Greedy Goblin

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

PvE vs PvP server poll

This isn't a post, read today's post here. The reason of this post is a poll. I'm going to start a PvE project (described Thursday) and we (those from the ganking project who decided to stay together) are discussing what kind of server do we want to go?

The details of the project will be described but as a preview, it will have raiding focus and the behavioral rules from the ganking project will be more or less reused. So if you are interested (=/= will join) in such project, what would you prefer? A PvE or a PvP realm?

PvP realms have the positive of occasional ganking events that the survivors of the ganking project would like to. I stress "occasional" and not "often".

PvE realms have the positive of not being ganked, that is especially important during the leveling from 80-85 or for rerollers.

So please vote by a comment. Please don't litter the comment section with either "I won't join anyway" or "PvE and PvP are equally good for me". Just comment "PvE" or "PvP", maybe with a short reasoning, or don't comment anything.

Regardless of type, the server will be low or low-middle population. The last thing we need is server queue during Cataclysm start, lagfest and camping war for quest monster spawns.

PS: we can't stay on Magtheridon, since the server is totally unstable and also it's a terribly unbalanced PvP server that is unplayable for anything but ganking.


Anonymous said...

If you're looking to make this fun for the ganking people, definitely roll on a PvP server. They joined for ganking, and continuing that to an extent will help keep your numbers high.

As for me personally, I'm a PvE carebear.

Unknown said...

PvP, more population usually, adrenaline rush on the rare occasion of world PvP, _usually_ higher avg. skill level from what I saw during my WoW-career.

Anonymous said...


Andru said...


PvE servers are ridiculously constricting when it comes to solving world disputes like node gathering, questing or what have you.

Don't like people stealing your nodes/mobs? Kill them.

ardoRic said...


While I mostly do PvE, it doesn't seem very natural to me not being able to engage (or be engaged) with hostile enemies in combat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


More skilled and intelligent playerbase, gameplay versatility (no artificial restrictments, better opportunities for off-raid activities)

gandzo said...

PVP. I't keeps levelling interesting and sometimes very intense.

Jokkl said...


mark said...

definitely pvp, though my opinion may be invalid due to my main being a rogue. Alos as a frequent reader of your blog, and someone who finds your posts interesting and appreciates what you do with undergeared as a raider, and what you do/did with your ganking project as a rogue,I am often confused by your choice of language and labels, mainly your usage of the word "social" what do you mean by this, and if you do indeed use it as it is most commonly used/as I use it (e.g. one who socializes/enjoys interacting with others) why do you use it as what seems to be a negative label? thanks for your time!

dalvengyr (U.S.)

Anonymous said...


Quicksilver said...

PVP - there's no fun without it.

EU-Outland For the WIN!

Unknown said...


I'm a priest, and it's great fun killing stupid rogues / pallies / whatever thinks me an easy prey during the low levels.

Wojtek said...


Denethal said...

PvP. It gives people something to do when they are not farming heroics or raiding.

Sweet, sweet, tears of whine.. It's like music to my ears.

Anonymous said...


Elin said...

PvP, though I myself try to stay away from PvP (because I suck at it), I still find that it adds some extra thrill to the game. Playing in a PvE-environment is just too boring!

Anonymous said...

I was going to xfer 1 of my old toons to ur realm to have fun ganking with you but now i will wait to see which server u guys go.
and definetly pvp server, because just pve is no fun, just pvp is no fun, both is the best, time to time.

Bulbasaur said...


If the guild is going to be pve-focused, i think it would be better in a pve-realm because of the leveling speed and the lak of ganking issues.

Anonymous said...


LarĂ­sa said...

If you rolled on a PvE server you might see me there as some sort of side-project, provided that the schedule for whatever you're planning to do would fit.

But probably the kind of players you're looking for are more of PvP minded. It sure looks like it. I've personally never grasped what's fun or entertaining about ganking.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If it was pvp then we would stay here.


Anonymous said...

PVE for sure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PvE because that's what I used to. I was going to join the 'ganking' guild, but I guess I'll have to wait a little longer for a server transfer

Fatah said...


We live in a polarized virtual world.
Without it, I would have lost a lot of interest in the game.

Anonymous said...

Gives a higher excitment while leveling as you have to watch your back at all times incase someone trys to get the jump on you.

Harrumph said...


Hardly any reason not to. As you said yourself, non-M&S are very hard to gank.

As a suggestion, EU-Deathwing is relatively low population, has a fitting name for your cataclysm project (which I believe was implied in your 80-85 statement).

However, the defining quality of what makes it a fantastic server for such a project is the MASSIVE deficit of skill and/or intelligence here.

Just yesterday I saw "LFM [Champion of the frozen wastes] Mallygos - 5.5k GS AND ARCHI". Depending on what you set out to prove, this may be a worthwhile place.

Anonymous said...


DKS said...

PvP. I don't even know what kind of people inhabit PvE servers,

Gabesz said...

(I hate ganking)

Anonymous said...

PVE - makes it easier for the new people to grow.

PVP, and on a lower pop server, is dead in terms of world ganking (think 5 opposing faction members per 3 hours)

Anonymous said...

pve, if it's a different thing

Anonymous said...


Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to kill the guy who just stole your mob, herbs etc.

Rymel said...


PvP servers are redundant now. When the game came out there was a reason for them, but with the introduction of BGs/Arena/WG there just isn't any point.

Bearing in mind that the average WoW player is more a of a dick than your average Joe, you realise that the PvP server ruleset is just an excuse for anti-social players to waste a bit of your time. Out of 4 years on a PvP server I can count the occasions of good world PvP on one hand, and wouldn't like to begin to count the amount of time I've had wasted by people killing me while afk/in combat/sub 25% health.

Anonymous said...


eu-outland, 50/50 population split, high end guilds on both sides, decent economy both sides - everything maggy wasn't. said...


Just less troubles there.

Anonymous said...

Surely PvP is the best choice.

It is far more fun, and as you said the gankers will enjoy it more.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I prefer a pve server if the content we're going to experience is pve.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PvE for a PvE project. There's no world PvP anyhow.

Dorgol said...

I play on Boulderfist (US), and world PvP is mostly dead. However, at least I have the option to gank someone (or be ganked).

So I would say PvP server.

Glue said...

I know I was only with you for a week before this happened, but I enjoyed the quality of raiding and PvPing we did. I myself will be heading back to Outland PvP server horde side as I only faction changed for your project.

Good luck if you choose a different server, or stay alliance! I'll keep on watching your progress either way.

Anonymous said...

PvP & Horde.

The Gnome of Zurich said...

PvE, world PvP is dead and reduced to mostly annoyances.

OTOH, I understand the people who say you can work out node/quest issues easier on PvP servers.

I have often wished that I could gank my own faction.

Saithir said...

PvP. PvE servers are weird for me, as I like to occasionally kill someone that steals my ore vein or quest mobs. That he can try to do the same to me is cool. :)

Deathwing-EU is a low pop PvP one - more Horde than Alliance, but never had much problems leveling my Alliance characters there, questing, going to instances or whatever. Sure, been ganked some and ganked some as well.

Alliance side there is kinda populated with mostly stupids, though. Might be a problem or not, depending on the project itself. ;)

Anonymous said...


I hate leveling PvE. Letting an enemy run seems odd to me.

david said...


Anonymous said...


Picking a PvEserver seems more limiting than helping.

Im very interested in joining whatever the project is, so dont be shy with the server announcement :D

Tormented Forstmourne EU-PvP said...


Players have to know their and the others class, if they want to live and survive. Means higher "skill"-level and knowledge of the classes. In the most cases... Black sheeps exist everywhere.

Adrenaline of beeing aware, that the next corner maybe some enemies wating for you.

Revenge for stolen nodes or mobs.

It's more fun to PvP in an open World, than an premade battleground.

Roleplay: There was, there is and there will always be WAR between Horde and Alliance!

Anonymous said...

Pve. PvP is nothing but a time waste if it's not your goal. Busy spawn camp? Just alt-tab and check back later. Why don't you just stay on Arathor?


Anonymous said...

PvP - while I wouldn't enjoy that, it encourages group play through leveling, and I think will make it more interesting to read about!

I love your projects.

Squishalot said...


It's a PvE thing you want to do, so make it easier on the guys you want to reroll to join you.

On a side note - have you announced what you're doing, or will you be announcing it on Thursday? Your post suggests that you announced it last Thursday, but that's your rant on GS.

Anonymous said...

If this is a raiding-focused project, then I don't see why you would go to a PvP server, but then again thats me, also a PvE carebear. Maybe this will be cleared up when you reveal the project. But I'm still interested as long as its a US server.

Anonymous said...

Why not go to a RP-PvP Server? It has all the benefits of a PvP Realm, but lacks the l33t-speak Kiddys named Shadowfury or F@cEMeltOOr.

If you are planning to recruit crossrealm and you therfore don't need a experienced raiding community on the server itself I would choose a well populated RP Realm.

from Personal experience: A Trade Channel which is actually used to trade and finding PuGs is a somewhat nice experience.

Anonymous said...

PVE for sure - it's a PVE oriented guild, so no need to keep it PVP just because your previous project was PVP.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From my own experience, pve servers have less "i pwn n00bs" retards, so the experience is more pleasant for whatever you do, especially if you deal with people outside your guild. But living in a closed circle didn't work for you on Magtheridon? You had to deal with others of your own faction. Those you can't kill even on pvp server.

Pvp servers are known somehow for better pve progression, but only some, possibly high-pop ones. The low pop ones you aim for are usually totally imbalanced, usually in the way that they have next to no alliance. It's rather pve servers that lack horde.

If you go for low pop server, go pve. Pvp servers can be fun, but the low pop ones are totally horrible.

Blizzard themselves proved to be totally incapable of solving the problem despite their expressed wish to do so. Free transfers were a drop in the ocean and people ended up in same situation like you on Magtheridon. They found the environment unplayable and unfun and paid to transfer back (yay more money for Blizz).

All they could finally do was to close some pvp realms or change them to pve to reanimate them!

The low pop. pvp realms are a lost cause. They're imbalanced and beyond being helped. People go and cry on the forums "Blizz open new pvp server plx" but it's only wishful thinking.

Many before you tried to do something with Magtheridon and the likes. And the conclusion was always same as yours.

"we can't stay on Magtheridon, since the server is totally unstable and also it's a terribly unbalanced PvP server that is unplayable for anything but ganking."

If you go to any other low pop pvp realm you'd either find it "unplayable for anything but ganking" or join the dominating side and see no alliance in 100 mile radius what's fun of that?

Anonymous said...