Greedy Goblin

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Weekend minipost: damn you lazies!

The CSM10 voting results are out. I will do a real analysis, now in this minipost some quick notes. The first and above all, I copy here some lines from the last elimination round:

Round beginning – 15 candidates remain
32561 votes, 2171 quota
Initial talley:
1386 Jayne Fillon
1332 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Sion Kumitomo
13.192284 Jayne Fillon
7.14582 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Sugar Kyle
67.755198 Jayne Fillon
38.977452 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Endie
22.032003 Jayne Fillon
5.280144 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Manfred Sideous
48.159167 Jayne Fillon
6.35701 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from corebloodbrothers
19.644871 Lorelei Ierendi
16.345732 Jayne Fillon
Transfer from Chance Ravinne
51.863386 Jayne Fillon
17.433071 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Steve Ronuken
65.427794 Jayne Fillon
21.936832 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from corbexx
70.528302 Jayne Fillon
5.694832 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Cagali Cagali
17.615624 Jayne Fillon
2.948069 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Sort Dragon
0.069434 Jayne Fillon
0.05199 Lorelei Ierendi
Transfer from Mike Azariah
0.692592 Jayne Fillon
0.2532 Lorelei Ierendi
Elimination: Lorelei Ierendi with 1457.723293 votes

When I added the numbers next to Lorelei Ierendi, I got 1454.4, close enough. For Jayne Fillon I got 1762.5. The difference is mere 320. I get 4-5000 hits every day for this blog and Lorelei Ierendi was my first recommendation. If only a few of you lift your butts and do those little clicks, we'd have a CSM instead of one more signatory of the Document of Shame.

Now the good part from the CSM 2 election:
Round beginning - 3 candidates remain
21583 votes, 7195 quota Initial talley:
9080 "Sugar Kyle"
6275 "Sion Kumitomo"
6228 "Manfred Sideous"
Elected: "Sugar Kyle"
Transfer from "Sugar Kyle":
457.548458 votes to "Manfred Sideous"
185.178414 votes to "Sion Kumitomo"
Elimination: "Sion Kumitomo" with 6460.178414 votes
Not only Sugar had 1.5x more votes than the favorite lieutenant of the Evil One, but she could toss enough unneeded votes to Manfred Sideous to pull him to the second place. This is priceless.

More priceless thing: while Goons think bombers are poor man's dreads, Mordus Angels know better. They also know that battleship > frigs.


posix compliant said...

> I get 4-5000 hits every day for this blog and Lorelei Ierendi was my first recommendation. If only a few of you lift your butts and do those little clicks, we'd have a CSM instead of one more signatory of the Document of Shame.

What if a lot of your readers did vote, but didn't agree with your recommendation?

Anonymous said...

Sugar Kyle is an exceptional CSM member, she worked herself ragged for the CSM last year and has earned a lot of peoples respect, that's why she was the most voted person in the CSM. It has nothing to do with evil or not evil.

Anonymous said...

I suspect a fair proportion of your readership are CFC coming here for tears, so they likely did vote, but not for your list. Another selection will be those from other blocs who also have their preferred candidates, so they're out. Then of your intended readership, another group will be those of an analytical mindset who will prefer to pick their own candidates and may have bigger concerns than who agreed with occupancy based sov.
On another note, your ire at those who signed does seem strange given CCPs new sov system is, at heart, an implementation of occupancy based sov: The more you use space, the harder it its to have it taken.

Zaxin said...

Discounting someones skillset based on nothing more than your personal prejudice against their corp ticker is very M&S.

Based on your writings, Mynnna could not bring anything to industrial or economic discussions, none of the FCs could bring anything to do with PvP, and Sion could bring nothing to the discussions about the sov revamp, because they purely do what The Mittani tells them.

Do you have any evidence from the CSM minutes to back up your assertions that goons only toe the party line, and that everything they say at CSM is useless?

The objectivist view would be that, if there is no evidence that they are trying to screw over the eve playerbase, or bringing no knowledge to the discussions, then, regardless of their corp ticker, their knowledge is valuable.
Of course, your argument would be that Goons input on nullsec is useless because they only do what their bosses say.

Goons are not a political party, they encompass all skillsets within eve, to varying degrees of knowledge among their members.

You dismiss Sion for example, based on his corp ticker, so he is evil and useless...

Only M&S vote based on personal likes and dislikes, whether they would have a beer with someone, what corp ticker they fly under.

Objectivists would take into account the views of people who worked on the CSM with him, and whether they think he was either useless, just toeing the party line, or brought something useful to the table.

Gevlon said...

@Zaxin: I DO say that Mynnna could not bring anything to industrial or economic discussions, none of the FCs could bring anything to do with PvP, and Sion could bring nothing to the discussions about the sov revamp, because they purely do what The Mittani tells them.

I don't question they have skills in EVE, but it just make them more harmful (just like a skilled bombmaking IS member is worse than the dumb one).

These CSMs use their skills to recognize mechanics that could harm the CFC and fight against it using "it would be bad for everyone/newbies" line.

@Anonymous: the Document of shame contains 3 things:
- occupancy Sov (everyone says that)
- NPC space in the East (interesting, but irrelevant)
- increasing the number of Anoms in nullsec systems.

The first two is just sugar-coating for the third which would be a devastating nerf to EVE: there would be absolutely no reason to attack each other if a single constellation can feed 1000 men.

daniel said...

Gevlon said...
"@Zaxin: I DO say that Mynnna could not bring anything to industrial or economic discussions, none of the FCs could bring anything to do with PvP, and Sion could bring nothing to the discussions about the sov revamp, because they purely do what The Mittani tells them."

it's more likely that it is the other way. mittanis "strong leadership" seems to be more of a roleplay thing than a position of absolute power. of course i have zero knowkedge of the inner structure of the cfc(goons), but what one gathers from reading between the lines on the internet ... or in other words, what i figure from sions evedownunder presentation, he is not much the type of guy that takes orders without sharing his own thoughts :)
goons is not north korea, but a bunch of people who play and enjoy a videogame together.

anyway, you are right about the too many anoms thing, but ...
if there is no more need to fight over resources the game becomes boring, people leave, and that'll be it, especially as a game without players will mean no more clicks for mitty.

Anonymous said...

Increasing anoms in null sec will kill the wild west nature of null sec, if a system can provide a continuous revenue stream without taking a gate then the risk vs reward balance is massively tilted to reward. I live in a well known area in Null NPC space, as part of a small alliance of well skilled mostly veteran pilots, we have no interest in holding sov, nor do we want or indulge in fleet fights, we operate on small fast hard hitting roving gangs, gate camps and black ops. BY doing so we provide content for ourselves and also those we hunt we keep on edge. if a single system can sustain a large number of pilots, then our whole style of gameplay becomes redundant and a whole branch of gameplay that provides content for both sides ceases to be viable. The whole idea of massively increasing anoms is not about drawing more into null sec, its about the larger alliances looking to keep its members safe and happy and into bling ships for their own ends... the little guy with any increase in anom spawning will still have no option but to join or rent off the big alliances- the concept is all about protectionism for the big boys and nothing to do with expanding use of null sec by the player base

Anonymous said...

The fact that I read you doesn't mean I agree with you or do not want to give your arrogant chin 4-5000 hits every day for my foot.

P.S. My mates and me voted on my list, it had Lorelei in the last spot as #7 after Sugar #6. This alarms me once again, as I find myself agreeing with you closer than I ever thought. Then again, not voting for Evil is a no-brainer.