This is an extraordinary Morons of the Week, commemorating those wonderful people who preferred to buy their ice cold milk and simple flour for 1000%+ price at 20 yards from the vendor who sells them for normal price.
The first by Phaye:

FoosYou even flipped the achievement bread up to the sky high 22s (yes, silver). Still it was found unethical by our next specimen:

Aronser from Spinebreaker EU also made profit on the retards:

Dorvan of Garona (US) said: I love the holidays. For Day of the Dead, as I logged on the first thing I saw was "[2: Trade] Were do i go 2 find [Simple Flour] lol". Without even taking time to switch to my banker, I loaded Wowhead, found the ingredients for Bread of the Dead (Simple Flour and Milk) and bought 40 of each.

Emmalinna started selling milk after she found them dropped by low level monsters. Later she continued selling from vendor:

The first by Phaye:

FoosYou even flipped the achievement bread up to the sky high 22s (yes, silver). Still it was found unethical by our next specimen:
Aronser from Spinebreaker EU also made profit on the retards:

Dorvan of Garona (US) said: I love the holidays. For Day of the Dead, as I logged on the first thing I saw was "[2: Trade] Were do i go 2 find [Simple Flour] lol". Without even taking time to switch to my banker, I loaded Wowhead, found the ingredients for Bread of the Dead (Simple Flour and Milk) and bought 40 of each.

Emmalinna started selling milk after she found them dropped by low level monsters. Later she continued selling from vendor:
Sigh, and people wonder why i have no faith in humanity, there really are some retards out there aren't there.
Glad to see I wasn't the only person who did this. When I realized there was a cooking recipe for the holiday I figured I'd try a small experiment and listed some 20 Ice Cold Milks on the AH for 30s a piece.
I was surprised at first when they began to sell. They sold at an alarming rate at that.
While I didn't make much gold doing it (about 25g from Ice Cold Milk alone on Sunday) the entertainment value of seeing "A buyer has been found for your auction of Ice Cold Milk" was more than enough.
Not surprised. I made a decent profit last Christmas from the cooking items for that holiday and probably could have made more if I was willing to put more time in. I already have some small eggs stockpiled to sell on the AH.
Erm - is it me or is all those items being bought by 1-2 people?
I'm quite surprised people would buy Bread of the Dead anyways. You can't keep the pet, so what's the point?
Wow, I figured just about everyone would know where to buy Ice Cold Milk. On the other hand, I did guess correctly that some people would be silly enough to buy Simple Flour. Managed to sell two of those for 10 gold each.
Regrettably, one of the buyers figured out that he'd been ripped off and gave me the virtual finger by putting up a good 200 flour for a couple of silver each. It was fun while it lasted though.
lol how a buyer managed to give @Bogsie a virtual finger.
Personally sold 49 glasses of milk and 36 simple flour(was the only one in the market, I found the discrepancy quite odd) for 5g each.
I can't wait for the Christmas event!
I remember when the event just started some guy at Orgrimmar cemetery was yelling "Bread of the Dead, 1g only!", I bet he knows how to make money. :) I found myself getting 5 at once while I needed only 1 for quest, and they couldn't be mailed to alts, so what to do with excess 4? Put them on the AH. I was undercut fast, but some did sell, covered my expenses nicely even though I had to delete the rest (expired auctions gave me DC bug).
Sometimes i think these 1000% makeup screenies are made by people with 2 accounts...otherhand i sell my vendor herbbags with 1000% makeup...the milk for nearly 8g is hillarous
I actually understand someone buying Bread of the Dead at the graveyard for 1g+ since that is a convenience fee for not running around and making your own (Dalaran does not seem to sell Milk unless I am mistaken). However, if they can run to the AH and buy it or just the Milk then the convenience argument just flies out the window.
BTW you could mail the Bread of the Dead to your alts.
This is why I regret never paying attention to the holiday crap. Maybe ill check out the christmas event to figure out what mats to sell for 1000% profit. Or Gevlon could be nice and just post here what the 'retard sales of the week' are or something
I declare this "milkmen of the week" post EPIC!
You can do the same thing all year round with flask of port, bought from vendor for 1s sells on AH for 10g. I sell 5-6 a week. It's used in a chocolate cake recipe that idiots like to make.
I can't believe the first guy was named "mournn"? Was mouronn already taken?
Anonymous, the chocolate cake is for an achi.Anyway, I don't know why people sold milk and flour. I sat in the graveyard and spammed /1 and /y with "Buy your bread of the dead here - only 5g" I sold a stack. Next day I did it for 10 gold. Sold another stack. people were /y saying "don't buy you can make for 2 silver." To which I would /y back. "Fine run around for 10 minutes getting ingredients and crafting or buy from me in 2 seconds flat". I would then get another imediate sale!!! Most people accepted that it was time they were buying.
i love how people will spend an hour or two farming dailies for their 200g, then drop 5% of that in a flash for some 1 day holiday lulz.
On a similar note - I would start stocking up on small eggs for the christmas holiday coming up... they are used to make the cookies and are always a big seller...
also - milk is used again at christmas - so the same trick will usually work then too
I raided with soups death one of the idiots to buy milk LOL i havent let him live it down the whole raid is enjoying this chuckle
The vendor herb bags do sell...for a large profit on my server.
While it wasn't much of a profit, I did manage to sell 40 breads on the AH for 1g each. On my server that was apparently the price point that generated impulse buys without tempting people to undercut me.
LoL @ the milkman.
And i missed the day of the dead.
Think ill still try selling milk anyhow.
After all my silk thread and heavy silk thread seems to be selling well (at 5g a pop!)
In defense of those buying milk + flour at the auction house, I think it's fair to point out that for a player who has not memorized the location of the milk and flour vendors, there's a real cost associated with switching over to wowhead to look up their locations, and then navigating their avatar to the right spot. I'd estimate that this process took me maybe 5 minutes total, round-trip.
For the M&S who only make money doing dailies or farming herbs, time is worth about 100g an hour maybe. This means that 5 minutes of their time is about 8g. For the heavy auction house traders (like you and me), 5 minutes spent wandering could be worth much, much more.
Maybe I am the M&S because I didn't spend 5g at the AH to get my stupid 1 day pet.
Also, I think the player Clairvoyant has a good point: there is no way to restrict your auctions to "one per customer." Since the player has a goal other than "make money," he feels very bad when he is defeated at his goal by somebody who has a different goal.
He did not handle the situation well, so he deserves to be in Morons of the Week, but it's not because of his [misplaced] altruism.
Actually, I've just sold three stacks of Coal for 12g per stack on the auction house.
Yes, *that* Coal you buy at every mining supplies vendor for 5s each.
I feel guilty.
Soupsdeath is on the AH *all the time* (I'm on Garona). What was he thinking? Did he think it was a drop so it would be worth buying to resell it? I mean you only need one to get the pet.
I don't know him, I just see his name a lot because he sells an item I also sell.
I cannot be bothered farming eggs. I doubt it would pay for my time even at holiday prices. But when I get one, I do bank it for sale during holidays.
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