Greedy Goblin

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The kills of 2015: I Whip My Slaves Back and Forth

This post is part of the "Killboards without inflation" series.

J4LP (data) is smaller than EXE (post today) and as bad as SMA. No wonder why the Imperium leadership choose to merge them. For some weird reason they resisted and for some even weirder reason this was tolerated and they are still supported. While officially not in the Emporium, they own space in Cloud Ring only by active Emporium help. Their activity decreased a lot since 2014 and kept decreasing in 2015. Besides being eyeballs for TMC, I have no idea what utility they have for the Emporium.

Below you can see the corps of the alliance with more than 100B of its activity:
Rank Corp B Damage done B Damage taken ISK ratio
1 Fweddit 302 424 42
- Sum of small ones 74 189 28
- Total 376 612 38

Below you can see what alliances contributed more than 100B to the killboard of the analyzed one.
Rank Alliance B Damage done B Damage taken ISK ratio
1 The-Culture 19 39 33
- Sum of small ones 356 573 38
- Total 376 612 38

The inflation factor of this alliance is 734%. Below you can see which alliances helped it the most by shooting the same target. Please note that damage is capped by own damage, so if the analyzed alliance did 1B damage, X did 2B, Y did 8B, then X get 0.2B help, Y get 0.8B, as their help provided 1B de-inflated damage.
Rank Alliance B Damage helped
1 Goonswarm Federation 38
- Sum of small ones 84
- Total 122

Below you can see the monthly activity distribution chart. "Month" is here 1/12 year and not exact calendar month. Also, sorry for the ASCII graph, but creating so many proper image charts would be exreme work for all the alliances. Colors refer to ISK ratios, pure red means below 20%.
% of total (988B ISK) done+taken ..................................................10%.............
... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------
Jan ------------------------------------------------------------
Feb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apr ---------------------------------------------------
May ----------------------------------------------
Jun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jul ----------------------------------------------------
Aug -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sep -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Oct -------------------------------------------------------
Nov ---------------------------------------------------------------
Dec ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------

And this is the hourly activity distribution chart:
% of total (988B ISK) done+taken .............10%.........................................20%......
.. --------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------
0. ---------------------------------------------------------
2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. -------------------------------------------------------------------
6. ----------------------------------
8. -----------------------
10 -----------
12 ----------------
14 ----------------
16 ----------------------
18 -----------------------------
20 --------------------------------------
22 -------------------------------------
.. --------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------

Below you can see the 1B+ de-inflated contribution kills of the alliance: 2B, 1B, 2B, 1B, 2B, 8B, 2B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 3B, 2B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 2B, 2B, 2B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 2B, 3B, 1B, 6B, 1B, 2B, 1B, 3B, 2B, 1B, 4B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 4B, 1B,

Below you can see the 1B+ losses of the alliance: 1B, 1B, 1B, 4B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 4B, 4B, 1B, 2B, 1B, 2B, 4B, 1B, 2B, 2B, 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 1B, 2B, 1B, 5B, 5B, 3B, 3B, 5B, 3B, 2B, 2B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 3B, 1B, 3B, 1B, 3B, 2B, 1B, 3B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 1B, 2B,

This is the space distribution of the alliance, sorted by activity (losses+damage):
Rank Space B Damage done B Damage taken ISK ratio
1 Cloud Ring 108 264 29
- Other Highsec 90 42 68
- Other Lowsec 57 105 35
- Other Nullsec 118 196 38
- Other WH space 3 6 36
- Total 376 612 38

This is the ship value distribution of the alliance. The total population has equal damage done and taken in all 6 groups. Please note that "Ships killed" is also de-inflated, if the alliance did 1% damage to a ship, they get 0.01 kill:
Ship value groups Ships killed B Damage done Ships lost B Damage taken
0-65M 5006 67 9047 120
66-200M 642 70 1195 129
201-378M 229 60 616 163
379-1023M 98 57 174 95
1024-2918M 36 60 38 62
2919M+ 9 62 11 43
Total 6020 376 11081 612

This is the number of killers on reports for alliance. The total population has equal damage done and taken in all 6 groups. Please note that "Ships killed" is also de-inflated, if the alliance did 1% damage to a ship, they get 0.01 kill:
Killer number groups Ships killed B Damage done Ships lost B Damage taken
Solo 3697 137 6143 192
2-3 951 48 1674 85
4-6 665 46 1290 104
7-11 385 33 867 85
12-28 247 73 600 77
29+ 75 39 507 68
Total 6020 376 11081 612

This is the distribution of damage betwee pilot groups:
B damage/pilot Number of pilots Total B damage Total B loss ISK ratio
Above 10B 6 138 (37 %) 76 (12 %) 64
1-10B 66 178 (48 %) 230 (38 %) 44
0.1-1B 149 53 (14 %) 141 (23 %) 27
Below 0.1B 499 5 (1 %) 163 (27 %) 3

Below you can see the most active pilots of the alliance. Please note that only the in-alliance performance is listed. Also, if the pilot switched corps within the alliance, Joe (Corp A) is considered different from Joe (Corp B)
Rank Pilot B Damage done B Damage taken ISK ratio
1 Rakeris (Fweddit) 59 12 83
2 Seabronc (Fweddit) 26 14 66
3 Ipoopedbad Ernaga (Fweddit) 10 20 34
4 Inspector Gair (Fweddit) 17 11 60
5 Yannis Harte (Fweddit) 9 19 32
6 Tyraez (Fweddit) 16 10 61
7 Cotty Vance (Fweddit) 8 13 38
8 Cataleya Valentine (Fweddit) 11 10 52
9 ShadowOzera1 (Fweddit) 8 12 40
- Sum of small ones 212 492 30
- Total 376 612 38


Anonymous said...

I don't think J4LP has had space in Cloud Ring now for a couple months. Also your top killers list contains 4 people that also haven't been in Fweddit for a few months.

Gevlon said...

2015 was longer than a couple months.