11K from the glyph industry and still not on the top. Some competitors are still struggling to have some profit undercutting me, but it's only matter of time before they give it up.
I put 5K to the guild bank, spent 2K on glyph materials. Luckily a priest noticed that I bought his inks and now he is selling me them directly. I don't know if he read my ink-grinding post, but he is making a nice 1G/ink profit and I'm buying them in dozens of stacks (note: the profit is not on the inks I buy. The profit is on the Snowfall Inks he keeps).
Some horde-only pets are selling, but not with enough profit. I'm going to stop that business when I run out.
I spent 1K on raiding, mostly enchanting-gemming my new epics. I already have 5.
I'm trying to find new business opportunities for the blog, but it's hard to make myself research when I'm making this money without extra research. However a commenter told that engineering that he has for PvP is not good for making money. I already have a plan to disprove him :-)
BTW my girlfriend is on 2700G without help, Auctioneer or any kind of farming (besides the items she picks during questing).
PS: no matter some bloggers say, the tree form is not ugly! I very much prefer it to the normal form. The gear graphics is a "look-at-me-how-imba-I-am" eye candy for 10 years old. I prefer the simple tree.
Makes me wonder why I ghostwolf rather than Black Bear Mount when I do my business in Dalaran.
I think you expressed what I was feeling doing that.
I'd be interested to see the results in making money with Engineering, it's one of my favorite crafting professions, alongside jewelcrafting (with Blacksmith being my least favorite proffession, though easy enough to make money with).
I like the tree because it makes me laugh. It's a tree! It walks! It heals! It dances!
How much more can anyone ask?
(But I have a theory that the night elf players are more bothered by the looks than us hordies.)
You said: "11K from the glyph industry and still not on the top. Some competitors are still struggling to have some profit undercutting me, but it's only matter of time before they give it up."
The whole glyph business on my server is about checking and relisting glyphs, always undercutting your competitors just for a few silver and stopping at about 10gold/glyph. You are just making money, when you are doing this more often than your competitors and therefore invest more (and at all A LOT) of time. How do you stop this? Selling for under 10gold until your competitors give up?
I'm honestly surprise you haven't tried this one:
- Buy Saronite Ores (15g - 17g, no more),
- Prospect, keep every green gems except for Dark Jade, Shadow Crystal,
- Buy Eternal Earth (5g - 7g), crystallize it,
- Craft miscellaneous WOTKL green rings,
- Disenchant
= 1/2 Infinite Dust or 1 Lesser Essence or a Small Shard
--- or, just buy stacks of green gems for under 1.50g - 2g and have some fun!
And there you go!
New idea to make some money ^^
What anonymous said, please tell us.
I'd like to see trees get different looks for the different races.
Engineering. Depending on the realm , both guns sell , the tanking 1 sells better than the DPS gun I've found. Mana and healing injectors sell and froststeel tubes sell well.
As for JC'ing there's plenty of ways to make money but a previous poster mentioned eternal earth , alot of people have noticed that eternal earth is bought to craft then DE and the price has went from 3-5g to 12-20g on my realm for the past few months.
On Bleeding Hollow, I've been using my engineering to sell scopes. they give me about 100g profit and usually sell within the hour. Also i do the bullet/arrow thing from time to time, but it's not a terribly large source of income for me.
The tanking and dps guns i rarely make, because they usually take forever to sell. (sometimes weeks, in which case I've almost lost money from reposting so often)
I've also had minimal luck with engineering and the auction house. It is a life saver in pvp, but not in the gold making market. Arrows sell alright, and most people already have the pets.
I would really like to see you make money on engineering :) I hear so much QQ in the blogosphere about it, that it's time someone made a definitive answer. If engineering a money sink, or can it be worth money?
I would start out selling ammo- boxed, individuals, whatever.
Hello sir Gevlon. Firstly, I'd like to say that this blog has helped a ton for me, bringing me from making 200-300g a week to maybe 1000g. (I know, it's still at an M&S level - but I'm learning!)
I'd like to know if you're going to post anytime soon doing a recap on your gold-making, as that would really help the ones who've just started reading your blog catch up.
Thanks for providing the information - keep it up! :]
(P.S. Tree form is an amazingly simplistic form, I love my drood healer for having it.)
A couple things.
While I'm doing my daily business w/my engineer, I pause to suck the clouds. One mining circuit of Sholozar normally nets me 2-4 eternal fire from incidental clouds alone. Extra profit.
Thank GODS that gear doesn't translate into druid forms! It does just get gaudier and gaudier. I spend 99% of my time in tree or moonkin. Loooove the tier 8 shoulders.. eggs in root tangles? wtf?
I'm the same anonymous as "I'd like to see trees get different looks for the different races."
Forgot to mention with the new achievements the engineered pets do sell with the tranquil mechanical yeti selling very well , alot of engineers don't even know about it.
The tree form is pretty amazing. Id like my Bloodelf mage to look like an Iron Dwarf all the time.:(
@inscription: I just dont get it, really, I finally managed to get my DK to 65, but so far I have made no money with Inscription, i made 20 different glyphs, also new glyphs like Living Bomb, made 7 of each glyph, but sold just three in 24 hours :<
I don't know where engineering ranks on a list of profitable items, but I make good money on selling hunter ammo.
On my server, the guns have pretty heavy competition and the demand for them is low since they typically get replaced in a single Naxx run. I've actually seen people selling them *below* materials cost, which is just mind-boggling.
I'm told (but haven't yet tried it for myself) that the engineering vanity pets can sell for a decent profit.
Engineering is all about ammo. I make 16g per box of saronite arrows and mammoth cutters, selling about 10 boxes of each kind per day. Competition rarely matters since I've noticed a single person will buy as many as 10 stacks at a time, buying out my competition then me.
"The whole glyph business on my server is about checking and relisting glyphs, always undercutting your competitors just for a few silver and stopping at about 10gold/glyph. You are just making money, when you are doing this more often than your competitors and therefore invest more (and at all A LOT) of time. How do you stop this? Selling for under 10gold until your competitors give up?"
Same here on my server (Tichondrius-US Horde). It seems like that there's at least 3-5 people that log on EVERY hour or so and just undercut every single glyph of yours making it nearly impossible to make good money.
Glyph prices (even on the good raiding glyphs from the Glyph Mastery Books) have now dropped steadily from 25g down to about 6-10G.
Is there any way to make money in such a market without also spending all day at the Auction House?
Saronite arrows take a stack and a half of Saronite ore. On my server a stack of ore is about 20 gold. So that's 30 gold for a Saronite Arrow Maker. They sell for about 40 gold, which is 10 gold profit.
The Ultrasafe Bullet Machines take 12 Saronite ores which costs about 12 gold and 6 cobalt bars and 2 crystalized water which maybe take the cost up to 18 gold. They sell for 38 to 40 gold per Machine or 19 to 20 gold per stack of arrows.
That is 22 gold profit on the bullets versus 10 gold profit on the arrows. I stay away from selling arrows for engineering. It's not as profitable.
And I too would like to hear how Gevlon keeps his glyph business so robust. I try to keep my glyphs focused on maximum profit glyphs for less than maxed out inscribing like Glyph of the Ghoul, Glyph of Dark Death, and Glyph of Death Strike.
It's been very hard to find other profitable glyphs as DKs seem to be a more common alt class for obvious reasons. The only other glyphs I've seen with a steady profit are Glyph of Execution.
The Glyph of Totem of Wrath has dropped substantially now that most elemental shamans have made the shift.
What are other profitable glyphs?
After reading the post closely, it seems like Gevlon makes his profits on volume and pushes the glyph prices so low that undercutting him would be counterproductive. Hard to imagine considering that posting a glyph costs about 60 copper. How low can Gevlon be pricing glyphs to make such an enormous profit?
Crikey people! Make an alt on his server and check his prices on the AH!!!
How do you make a profit selling glyphs Goblin? I've tried and tried and tried, but the other goblins on my servers are so quick to undercut. I once tried posting 3 glyphs, and when I had posted the third the first one was undercut. I then reposted them, same thing. After 5 times I stopped that, and now Im just batch-posting 100 glyphs three times per day, selling maybe 10 glyphs per day if Im lucky. At 7g/glyph max.
You're resto with a piece of hit gear cloth for a head? Do you really not have something better?
Gevlon, please answer to us about your glyph business.
Most NElfs I know love the tree form, though I guess if they didn't they'd roll something else.
I make a fair bit of money from engineering on a particular vanity pet that goes for about 130g and costs about 60g to make. There's another one that sells for about 5-10g and costs about 1-2g to make, but there's alot more competition on that.
I haven't even tried arrows/bullet machines as they didn't move as quickly when I tried to sell them, it's a small market (2-4 profitable items) which isn't worth the time, unlike JC/Glyphs.
I've not had any trouble making money off of glyphs, but I'm on an established server with lots of alts (and more competition). If your having trouble selling good glyphs (like Life Tap, Haunt or Living Bomb), then the problem is on the demand side and not the supply side: there aren't enough people doing respecs or alts to support the number of people making glyphs. My suggestion would be inks/darkmoon cards or find a different profession and just keep an eye on the glyph prices.
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