Plus of course me (I can't see my own achievements on /guild), except I don't have Glory of Ulduar raider, because I miss FL+4 since I released when I died and they killed it (I know, stupid).
So The PuG does several kind of raids since we have no forced schedule. If you want to run some old raid, you can do. 160 active accounts, ICCHM 8/12, paid boost raid for beginners, no attendance requirement. Join! Don't forget to read the rules, or you might end up like Rofldots.
So The PuG does several kind of raids since we have no forced schedule. If you want to run some old raid, you can do. 160 active accounts, ICCHM 8/12, paid boost raid for beginners, no attendance requirement. Join! Don't forget to read the rules, or you might end up like Rofldots.
Moron of the day.. So subtle..
I can see 7 people on the killshot and 9 (including you) on the achievements shot. Did you 9manned him?
The 10-th person was not in the guild. We found him on /trade when we started it. He had just FF, Saronite and 1 light missing to Glory. I guess his guild has stopped doing Ulduar and wanted it.
I'm not in the killshot because I was not aware of us doing one, was busy being a lootmongrel. ;)
Is there a guild US side that is running similar to the PUG? I've noticed in the past somebody has always taken up your experiments!
How many attempts? How many people had never been to Ulduar before?
Killing Yogg+1(10) with experienced raiders in ICC251-264+ gear is super impressive?
When are you going to get your guild its own website and go back to writing interesting things about philosophy / economy? There are free sites you can set up very easily like guildtoad or guildomatic, etc.
@AndruX: There are no philosophy/economy posts on weekends.
@AndruX can you point me in the direction of the person who's got a gun to your head and is making you read the blog? I'd like to tell him to pull the trigger already.
It was two days of wipes, and about half of raid knew the fight (did it on main characters).
Point of the post is to show that we do stuff that neither social or hardcore guilds do. Not to show how many wipes it took.
I expect these types of posts are going to be common for a while. Gevlon needs to give the impression that his guild is full of people doing all kinds of raids all the time. This is needed to fuel his "always recruiting" strategy. The fact that the guild actually has just a small core of raiders, and most people never raid, is to be deemphasized as much as possible. Otherwise, people might start to think it's not that different from any other guild...
Shouldnt you say 'try to join and end up like Rofldots' as that was his crime!
Grats! I just got that one tonight on my main. We were short of people so we headed to Ulduar, having one alt tank and one offspec-tank, 9-manning Firefighter (two-shotting it. Yeah, we ARE overgeared but it was still fun with a lot of running around among the fires). Eventually we got another tank and we did the rest of the hardmodes.
All in all I was very happy to get my rusty prododrake. Yeah, it's just "fluff" and "vanity" but it looks way better than the purple one from the holiday achievments. And it's a great souvenir from the by far best and most beautiful raid instance in Wrath.
So a raid night that looked as if it wouldn't take off at all ended in success. Lesson learned: don't give in when it looks a bit dark due to raid signups. The evening might end way better than you'd imagine.
Again: grats!
I was thinking about moving to Agamaggan, but the couple of times I've been checking chats in major cities(nice way to see how busy/crowded/active a realm is other than forums and /who, it felt too dead for me(playing on a full-tagged realm).
It put me off, but I still wanted to move to experience Ulduar hard modes and maybe Naxx Undying/Immortal - but I have a feeling you wont do this now that you have the achievements?
@Anonymous: I have it, but many others have not. Also, if you want a busy general chat, it's not the server for you. But what do you want from them anyway? Telling anal jokes?
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