Greedy Goblin

Friday, April 24, 2015

Kills of 2013 #4: Alliances Overview

This post is part of the series made on the 2013 kill database:
  1. Introduction and inflation problems
  2. Places, ships, times, battles
  3. Pilots
  4. Alliances overview
  5. Two Legions
  6. Goons and TEST
  7. NC. and Nulli
  8. RAZOR and FA
  9. Pizza and MoA
  10. Marmite and Whores in space
  11. Red vs Blue
  12. Shadow Cartel and SCUM.
  13. BLOOD UNION and Ixtab.
  14. Kill It With Fire and Sleeper Social Club
  15. API: The biggest mistake of CCP.
Removing inflation from kills guarantees that the total losses of everyone is the same as their total kills. With this, better ISK ratio indeed means better PvP results. However it's not enough. I had 96% de-inflated ISK ratio and got to #17 pilot position with only 3 months of activity by ganking miners, yet no one considered me a pro PvP-er. The reason is that my targets were "unworthy" and they assumed (probably truly) that I wouldn't win against other PvP-ers.

To quantify this, I separated the alliances (and alliance-less corps) into big ones and tiny ones. The idea is that the big ones can fight back, so having good ISK ratio against them is great, while killing tiny ones is mostly ganking. I sorted them by kills and declared those above a litmit big. This is the separation result and their performance:
Code Description Groups T ISK damage T ISK losses ISK ratio
BHi Big Highsec group (>1/3T kills in Hi) 19 22 5 80
BLo Big Lowsec group (>1/3T kills in Lo) 58 42 20 68
BNu Big Nullsec group (>1T kills in Null) 33 97 83 54
BWH Big WH group (>1/3T kills in WH) 22 16 8 67
NPC NPC corps, NPC losses, 0 damage groups 47265 12 43 23
SHi Small Highsec group 15741 26 30 47
SLo Small Lowsec group 11317 47 50 49
SNu Small Nullsec group 4073 66 83 44
SWH Small WH group 2315 17 24 43
- Total 80843 349 349 50

Seems I was right. All big groups have positive ISK ratio, all small ones have slightly negative and the PvE groups and solo pilots get massacred. Then I calculated the performance of all big groups against the different categories to see who fought other big groups and who ganked newbies in NPC corps. The numbers in the table are all contribution-based de-inflated B ISK in 2013, damage first, loss second, background color is ISK ratio. So the first line means that Marmite Collective is one of the "highsec big ones", did 6226B damage and had 488B losses total, but only 119B damage, 99B losses against other big highsec groups.
Code Name Total BHi BLo BNu BWH NPC SHi SLo SNu SWH
BHi The Marmite Collective 6226/488 119/99 92/11 1565/91 53/9 592/22 634/135 429/49 2495/61 246/12
BHi Whores in space 4285/249 32/12 47/13 1662/76 10/1 166/7 294/74 205/21 1788/43 79/3
BHi #Corp: Freight Club 1629/3 1/0 0/0 427/2 0/0 165/0 47/0 44/1 938/1 7/0
BHi CODE. 1625/164 3/3 12/2 13/1 9/0 705/94 511/45 156/9 113/6 103/3
BHi RvB - BLUE Republic 1586/1448 1184/1096 44/74 88/85 3/2 68/23 87/82 62/29 40/50 10/9
BHi RvB - RED Federation 1581/1579 1066/1226 58/72 74/80 4/2 137/41 56/46 98/46 67/60 22/6
BHi #Corp: Failed Diplomacy 544/225 13/17 11/17 22/16 5/4 111/7 166/66 135/59 54/32 25/6
BHi Renegade Alliance 529/224 10/16 22/21 91/50 7/2 110/10 66/22 65/23 127/69 31/11
BHi Forsaken Asylum 505/30 6/2 101/2 26/6 3/0 18/1 129/11 62/6 131/1 28/1
BHi #Corp: 24th Imperial Crusade 465/723 1/9 77/245 15/28 1/7 23/7 34/89 285/290 24/39 4/10
BHi #Corp: Vrix Nation 446/1 1/0 3/0 12/0 10/0 182/0 73/0 65/0 60/0 40/0
BHi P I R A T 440/37 23/9 7/2 37/4 1/0 33/2 115/8 61/6 116/6 46/1
BHi The Devil's Warrior Alliance 438/64 29/12 21/7 28/2 3/3 48/1 129/24 68/7 62/4 50/3
BHi TAXU 410/50 2/2 25/3 105/11 1/0 19/0 45/9 56/9 122/8 35/6
BHi #Corp: D A R K Homeworld 380/101 34/17 5/4 51/9 19/5 27/11 69/32 47/6 77/14 51/3
BHi German Freakshow 374/82 11/22 9/1 42/3 4/0 37/1 99/30 77/13 55/5 41/8
BHi #Corp: We Gank Because We Care 368/25 0/0 2/0 2/0 0/0 161/15 138/7 27/1 19/1 18/1
BHi #Corp: Pod-Goo Repo Men 368/3 2/0 4/0 11/0 7/0 148/1 75/1 42/0 40/0 38/0
BHi #Corp: Pod Repo 339/9 5/0 4/0 29/1 16/0 13/0 65/2 73/3 108/2 26/0
BLo Shadow Cartel 3595/860 29/18 295/243 347/123 60/21 899/47 440/31 805/254 568/100 153/24
BLo SCUM. 1782/747 12/11 177/184 121/75 19/11 460/39 227/38 483/274 179/81 105/33
BLo Negative Ten. 1374/97 27/1 73/18 143/26 23/1 304/12 196/5 247/20 248/6 113/10
BLo I Whip My Slaves Back and Forth 1275/835 6/14 142/224 110/126 7/9 329/32 168/31 373/295 91/88 49/17
BLo Exodus. 1227/248 5/3 175/53 276/65 11/1 62/6 63/5 215/51 396/61 23/5
BLo Drunk 'n' Disorderly 1151/369 4/3 137/53 113/127 16/4 267/12 92/15 334/106 131/46 57/3
BLo Brave Collective 1099/1748 48/232 155/306 185/252 18/28 108/64 53/125 204/302 286/405 43/34
BLo #Corp: Snuff Box 1094/214 7/5 180/55 109/37 35/3 190/11 74/5 326/68 120/26 53/4
BLo Samurai Pizza Cats 1015/361 6/2 313/116 53/24 5/4 74/9 65/16 390/160 80/25 27/7
BLo BricK sQuAD. 1003/552 21/16 21/55 190/190 10/4 270/26 94/26 117/86 232/139 47/10
BLo Dead Terrorists 975/407 4/8 72/135 61/65 20/3 351/32 143/18 171/96 101/34 53/16
BLo Suddenly Spaceships. 962/446 5/3 140/116 115/111 10/3 142/17 80/15 215/84 195/81 61/15
BLo Urine Alliance 867/144 4/1 127/48 82/24 24/5 133/3 67/8 315/40 82/13 32/2
BLo Ninja Unicorns with Huge Horns 852/241 3/2 117/80 26/28 2/1 174/29 180/10 238/61 80/27 32/3
BLo #Corp: The Tuskers 821/266 6/1 97/69 45/15 4/2 161/11 87/13 315/125 67/20 40/9
BLo Rainbow Dash Friends 815/410 11/8 137/153 56/41 2/6 150/18 124/14 216/122 82/38 37/10
BLo OLD MAN GANG 794/532 2/11 105/167 26/27 6/3 94/24 56/27 429/239 47/29 28/7
BLo R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N 791/379 12/4 122/150 38/31 11/6 172/28 63/11 253/115 85/27 36/8
BLo Late Night Alliance 759/516 38/15 148/148 43/45 12/5 52/14 51/23 312/206 73/49 30/10
BLo #Corp: Soul Takers 740/62 5/1 73/23 35/3 8/1 165/3 96/6 265/20 48/3 44/2
BLo Stealth Wear Inc. 708/286 2/5 110/51 48/25 9/7 102/12 60/10 281/135 64/25 33/16
BLo Sicarius Draconis 695/595 3/7 194/177 48/47 4/7 43/19 45/31 307/257 33/40 17/11
BLo Villore Accords 690/537 4/6 183/170 61/39 5/2 33/11 44/38 308/228 40/32 12/10
BLo Only For Fun 669/304 3/4 107/76 25/72 7/6 185/15 88/8 150/92 73/21 31/9
BLo #Corp: Justified Chaos 645/345 3/1 190/109 74/38 4/2 19/6 29/12 266/152 46/19 13/6
BLo Lost Obsession 624/447 3/3 57/157 107/118 2/6 110/7 47/18 146/68 129/66 23/5
BLo #Corp: TunDraGon 622/52 2/1 27/7 44/5 6/4 240/8 95/3 95/17 71/5 42/2
BLo U.C.F. Alliance 622/486 2/24 45/103 118/138 6/3 151/36 72/29 100/78 105/62 23/12
BLo Iron Oxide. 606/409 49/10 112/77 28/131 6/4 36/7 41/12 266/142 54/22 13/4
BLo LowSechnaya Sholupen 589/197 1/3 11/5 85/39 5/2 158/26 71/7 157/90 72/21 30/3
BLo Atrocitas 578/325 5/6 52/44 63/123 9/10 125/15 65/8 143/56 90/60 26/4
BLo JIHADASQUAD 578/148 1/4 7/21 77/18 23/10 107/7 90/5 140/38 88/38 45/8
BLo Blinky Red Brotherhood 574/419 2/6 77/166 30/34 4/5 113/21 70/14 182/130 72/40 24/5
BLo PURPLE HELMETED WARRIORS 571/10 0/0 0/3 199/0 4/0 96/0 56/1 32/1 169/5 15/0
BLo #Corp: Death By Design 564/326 10/4 138/135 60/23 10/7 36/8 25/8 212/108 54/29 17/4
BLo #Corp: Calamitous-Intent 559/230 0/1 37/23 41/53 4/5 84/10 57/6 173/63 142/66 20/4
BLo #Corp: BALKAN EXPRESS 557/162 4/0 152/61 43/21 6/10 56/7 30/7 201/43 51/10 13/3
BLo Smile 'n' Wave 552/491 36/26 134/145 33/35 6/3 29/14 31/17 233/218 35/28 14/6
BLo COASTAL BROTHERHOOD 530/94 0/0 14/7 72/32 3/2 122/2 35/0 77/31 194/18 13/1
BLo Defiant Legacy 491/258 40/10 143/83 18/15 2/2 28/4 30/11 196/112 22/18 12/4
BLo YOUR VOTES DON'T COUNT 468/292 2/3 61/70 111/73 4/1 55/9 23/3 110/68 89/64 13/2
BLo Legion of Alts 464/1 4/0 12/0 54/0 5/0 119/0 50/0 67/1 114/0 40/0
BLo #Corp: Fool Mental Junket 460/11 1/0 105/1 20/0 6/2 137/7 53/0 56/0 30/1 53/0
BLo #Corp: Unicorn Enterprise 457/29 2/1 7/4 84/14 6/0 72/2 34/1 105/5 101/1 46/0
BLo #Corp: Dark-Rising 456/187 4/1 46/47 35/19 8/4 72/6 43/7 162/72 60/22 25/8
BLo Amarrian Commandos 452/305 3/2 85/113 27/26 4/2 52/8 27/8 209/124 34/18 13/5
BLo Heretic Initiative 439/156 9/3 47/44 51/25 2/2 77/12 64/5 134/50 40/9 15/6
BLo Strictly Unprofessional 421/263 3/11 33/39 12/14 24/45 73/11 42/15 160/85 42/27 32/14
BLo #Corp: Piwat CO 421/116 2/2 58/15 53/27 3/0 96/10 41/1 80/24 70/28 19/9
BLo #Corp: State Protectorate 415/1501 2/18 108/673 24/60 1/4 28/24 29/182 178/458 34/62 10/21
BLo Ev0ke 399/266 0/4 63/78 73/52 6/2 35/10 19/9 88/51 97/54 18/6
BLo The Devil's Tattoo 396/205 8/4 39/57 10/9 1/1 114/11 53/15 129/92 26/12 15/4
BLo 24eme Legion Etrangere 395/278 5/8 81/90 18/11 4/1 28/6 34/11 187/128 27/16 10/6
BLo #Corp: Nocturnal Romance 372/108 0/0 48/32 39/21 1/0 82/4 21/3 74/24 97/22 9/2
BLo #Corp: Sickology 366/93 3/1 54/33 23/3 7/5 51/5 36/4 141/28 35/11 16/2
BLo Templis Dragonaors 361/549 1/3 141/270 10/16 4/1 12/9 12/37 144/181 32/23 5/8
BLo Imperial Outlaws. 352/226 1/2 56/68 22/14 3/1 58/4 35/10 145/113 19/11 13/3
BLo #Corp: The humbleless Crew 340/113 0/0 17/9 22/12 4/3 66/4 42/3 112/39 59/35 16/9
BNu Goonswarm Federation 11957/8686 46/405 312/469 4502/4027 112/200 2401/496 724/193 630/387 2955/2363 276/146
BNu Pandemic Legion 8327/3272 22/73 583/248 3715/2118 36/12 587/49 286/27 869/164 2105/565 124/16
BNu Black Legion. 6568/3281 8/20 187/67 4142/2473 17/23 277/44 118/15 305/80 1445/539 69/19
BNu Darkness of Despair 6356/3978 13/204 51/71 2809/1934 42/76 582/118 192/40 209/89 2313/1400 143/47
BNu Northern Coalition. 5392/3783 8/87 138/165 3433/2633 45/13 125/46 55/22 146/113 1393/686 50/19
BNu Test Alliance Please Ignore 5250/8654 44/494 149/427 3093/5363 22/53 274/128 196/118 379/521 1036/1484 58/66
BNu Nulli Secunda 4057/4057 21/212 104/168 2045/2395 48/86 294/81 175/52 214/157 1084/861 72/45
BNu RAZOR Alliance 3808/3613 12/97 67/96 1814/2096 83/74 211/83 122/49 188/100 1173/978 137/40
BNu SOLAR FLEET 3793/3712 11/129 38/96 1877/2236 19/102 98/53 42/33 116/86 1560/956 32/22
BNu Fatal Ascension 3243/3444 8/175 92/210 941/1599 37/35 932/203 212/49 219/138 711/999 92/36
BNu Verge of Collapse 2992/1056 12/25 64/63 825/407 125/89 124/23 58/24 168/80 1488/305 127/39
BNu Against ALL Authorities 2556/2119 18/111 35/77 987/955 18/26 231/59 93/32 127/94 1001/741 47/24
BNu Confederation of xXPIZZAXx 2214/549 6/11 20/24 1027/240 12/11 254/26 78/16 93/45 664/157 61/18
BNu Red Alliance 2077/2793 9/113 16/68 1153/1474 33/253 102/49 37/29 61/55 634/711 33/41
BNu Gentlemen's Agreement 2009/1399 8/75 140/98 618/587 20/20 265/71 139/47 155/100 593/376 70/26
BNu The Retirement Club 1917/1331 3/44 33/54 987/760 17/3 122/52 42/18 94/65 605/325 14/10
BNu The Gorgon Empire 1875/896 2/4 34/61 657/384 12/12 182/39 80/19 110/57 750/307 49/13
BNu DarkSide. 1815/794 3/3 76/55 811/399 8/9 100/21 54/10 113/43 609/246 41/7
BNu Legion of xXDEATHXx 1747/2099 17/149 79/164 645/937 40/61 194/62 79/33 133/105 503/534 58/54
BNu The Initiative. 1695/1565 11/100 21/33 961/886 8/14 90/31 32/14 61/48 489/427 21/11
BNu Insidious Empire 1685/2281 13/232 37/100 768/1101 20/51 138/49 61/29 77/124 532/547 40/48
BNu Fidelas Constans 1634/3189 7/188 74/309 783/1458 17/72 92/69 42/50 127/177 450/802 42/65
BNu The Kadeshi 1578/1300 3/38 83/72 733/698 17/18 95/24 42/17 57/43 526/377 22/12
BNu Darkspawn. 1542/2638 17/258 26/106 739/1186 22/36 59/44 35/29 60/96 553/825 31/58
BNu Tactical Narcotics Team 1539/1416 5/29 51/70 561/629 20/28 262/83 116/33 102/81 373/437 49/26
BNu Tribal Band 1415/3300 10/323 18/77 739/1885 8/30 135/62 52/40 67/124 361/720 26/40
BNu Ivy League 1296/1427 92/222 132/254 100/135 32/36 95/36 134/127 243/236 325/314 144/67
BNu Curatores Veritatis Alliance 1280/1202 15/69 94/86 464/495 44/21 38/28 36/32 93/83 461/364 36/22
BNu No Value 1253/1442 7/100 35/81 484/626 28/68 66/38 26/23 48/68 519/391 39/47
BNu Unclaimed. 1244/2195 7/236 11/197 456/1089 19/22 63/49 42/34 61/64 560/483 26/22
BNu C0VEN 1173/911 1/18 13/18 406/356 15/46 127/33 53/9 48/23 478/384 31/24
BNu The Unthinkables 1090/1017 2/54 15/38 551/546 16/11 42/15 30/12 50/44 368/284 17/13
BNu GaNg BaNg TeAm 1045/554 2/2 10/15 656/378 5/2 17/10 3/12 18/20 327/113 8/2
BWH BLOOD UNION 2901/376 0/1 23/17 331/42 425/168 211/18 94/11 166/5 380/34 1271/80
BWH Ixtab. 1320/174 0/1 14/10 172/27 130/28 60/11 45/3 75/8 217/29 607/57
BWH Kill It With Fire 1210/785 2/9 27/61 123/96 248/265 31/19 40/11 107/57 298/140 334/128
BWH Sleeper Social Club 1134/593 3/6 39/52 134/94 284/175 46/11 33/6 124/63 190/109 281/77
BWH No Holes Barred 953/738 4/9 12/33 128/135 154/269 20/12 31/12 49/28 265/145 290/94
BWH Exiled Ones 806/457 1/6 12/28 92/43 111/204 66/12 65/10 59/31 179/49 221/74
BWH Bitten. 796/236 2/6 17/16 78/14 141/95 23/8 30/6 61/18 73/14 372/57
BWH Disavowed. 672/545 1/12 6/23 56/67 278/224 18/13 20/11 26/24 127/87 140/85
BWH Polarized. 659/398 2/10 9/37 45/55 171/126 22/13 34/10 53/17 121/63 202/68
BWH #Corp: Quantum Explosion 630/117 0/2 10/3 43/11 87/45 18/7 18/0 89/4 95/14 272/30
BWH Transmission Lost 617/433 5/13 12/21 55/47 77/168 46/8 53/7 75/31 82/56 213/83
BWH Cerberus Unleashed 588/303 1/6 20/35 21/21 105/125 20/11 36/8 37/9 73/29 276/59
BWH Surely You're Joking 584/412 4/17 26/56 39/37 83/84 62/20 57/26 80/63 72/57 160/52
BWH Exhale. 502/399 1/3 12/20 76/52 92/160 17/7 13/10 46/39 83/61 162/47
BWH R.E.P.O. 490/324 0/0 5/10 71/60 63/107 30/4 22/7 36/15 156/77 106/44
BWH #Corp: Hard Knocks Inc. 419/176 0/1 6/17 47/30 39/48 15/5 17/3 25/10 119/36 151/26
BWH #Corp: Anomalous Existence 416/77 0/1 4/1 9/6 18/22 53/5 53/3 48/4 34/3 197/33
BWH W-Space 366/320 0/4 3/10 16/32 132/171 23/11 12/5 38/7 38/55 104/26
BWH Adhocracy 360/278 1/7 6/9 42/39 42/104 25/5 21/6 35/24 57/37 131/46
BWH The Last Chancers. 356/451 4/9 8/23 15/81 86/142 47/17 13/16 37/40 39/44 106/78
BWH The Nameless Alliance 345/78 0/3 9/9 7/4 74/14 24/9 32/4 46/12 24/6 129/17
BWH Dominatus Atrum Mortis 344/395 4/33 8/25 15/23 19/116 37/13 39/17 45/27 64/36 114/105
NPC NPC corps, NPC losses, 0 damage groups 12796/43977 242/2763 815/7659 2275/8673 239/913 2491/2491 1596/6763 1919/7680 2392/5106 826/1930
SHi Small Highsec group 26194/30052 683/2834 1003/4160 1287/3487 193/778 6763/1596 7359/7359 4496/4963 2903/2920 1507/1952
SLo Small Lowsec group 47213/50034 580/2055 6323/12170 3712/5439 537/1355 7680/1919 4963/4496 14706/14706 6548/5623 2165/2270
SNu Small Nullsec group 66400/83583 401/6437 2336/5804 20999/28943 1182/2784 5106/2392 2920/2903 5623/6548 25245/25245 2586/2526
SWH Small WH group 17950/24001 83/903 450/1867 1146/2084 1366/5837 1930/826 1952/1507 2270/2165 2526/2586 6228/6228
- Total (T ISK) 349/349 6/23 20/42 84/97 8/16 44/13 30/26 50/47 84/66 24/18

You can see that all groups performed better against small and NPC groups than against big ones. The real value of a group comes from how active and how succesful it was against his peers. You can see that BL was more active and successful than PL when facing other big null groups, while PL supplemented their numbers more from ganking small ones.

It is surprising is that many nullsec groups that were considered (at least by themselves) elite were pretty bad when their opponents weren't lost newbies and miners. Nulli, RAZOR, SOLAR, FA, Red Alliance, xxDeath and FCON were bad. What stands out even more is that the then-big HoneyBadger Coalition members were outright horrible: TEST, Insidious Empire, Tribal Band and Unclaimed had ISK ratio literally worse than then-lowsec BRAVE when they faced fleeted enemies. No wonder they went down.

But the real surprise is GSF, doing 4502B done to other big null groups and 4027B taken. This is directly conflicting with the propaganda of "we are bad and win by blobs". This anti-elite propaganda was nothing but a demoralizing and misleading campaign: their enemies believed that they can't beat GSF by getting better, so didn't even try and started to recruit mediocre pilots. Actually GSF was one of the most "elite" nullsec organization and they won by combining numbers with skill. When their nonsense was taken literally, it lead to BRAVE in Catch, 2015. When someone resisted their nonsense and stayed true to "being elite", it lead to Pizza having 80% ISK ratio against the big null groups.

The following days I'll analyze individual alliances to see how they performed. I also hope that I can get my hands on 2014 data soon to see how the numbers changed over time.


Anonymous said...

Still cannot post in your eve forum topic, the lock seems to not have been removed (yet?).

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting if some clever soul could harvest data from places like zkill et al and generate useful ranking data. As your data suggests, it would probably be more valuable for alliances and corps than for individuals.

I think this is largely a product of killmails mainly gathering spurious data about engagements between pilots. It would be more straitforward if it simply listed everyone on grid with an aggression timer. Data like damage done, weapons used and ships flown, is all meaningless or just free intel.

Esteban said...

Is there some way to filter the data for individual fights where the eventual losers dealt a significant fraction of damage (say, 25% or more) damage back to their killers?

It would probably be a good way to remove ganks and isolate fights PvPers would consider meritorious.