It starts with "The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html", which is funny, because the posted changes are different and contain much more information than those of the linked post.
So let's see the patch notes from the business point of view:
So let's see the patch notes from the business point of view:
- Players may now create death knights on any realm once they reach level 55: Cheap, high level bankalts.
- A new mailbox is now available at the Crows Tavern in the Dalaran Sewers: Blizz loves LarĂsa and everyone who put their HS to the underbelly
- Elementals should now always despawn when the battle [in Wintergrasp] begins: Little smaller eternal supply.
- Various class changes: Lot of people will whine on trade "OMFG [my class] is nerfed and [random other class] is OP now, Blizz suxx @#$# bigtime I stop playing"
- Increased the material requirements to make high level frost resistance gear created with blacksmithing...Increased the materials required to make several recipes that require cobalt: Higher cobalt and saronite prices.
- The Cooldown on Transmute: Titanium has been reduced to 1 day, and the materials required have been simplified: Cheaper titanium (like it wasn't dirt cheap already).
- Reduced the cooldown on Northrend Alchemy Research from 7 days to 3 days...The chance to discover a Northrend transmutation has been increased. Eternal prices will get more similar since they can be transmuted to each other. Cheap eternals get more expensive, expensive eternals get cheaper.
- Many high level enchantment recipes have had the amount of Infinite Dust and Greater Cosmic Essence requirements significantly reduced, but with Dream Shards being added to them (list):Lower dust and essence prices, higher shard prices.
- Jessica Sellers, a new vendor in the Dalaran inscription shop, will sell most inscription inks for the cost of one Ink of the Sea. She also sells Snowfall Ink for multiple Inks of the Sea: Covered two days ago, in short: Darkmoon Card prices decrease, Ink of the Sea prices increase.
- Added a new recipe to convert a frozen orb and some green quality gems into several superior quality gems...The epic leg armor patches now require a Frozen Orb in addition to their other materials.: Drastical increase of frozen orb prices, create armor kits before the patch.
- Reduced the cloth required to make a Bolt of Imbued Frostweave...Simplified the materials required for Shining Spellthread and Azure Spellthread...Reduced the eternals required to make Brilliant Spellthread and Sapphire Spellthread, but increased the number of Iceweb Spider Silk...Greatly reduced the materials required to make the self-only tailoring leg enchants (Master's Spellthread and Sanctified Spellthread), but these recipes no longer grant any skill gains...Reduced the training cost for the normal Flying Carpet...Ebonweave now requires the tailor to be in the Maw of Neltharion in Dragonblight to create it Decrease of the price of both cloth and all cloth items, especially stuff with Ebonweave.
- The transmutation on Shadowcloth, Primal Mooncloth, Spellcloth has been removed: Price of these items drop. Production of old world cloth items, especially bags becomes even more profitable.
I immediately went and bought a stock of Iceweb Spider Silk. Good move?
Probably not a bad move, but probably a minimal good one.
Interesting, seems I'll have to buy a few frozen orbs.
im interested in how your going to post ink of the sea up on the AH the first few days. on my server i've been buying them out constantly at 25g a stack. i have about 40 stacks stocked up. anytime their up they are going for 35g a stack and ther is some singles at 3g each. come patch day, how should i sell them and to what price u figure?(stack size/price)
They're only 25g on your server?!
They are 95-130g on mine; wonder what they'll go to.
no people havnt caught on at all. im just wondering how to sell them or when to raise the price of them. night before the patch? stacks of 1/5/10/20?...i duno!
btw mr. greedy i've never played AH...i read threw all your blog like 5 days ago and i've made nearly 6k gold+ STOCKPILES of mats to be sellable when the patch comes out. Thank you for the gold tips its much appreciated.
I'm not planning to sell the inks, I will use them for inscription. However if you want to sell them, there is no need to hurry. The Darkmoon faire will leave today and won't be back in the next 3 weeks so no one will hurry to buy cards.
"Many high level enchantment recipes have had the amount of Infinite Dust and Greater Cosmic Essence requirements significantly reduced, but with Dream Shards being added to them (list):Lower dust and essence prices, higher shard prices."
Awsome news as im only 406 enchanting and have about 30+ Dream Shards woot.
"Various class changes: Lot of people will whine on trade "OMFG [my class] is nerfed and [random other class] is OP now, Blizz suxx @#$# bigtime I stop playing""
Hah! nice observation!
Anyway, would you recommend buying up all the cheap Dream Shards you can in expectation of a price increase?
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