"Danhere - US Korgath, previously Fundra" sent me this wonderful specimen, who managed to get 1350 spell power with four pieces of T9 and other epics. I added them up manually because I couldn't believe its possible. Well, choosing +hit epics, heirloom weapon and no gems, enchants or raiding professions can make it. BTW the gems will be properly discussed in the screenshot that was taken after a wipe in ToC HC. His talents are also messed up. As crown jewel, he placed 3 points to revitalize what is not a bad talent if you use Rejuvenation. However, the point is exactly that he didn't:
The heirloom shoulder proves that Tekuriwhro is not a new player. Even if he would be, he wouldn't leave his sockets empty and by lvl 63 he'd know that spell power is not the best stat for a protection warrior. After counting his +spirit items and adoring his wonderful tanking weapon, please read how mean guys (and the game mechanics) stopped him from gaining a beautiful new sword:
Actually this forum topic was sent for Morons of the week, but since the responders rejected his nonsense idea (another version of "Blizz stop unfair prices"), called him "communist" and "moron", I believe it belongs here.
If you want to see more moron-bashing, send more! Let hatred and rage guide your blow!

The heirloom shoulder proves that Tekuriwhro is not a new player. Even if he would be, he wouldn't leave his sockets empty and by lvl 63 he'd know that spell power is not the best stat for a protection warrior. After counting his +spirit items and adoring his wonderful tanking weapon, please read how mean guys (and the game mechanics) stopped him from gaining a beautiful new sword:

Actually this forum topic was sent for Morons of the week, but since the responders rejected his nonsense idea (another version of "Blizz stop unfair prices"), called him "communist" and "moron", I believe it belongs here.
If you want to see more moron-bashing, send more! Let hatred and rage guide your blow!
i would love to know what addon that is that lists the deaths
Spellfire longsword is the "light saber" longsword, the only one of its kind that drops if I remember (the other two are a world BoE drop and an Argent Dawn quest reward).
They were probably rolling on it for looks, not for the spellpower, although such pursuits are still not very goblinish!
Wow that is some epicly bad gemming.
I encountered an amazing ret paladin a while back, if this column had existed at the time I would have picked on him to submit it. Headless Horseman's Helm with an Mp5 gem and a lv 70 justicar tank chest with mp5/haste. I bet his responses would have been fun.
"But, but... It has more Stamina!" Tekuriwhro thought.
While the moron in the forum post is a moron. I would also stress that he is a prime example of a social.
He, like many socials, perceived an unjust situation. In this case, the situation is "stupidly high prices". The reality is that since WoW is far closer to a free market economy than the real world. Such unjust actions do not exist, since you can easily choose not to partake. However, the free market isn't good enough for the socials. They believe everyone should have something regardless of cost (as indicated by his post).
So he cries to government (Blizzard) to enact regulations (limiting pricing and undercutting) to stifle the free market.
I've never commented on your blog before, Gevlon, but I would like to say that the Morons/Mean guys of the week are some of the funniest things I've ever read.
I'm sure that I have screenshots that I could submit, but I don't want to deprive myself of a fresh example of an idiot.
I think the best thing ever happened on my server, some would be monopolist bought up like 75% of the glyphs and reposted them all at 55g each, now instead of all my glyphs selling at 5-10g each they are selling at 50-55g each :).
I know you have that title of "mean guys of the week" for because that's what socials will call them, but isn't it more like "honest guy of the week" for the two screen shots? Mostly because what they are saying is completely factual, the only problem (mean) is that stated that fact.
The funniest part about that Keyo character is that he has the Scout title -- meaning he has been playing that character for over 4 years.
Whenever someone complains that they can't afford to level a profession because of "exorbitant" material costs, I have to wonder...
Why don't you farm them yourself and post them cheaper, make money! Oh, because that's too much work? Maybe they're worth that much...?
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