Oops, a screenshot is missing here, only a line where I clarify that I mean "You serious that I should work 30 mins for 20G."
He replies it's just 10 mins.
I say only flying take that time.
You may think it's over. But it's not. I log in as main to handle the inscription stuff and out of the blue:
PS: I cannot find this guy on the armory, although he is over lvl 10. Any clues?
On your question of a chat logging app that does not spam errors, you may try WIM (WoW Instant Messenger). You may not like it because it moves whispers (and guild chat if you'd like) into a small movable pop-up window (it can be configured to suppress them while in combat), but it does have the option to log your chat and apps to parse the WIM.lua chat logs (it can be done manually with a text editor). For regular chat, Prat may have a chat log function, but can be configured to move channel chat as well as whispers to another tab.
As for not being able to find him on the armory, (s)he may have deleted their character, renamed it or moved to another realm, or (more likely) the Armory has not compiled information on that character due to it's many bugs or just because the character is brand new.
Begging must work persumably or you wouldn't see so many people doing it.
I am kinda scratching my head that children grow up this way. Most of the children I know are taught by the age of about 4 that if the answer is No lots of whining doesn't change it to Yes.
I think it may be in part due to the internet anonymity syndrome. I work with kids every day and they rarely whine as persistently as this.
And he's 13 eh? Dating soon, pity the girls. "Go out with me plz plz plz, just this one time, I pay you 20 gold".
Chatter has always worked for me, never gotten an error message either. Press the little blue icon at the bottom right of the chat window to get a complete history since you logged on.
@stabs: your last line, priceless! Thanks for the chuckle.
I use Elephant to log all my chat logs
screenie: http://mediabeta.curse.com/Curse.Projects.ProjectImages/2309/12925/001.jpg
if u have fubar u have a tiny icon that looks like an elephant and when u click it it opens up the window u can see on the screenshot.
@Stabs: Hahaha. You are so right.
Slow day i guess. Because beggars are everywere.
It's not the fool who asks..
I would have pushed ignore about 1/2 way through that.
Your post made me think of the addon: AGT - Automatic Goblin Therapist
Havent used it in a while but it was funny when I had it
How very ungoblinish. You could have spent 3 seconds saying "no" and putting him on ignore. Instead, this went on for many minutes, I am sure. You could have been crafting bags. tsk tsk
On the question of the addon, use DialogChat. Its like WoW Instant Messenger (that Dan said), but it doesn't suck. WIM is terribly buggy, don't bother with it.
If you want regular chat logging I wrote an addon for it, which I can upload.
I have to say, as mean and uncaring a jerk as some people think you are (not me so much), you had a lot more patience than I did. Kid would have been on ignore.
Of course he had more patience: this was obvious fodder for an entertaining blog post.
I've had similar problems. I leveled up a new bank alt for fun and ended up grouping with a guy for a few levels. Now he is level 30, and a few times he has asked for favors. For instance, one time he asked for 50 gold so he could buy some stupid BoE blue item off the AH. I declined. At least there we had more of a connection than "hey, I spent 10 gold on your bags".
This was brilliant, I love Sparklestar!
When you told him about kids in Africa not having the things he does, his answer just made my day "kk i no i learn in class run me ill send them food and money"
Honestly I never understood why anybody would want to instance for any loot that one wouldn't wear at the current max. level(now 80). I can understand doing those instances maybe for some other reasons but certainly not for my own equipment. Maybe another reason would be to get geared for some lower lvl battlegrounds or maybe to help a friend get something, otherwise forget it, I would rather spend time levelling or crafting than get some silly blue from some lowbie dungeon that I basically want to outgrow as soon as I can to get to max. lvl. On top of that, paying for it, that's pure M&S not to mention parasitic and sub-human.
"You don't need that robe, you need food, shelter, and clothing."
That was so classic. I loved it.
Wow, for a 13 year old kid, he sure don't know when to give up. That's a better quality to have as an adult, no?
If anything, he ignored the social norms to aggressively pursue a goal that only benefited him. Isn't he an example of your teachings?
Still, good thing you never gave in an inch. Whining is plain annoying and definitely not a good method to get what you want.
I can't believe you didn't take the guy through, seriously!
Stick it on master looter take him through and charge him 200g for the item if it drops, of course that is relying on it dropping.
The kid was a little pathetic. But the fact that you encountered him raises a large point.
We, grown adults, are playing a game enjoyed by immature 13 year olds. What does that say about our hobby? Maybe we should engage in activities that do not appeal so much to 13 year olds.
Gevlon, what would cause you to quit WoW? Have you ever thought about it?
I am a fairly new reader, so I apologize if this has been addressed.
I love WIM (http://www.wimaddon.com) for whispers and haven't had any problems with it. Prat is also good for formatting your default text windo (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info10783-Prat3.0.html).
I guess my biggest question is this: Why did you even respond to begin with? I don't even use /ignore. If you don't respond to their request to begin with, they will never message you again. The moment you responded, you opened the door for future conversation. The moment he said "can we go 2 razorfen downs", I would have just ignored him. He can't spell out the word "to", can't capitalize a sentence or the pronouns within? Not even worth a second of my precious time.
We, grown adults, are playing a game enjoyed by immature 13 year olds. What does that say about our hobby? Maybe we should engage in activities that do not appeal so much to 13 year olds.
It says absolutely nothing that you couldn't say about any other hobby/activity. I remember playing baseball as a 13yo. Oh wait, there are adults who call themselves professional baseball players. Making a living no less on a sport that has a lot of appeal to 13yos. Those 'pros' better find something different to do.
"We, grown adults, are playing a game enjoyed by immature 13 year olds. What does that say about our hobby? Maybe we should engage in activities that do not appeal so much to 13 year olds."
So, even though I doubt that he will ever "Play" the game to the extent that adults and other more mature kids his age do (Ignoring Gevlon's pals the M+S), we should only do adult things. Like... I dunno, watch the news? Go to work?
Armory has been updating very slowly recently -- quite a few of my guildmates haven't had an update since the 8th...
I'd have payed some gold for that kind of entertainment. Here it's almost for free. You made my day!
After the 2-3rd unsolicited invite I think he'd of defintley been on my ignore list.
Thanks for not ignoring him and posting, that was very amusing.
Got to admire your patience.
Looks like a spoiled kid who gets everything he asks for. He should learn that people aren't always there to jump for him.
I'm sad to see that this is the way most 13-year olds behave online, or at least that which is the stereotype for them. I just turned 14 myself and have a level 80 death knight properly gemmed enchanted and geared, and certainly don't ask for boosts or gold. I'm not saying I'm better than them in real life but I think that most 13 year olds are clueless about how to act online, and are often extremely immature and ill-mannered. I certainly don't see how it's so hard to behave properly and respectfully. Even if most kids manage that they're M and S who continue to whine while wiping. To be honest the only reason I'm in my current guild is because I do not have time to raid more because of school and parents. However I don't do less dps than the tank or 1500. 3k is my average in naxx10 and because of this many jealous people say I'm a sad kid with no life. Well no, I'm just better than you . I immensely enjoy your blog and it has greatly helped me to make money so far. I may be getting early curfews and bed times but at least I understand how to treat a stranger and decently play my class.
I think I found her: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Argent+Dawn&n=Sparklestar, and it lokos like u put her off playing this toon, lol.
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