The dance demand is easier than in FL, the performance demand is simply atrocious. I'm sure that the first 4 could be cleared in 346 blues. Naxxramas is fully back.
We are of course recruiting to clear the same in hard mode too. We are
currently #14K with not raiding on Wednesday.
Do you think it was better back in the day where only 6% saw top raid content?
I do. As a consumer it made me feel special, that my work was paying off.
Not surprised in the least about that, my guild cleared 6/8 in about 3 hours raiding split in two 2 days (one hour on wednesday and 2 on thursday) and we wasted around 30mins of that with two persons DCing right after the video before the Spine of DWing before we quit for the night.
I dont know about anyone else, but this raid is a bit atrocious in its simplicity.
Quite honestly unless the hmodes are significantly harder I dont think I am going I be raiding for long on this expansion, and I am betting that if they do make them much harder in comparison, I am seing a lot of other ppl going from normals to HCs and then quiting also because it being too hard.
PS: Congratulations on the kills, hope you do a full clear this week.
Tip: on Ultraxion, tell your raiders not to look at DBM timers, and look at the boss cast timers.
Gratz on making it to the top 65% of raiders!
The first four bosses appear to be a bit easier then the next four. There is a good jump on % completion on WoWProgress anyways at Ultraxion.
How you handle this next boss will greatly determine your future progress in the raid. For better and for worse.
I've quit WoW for a few months now, but I gotta ask: did they pretty much reuse the Malygos platform for the 4th boss?
Also, you've been misusing the word "atrocious" for several posts now. I had to guess if you meant the performance demand was way too high or too low.
Enjoy the moron of DM:
Sorry, these one would be better:
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