[ 2015.01.24 23:04:07 ] MASSADEATH > Kill: Alex Shinzua (Rattlesnake) HAULING SNAKES
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:14 ] Ted McManfist > mercy killing
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:16 ] Ransu Asanari > GOOD THING HE HAD THOS ISTABS
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:22 ] Ambassador Udina > Ted McManfist i think you need to start kicking your alliance buddies
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:25 ] Alp Khan > GUYS LET'S EVAC TO JITA
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:29 ] MASSADEATH > [03:49:05] Dogan Malkavian > MASS I knew you couldn't spell, but apparently you can't read either
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:29 ] Ambassador Udina > your alliance seems to be full of crap
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:31 ] Ransu Asanari > BUT HEY ITS OK YOU HAVE SOV RITE?!
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:33 ] Alp Khan > MOA IS KILLING SHITFIT SHIPS hurr
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:33 ] MASSADEATH > [03:49:05] Dogan Malkavian > MASS I knew you couldn't spell, but appearently you can't read either
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:34 ] Alp Khan > hahahaha
[ 2015.01.24 23:04:35 ] Praxander > Alp Khan RAGE BRO
[ 2015.01.24 23:06:07 ] MASSADEATH > Kill: Spectre Gates (Archon) ANOTHER TASTY TREAT
[ 2015.01.24 23:06:08 ] Ransu Asanari > killing off your weak
[ 2015.01.24 23:06:11 ] Hugo Stiglitz01 > Kill: Spectre Gates (Archon)
[ 2015.01.24 23:06:11 ] Ransu Asanari > soon you will be strong bees
[ 2015.01.24 23:06:13 ] Ted McManfist > you are helping me
[ 2015.01.24 23:18:56 ] Ransu Asanari > Kill: Innokin Decker (Noctis) another valued ally helped
[ 2015.01.24 23:19:09 ] MASSADEATH > bammm head shot top DPS
[ 2015.01.24 23:19:35 ] Doctor Chalke > our noctis backbone
[ 2015.01.24 23:19:41 ] Hugo Stiglitz01 > Kill: Innokin Decker (Noctis)
[ 2015.01.24 23:20:01 ] Ransu Asanari > Who uses Noctis these days? Welcome back to 2010?
[ 2015.01.24 23:20:15 ] Ransu Asanari > All that loot and salvage.... so worth it these days
[ 2015.01.24 23:20:40 ] Alp Khan > Fuck, a NOCTIS KILL
[ 2015.01.24 23:20:52 ] Alp Khan > It is such a challenge to kill a Noctis
[ 2015.01.24 23:20:53 ] Ransu Asanari > Alp Khan did you recruit him?
[ 2015.01.24 23:20:57 ] Morkfang Lovelace > that's hardcore pvp
[ 2015.01.24 23:20:59 ] Innokin Decker > i hope so
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:13 ] Ransu Asanari > Hey Battle Noctis is nothing to laugh at
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:15 ] Alp Khan > It is like, MoA #1 Noctis hunters ahahahahahahaha
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:23 ] Praxander > Alp Khan good one
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:26 ] Ted McManfist > they will attack a noctis. can't shoot back
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:26 ] Praxander > you're doing better
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:27 ] Ransu Asanari > more like someone's fllying a noctis ahahahahahaha
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:28 ] Praxander > keep trying
[ 2015.01.24 23:21:35 ] Alp Khan > I don't have to try
Yes, Goons are replying with the epic "it can't shoot back" and "that's not hardcore PvP" lines, that ganked highsec miners give to CODE members. Don't be surprised! The only difference between highsec AFK miners and Deklein AFK ratters is the inflated ego! They even forgot the party line: "lol elite PvP". Anyway, my support for the "cowardly gankers" continues:

Hm... interesting fits, and someone still using an overpized ship for salvaging...
The fact alone that someone bothered to undock with a Noctis just shows how desperately 0.0 ratters need the isk...
When I was in a GSF corp, they used to give out loaner Noctises to newbies, since the train is only an hour or so it gave them some easy cash to help them graduate from newbie frigates to interceptors or whatever they wanted while they worked out a real income stream.
"The fact alone that someone bothered to undock with a Noctis just shows how desperately 0.0 ratters need the isk..."
Dude, you honestly have never lived in null sec.... I see noctis's being used all the time by ratters, how does that make them desperate?
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