink), and also different sell prices for glyphs belonging to different inks. Ethereal ink is being the weakest link: needed for lot of glyphs and having low herb supply.
I sorted out the glyphs, so in ZA, I have a group for every ink, differently priced. If you click on the "read more" at the bottom, you can get a long list, that you can copy&paste to the savedvariables/zeroauctions.lua (after deleting the old glyph groups) and next time you log in, you'll have the glyph groups. You can set the prices in the normal configuration interface.
One more business tip: if you are a skinner, Tol Barad is your place. They hotfixed the crocolisks, they no longer give party loot, everyone must kill 8 for the quest. That's a lot of dead, looted crocks.
Kazragor sent some old morons. I picked this for today. What can I say? I started The PuG exactly to never-ever having to suffer this filth:
There is different supply of herbs and also different demand of inks. Some inks are used for lot of glyphs, others are just for a few. So you should have different herb buy price for all ink-groups (herbs that mill into that ink), and also different sell prices for glyphs belonging to different inks. Ethereal ink is being the weakest link: needed for lot of glyphs and having low herb supply.
I sorted out the glyphs, so in ZA, I have a group for every ink, differently priced. If you click on the "read more" at the bottom, you can get a long list, that you can copy&paste to the savedvariables/zeroauctions.lua (after deleting the old glyph groups) and next time you log in, you'll have the glyph groups. You can set the prices in the normal configuration interface.
One more business tip: if you are a skinner, Tol Barad is your place. They hotfixed the crocolisks, they no longer give party loot, everyone must kill 8 for the quest. That's a lot of dead, looted crocks.
Kazragor sent some old morons. I picked this for today. What can I say? I started The PuG exactly to never-ever having to suffer this filth:

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["item:41547"] = true,
["item:64493"] = true,
["item:43381"] = true,
["item:43351"] = true,
["item:42467"] = true,
["item:43370"] = true,
["item:43334"] = true,
["item:42473"] = true,
["item:40919"] = true,
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["item:41104"] = true,
["item:43372"] = true,
["item:42411"] = true,
["item:67486"] = true,
["item:43393"] = true,
["item:45733"] = true,
["item:42966"] = true,
["item:67483"] = true,
["item:40909"] = true,
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["item:43369"] = true,
["item:42970"] = true,
["item:43388"] = true,
["item:43674"] = true,
["item:41100"] = true,
["Shimmering"] = {
["item:43536"] = true,
["item:42974"] = true,
["item:42905"] = true,
["item:43543"] = true,
["item:40901"] = true,
["item:41541"] = true,
["item:45776"] = true,
["item:42399"] = true,
["item:43541"] = true,
["item:45768"] = true,
["item:45622"] = true,
["item:45760"] = true,
["item:45804"] = true,
["item:41103"] = true,
["item:45775"] = true,
["item:43546"] = true,
["item:67482"] = true,
["item:43416"] = true,
["item:42468"] = true,
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["item:42744"] = true,
["item:41098"] = true,
["item:45623"] = true,
["item:41099"] = true,
["item:42416"] = true,
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["item:42973"] = true,
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["item:45746"] = true,
["item:43414"] = true,
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["item:42972"] = true,
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["item:42470"] = true,
["item:43355"] = true,
["item:41533"] = true,
["item:42466"] = true,
["item:41535"] = true,
["item:40916"] = true,
["Ethereal"] = {
["item:45769"] = true,
["item:42963"] = true,
["item:42911"] = true,
["item:42453"] = true,
["item:41527"] = true,
["item:43400"] = true,
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["item:40903"] = true,
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["item:43432"] = true,
["item:42406"] = true,
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["item:45758"] = true,
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["item:44955"] = true,
["item:42401"] = true,
["item:43548"] = true,
["item:45790"] = true,
["item:45738"] = true,
["item:45781"] = true,
["item:45806"] = true,
["item:63481"] = true,
["item:45780"] = true,
["item:43553"] = true,
["item:42955"] = true,
["item:43673"] = true,
["item:43671"] = true,
["item:41542"] = true,
["item:45772"] = true,
["item:45779"] = true,
["item:45601"] = true,
["item:43551"] = true,
["item:43672"] = true,
["item:41094"] = true,
["item:43549"] = true,
["item:42471"] = true,
["item:45741"] = true,
["item:40896"] = true,
["item:45753"] = true,
["item:67484"] = true,
["item:43554"] = true,
["item:43544"] = true,
["item:45625"] = true,
["item:45737"] = true,
["item:43428"] = true,
["item:45743"] = true,
["item:45731"] = true,
["item:45742"] = true,
["item:50045"] = true,
["item:45761"] = true,
["item:45764"] = true,
["item:41105"] = true,
["item:42906"] = true,
["item:45771"] = true,
["item:42736"] = true,
["item:43535"] = true,
["item:45755"] = true,
["item:43827"] = true,
["item:43539"] = true,
["item:45602"] = true,
["item:45799"] = true,
["item:45800"] = true,
["item:43826"] = true,
["item:45736"] = true,
["item:45756"] = true,
["item:45792"] = true,
["item:45795"] = true,
["Lions"] = {
["item:41530"] = true,
["item:42461"] = true,
["item:43368"] = true,
["item:67487"] = true,
["item:43423"] = true,
["item:42398"] = true,
["item:43389"] = true,
["item:42735"] = true,
["item:45797"] = true,
["item:43373"] = true,
["item:42400"] = true,
["item:42737"] = true,
["item:67485"] = true,
["item:40924"] = true,
["item:42898"] = true,
["item:43360"] = true,
["item:42961"] = true,
["item:45789"] = true,
["item:42900"] = true,
["item:43344"] = true,
["item:41532"] = true,
["item:42962"] = true,
["item:41108"] = true,
["item:43316"] = true,
["item:42465"] = true,
["item:41536"] = true,
["item:43365"] = true,
["item:43417"] = true,
["item:43380"] = true,
["item:43386"] = true,
["item:45734"] = true,
["item:43391"] = true,
["item:41106"] = true,
["item:42458"] = true,
["item:42908"] = true,
["item:43331"] = true,
["item:43427"] = true,
["item:43725"] = true,
["item:42402"] = true,
["item:41092"] = true,
["item:40923"] = true,
["item:43398"] = true,
["item:40914"] = true,
["item:45747"] = true,
["item:42964"] = true,
["item:43376"] = true,
["item:43377"] = true,
["Midnight"] = {
["item:43418"] = true,
["item:43413"] = true,
["item:42912"] = true,
["item:43367"] = true,
["item:43356"] = true,
["item:40922"] = true,
["item:40913"] = true,
["item:42741"] = true,
["item:41531"] = true,
["item:42907"] = true,
["item:43338"] = true,
["item:43339"] = true,
["item:45778"] = true,
["item:43366"] = true,
["item:43340"] = true,
["item:43395"] = true,
["item:43379"] = true,
["item:48720"] = true,
["item:43399"] = true,
["item:43397"] = true,
["item:43396"] = true,
["item:43359"] = true,
["item:43364"] = true,
["item:42956"] = true,
["item:42408"] = true,
["item:43361"] = true,
["item:41537"] = true,
["item:43371"] = true,
["item:42462"] = true,
["item:45735"] = true,
["item:43350"] = true,
["item:43342"] = true,
["item:43332"] = true,
["item:45785"] = true,
["item:43343"] = true,
["item:42410"] = true,
["item:41095"] = true,
["item:42455"] = true,
["item:43390"] = true,
["item:43335"] = true,
["item:40897"] = true,
["item:42960"] = true,
["item:41096"] = true,
["item:42743"] = true,
["Sea"] = {
["item:41538"] = true,
["item:42748"] = true,
["item:42459"] = true,
["item:42457"] = true,
["item:42754"] = true,
["item:42967"] = true,
["item:43533"] = true,
["item:41109"] = true,
["item:41534"] = true,
["item:42752"] = true,
["item:45794"] = true,
["item:44928"] = true,
["item:43425"] = true,
["item:45604"] = true,
["item:42407"] = true,
["item:42739"] = true,
["item:43868"] = true,
["item:40906"] = true,
["item:42901"] = true,
["item:40899"] = true,
["item:43537"] = true,
["item:42914"] = true,
["item:42968"] = true,
["item:41539"] = true,
["item:45782"] = true,
["item:42969"] = true,
["item:43869"] = true,
["item:40920"] = true,
["item:40921"] = true,
["item:43550"] = true,
["item:41107"] = true,
["item:45783"] = true,
["item:42745"] = true,
["item:43415"] = true,
["item:42753"] = true,
["item:45739"] = true,
["item:42412"] = true,
["item:42958"] = true,
["item:45745"] = true,
["item:43542"] = true,
["item:41110"] = true,
["item:42899"] = true,
["item:40900"] = true,
["item:41529"] = true,
["item:42915"] = true,
["item:42464"] = true,
["item:42954"] = true,
["item:41101"] = true,
["item:44922"] = true,
["item:41524"] = true,
["item:41526"] = true,
["item:43419"] = true,
["item:42959"] = true,
["item:42751"] = true,
["item:42456"] = true,
["item:42902"] = true,
["item:42913"] = true,
["item:42414"] = true,
["item:43867"] = true,
["item:42405"] = true,
["item:43552"] = true,
["item:45732"] = true,
["item:45757"] = true,
["item:63539"] = true,
["item:42917"] = true,
["item:43431"] = true,
["item:41552"] = true,
["item:44684"] = true,
["item:41097"] = true,
["item:40912"] = true,
["item:45603"] = true,
["item:43547"] = true,
["item:40908"] = true,
["item:42396"] = true,
["item:41518"] = true,
["item:42417"] = true,
["item:45744"] = true,
["item:40915"] = true,
["item:43534"] = true,
["item:42909"] = true,
["item:42957"] = true,
["item:42409"] = true,
["item:42463"] = true,
["item:42454"] = true,
["item:41517"] = true,
["item:44920"] = true,
["item:41102"] = true,
["item:44923"] = true,
["item:43430"] = true,
["item:45777"] = true,
["item:45766"] = true,
["item:42742"] = true,
["item:45767"] = true,
["item:49084"] = true,
["item:43394"] = true,
["item:42403"] = true,
["item:43412"] = true,
["item:42965"] = true,
["item:43374"] = true,
["item:50077"] = true,
["item:42971"] = true,
["item:43421"] = true,
["item:42404"] = true,
["item:42460"] = true,
["item:42472"] = true,
Funny picture.
I'm having the same issue with Ethereal Ink. I managed to snatch a few dozen stacks of Felweed for 22.5 average, but still need a ton more. The worst part is that the best sellers require the Ethereal...
Just felt like showing people what happens when you're a Goblin without a guild like The PuG:
Sucks to be him, or doesn't suck. Eitherway, too bad he's on an RP server with a name like that.
i'm a lazy scribe.
always have been.
even when i was using ink of the sea i sold at high prices. usually in the 400% to 1000% profit range. this meant i only sold the glyphs that were in the highest demand. if the others didnt sell i didnt have to recraft them.
i had a system of Just In Time manufacturing where i crafted daily. this meant i was able to lower my stock levels and my pricing structure meant i had a very high gold per hour value.
at times i decided i was willing to work more and so was easily able to up my cashflow. of course this lowered my gold per hour.
right now i have a list of approximately 25% of the total glyph market that i craft and post daily. these are the highest turnover glyphs and i'm selling them for 250-400g each. the other 75% of the market i only post periodically and only because i still have reserves of pre-glyphmass stock.
this all said....i'm having issues with etheral ink supplies. i guess i'm gonna have to start tradeing for blackfallow inks.
I had been hearing about the crocolisks in Tol Barad being a good place to farm for leather. I've tried doing this a few times during peak daily time, but I'm noticing that more than half the people choose to only loot the quest item and leave any vendor trash unlooted. I can only assume that this is to mess with us skinners.
Same problems here, TBC herbs are usually too expensive to be worth buying en masse, and farming them is time consuming as the nodes are scarcely placed.
But the higher material costs make the glyph prices higher too, and simply by leveling one can get enough money to be able to afford 70-100% of his total glyphs along with mounts/skills.
Funny moron(s), note the one who wrote 'go' 3 times in 3 seconds.
Also, I forgot to say this but...
If you are into "farming", you could very easily go ahead and hop on an Herbalist/Skinner and mow through The Underbog [Regular for faster clears]. Kill everything.
Get Knothide Leather, Ancient Lichen, greys to vendor, and on top of it all : Sanguine Hibiscus. There is always someone grinding reputation out there, and you can sell them a 260 Sanguine Hibiscus package for about 5200G.
You can also just purchase the Hibiscus on AH and resell it, but the idea is to get herbs/skins while having a side income from the Sanguine.
Some people will find it mind-numbing, but it's not half bad.
The best way to skin currently is by using lost city of the tolvir.
1. Set is to 5 man reg, and enter lost city.
2. At the beginning there's 2 tiger packs, each with an elite
3. CC the elite, kill the tigers, then kill the elite.
4. Skin the tigers, they drop 2-4 savage leather each and there's a total of ten of them.
5. Go out, reset, and repeat until you hit the instance cap.
Every time I hit the instance cap, I find myself having about 100 savage leather, which isn't bad for the 10-15 minutes of work I put in. After you hit the cap you could either do some alt leveling, or go around uldum and farm some more while you wait. I usually end up doing a reg dungeon on my 82 death knight and then going back to lost city.
ok so i'm trying to figure this out here where under saved variables does all that info go? sorry i'm new to all this and wondering if there is somewhere i can learn more about setting up the price lists and such... thank you.
I have noticed also that many players seem to leave unlooted stuff on dead mobs. Very irritating as a skinner. I assume they do this not because they don't want skinners "stealing" their kills, but because they are lazy. Personally, I loot everything. Stacks of grey trash loot sells for many gold, for very little to no effort.
The ethereal ink problem is easily solved on my server by trading Blackfallows.
Many of the ethereal glyphs go for 100g or more, and if that is the case on your server, I think you can trade Blackfallows for Ethereals without too much thought.
The Lua was exceedingly helpful. Thanks much!
As a note, Glyph of Vanish (63420) and Glyph of the Long Word (66918) appear to be missing from the list.
also, the Glyph of Colossus Smash (item 63481) is incorrectly categorized as ethereal, though it is actually the ONLY blackfallow ink glyph. (Though, I would price it similar to the ethereal ink -- since it requires the universal ink to make.
thanks for the list, I've intended to break them down like this for a while. (I originally had ordered by their approximate stable price, but that kept shifting due to changes in what they did and spec changes -- so I ended up just putting them all together and pricing them as much as the most epxensive.)
I've got one competitor who deals ONLY with ink of the sea glyphs, who REALLY undervalues his ink of the sea. (I don't think he realizes that he's working with a constantly diminishing stock). So, it'll be nice to be able to nudge my values a little bit independently.
Also turns out that it was missing glyph of the treant (item #68039 -- under jadefire ink)
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