Greedy Goblin

Friday, April 8, 2016

Surprising March ratting data

Like in February, I processed the downloaded Dotlan data for March 2016. Let's see the ratting charts first:
The effects of the war are obvious: nullsec ratting dropped significantly, while lowsec and highsec jumped, as the warring factions changed to mission running as income source. The Imperium is burning, right? Wrong!

There are huge changes in the regions, but the two top regions were still Deklein and Branch in March, despite the war. Pure Blind is holding, the rest of the Imperium regions are in dropping. You can see them in detail here:
It's not just that "the Goons abandoned their allies". Everyone inside the Imperium abandoned everyone. Until a region came under attack, the locals were ratting. SMA ratting increased after TISHU and PH left Fade. You can see this with alliances too:

As a result, while total Imperium ratting decreased, this decrease isn't that big. They had 26.9% of the rats in February and 24.5% in March. Their enemies lost almost as much rats as them. Of course April will be different, as multiple alliances are evicted and Deklein got some AFK cloakers, but this result show the true nature of the Imperium: ratters till the very end.


Damon said...

Why do you continue to make out like Ratting is some evil nasty dirty thing that should never be done in this game?

Herman said...

The high amount of ratting (and mining) in CFC systems during the war probably has to do with keeping up as high an ADM (Activity Defense Multiplier) as possible. A high ADM is good for defenders, and slows down enemy entosis speed.

From here:

System Indices

* Strategic Index: Automatically increases as you hold control of the I-Hub over a continuous period.

* Military Index: Increases in proportion to the number of NPC ships killed in the system.

* Industrial Index: Increases in proportion to the volume of ore mined in the system.

As the Indices increase, they also contribute to the Activity Defense Multiplier in the system, which affects how long attackers must use an Entosis Link to capture a structure in the system.

So, having ratting/mining going on in your system is good for defense.

Gevlon said...

@Damon: there is nothing wrong with ratting. There is everything wrong being a ratter and having dreams of being an empire. The wakeup is somewhat painful.

@Herman: and the best systems to raise ADM are the ones which are sitting on 6 since August and absolutely not the 2-3 ADM systems in Fade, Pure Blind, Tribute, Tenal.

Anonymous said...

> There is everything wrong being a ratter and having dreams of being an empire. The wakeup is somewhat painful.

Why? why is there everything wrong with that?

Gevlon said...

Because having an empire involves shooting people who want your empire space for theirs. Or just hates your empire because of cultural reasons.

Shooting people is hard when you are too busy ratting.

Cora said...

Didn't low & highsec jump because of that gurista event?

Anonymous said...

"there is nothing wrong with ratting. There is everything wrong being a ratter and having dreams of being an empire. The wakeup is somewhat painful."

Ratting is needed for ADMs. You are advocating that people should have no ADMs?

Tom said...

"Because having an empire involves shooting people who want your empire space for theirs. Or just hates your empire because of cultural reasons.

Shooting people is hard when you are too busy ratting."
That's why a good empire has both types of players, and when at war, many of the ratters continue ratting while the PvPers fight. Neither could survives without the other, especially now CCP have made ratting mandatory to keep space.

Gevlon said...

@Cora: could be.

@Anon: ADM is way overrated. It doesn't make your empire any stronger, it merely makes mopping it up slower. It also helps against trolls who just entosis things for lols. But it absolutely do nothing against a determined attacker. You still have to undock and beat him. If you fail to, he merely has to orbit longer before moving to the next node.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Dek and Branch numbers are because that's the only safe place for Goons and their allies to Rat?
So just because it's happening in Deklein, doesn't mean that it's being done only by Goonswarm.
Mittani opened Dek to all alliance members recently

Gevlon said...

Except 95% of the Imperium losses in Deklein were Goonswarm losses.