When I posted something when started the GRR project. Or rather I started the project because of finding it: Deklein, the home region of Goons has the highest ratting losses in nullsec and beats several highsec regions.
Since we are halfway into 2014, I thought I make you a nice little chart. The data is from Dotlan, month by month NPC kills in Deklein, divided by all nullsec kills (listed on the same page). Only the top 10 regions are listed, so I don't have Deklein data when it wasn't in top 10:
What can I say? We literally have busy bees. They will reach 15% of total nullsec ratting by the end of the year with this rate. While preaching about paplinks, ordering their minions to kick the "useless carebears" and going to highsec to blow up carebears, the Goons are still the biggest carebears of New Eden and they grow bigger with every passing day.
They claim that "logging in and getting into fleets" matters, while ISK does not. What shall we believe? Their words, or their actions? Or do you think AFK Ishtar ratting is a social bonding experience?
Since we are halfway into 2014, I thought I make you a nice little chart. The data is from Dotlan, month by month NPC kills in Deklein, divided by all nullsec kills (listed on the same page). Only the top 10 regions are listed, so I don't have Deklein data when it wasn't in top 10:

They claim that "logging in and getting into fleets" matters, while ISK does not. What shall we believe? Their words, or their actions? Or do you think AFK Ishtar ratting is a social bonding experience?
And you flatly refuse to acknowledge that Deklein is so busy because every CFC member corp can rat in Deklein.
Your stats are, as usual, present with a skewed interpretation that fits your narrative and ignores facts.
CFC owns 869 systems and only 134 are rented. Such a waste having that non-rented space if everyone rats in Deklein.
No one denies ratting there is an easy way for some isk. So, what exactly is the point you wish to make? That people are right saying "come rat here, it's easy and you can do it afk"?
"They claim that "logging in and getting into fleets" matters, while ISK does not. What shall we believe? Their words, or their actions? Or do you think AFK Ishtar ratting is a social bonding experience?"
Considering the amount of Power of Two accounts in CFC, I'm quite surprised there isn't MORE AFK Ishtars in Deklein.
AFK Ishtar, since their main is socializing in a Fleet somewhere else.
It's not that hard to figure out.
Although the DOTLAN data might be accurate, number of NPC kills alone cannot lead us to this assumption.
Of course ratting is THE method of making ISK in Nul for an individual.
So, lots of ratting going on.
As even Gevlon has pointed out, the majority of EVE players maintain several accounts, so it might indded be possible that one char is in the fleet for the publinks and the rest of the chars is afk ratting in Ishtars or whatever ship is now used...
PVP is not a reliable income source. PI and ratting is. Why rat elsewhere when DEKLEIN is safe from neuts? Only a dumb person would go where risk is higher but reward isn't...
And even the most ferocious piwates need to earn ISK, either with a mining bit alt, or by constantly buying GTC...
Your assumption would be far more consistent if we had data on how many chars related to how many accounts/RL persons were involved.
As I understand correctly, GFC has members in ALL timezones, so maybe people are ratting at different times...
Ratting can be social if you are on comms with your friends. Given that you could use a program like Teamspeak or mumble, you would not even need eve voice or s fleet.
Your assumption is that these people ratting are focused only on ratting and do not interact with each other, but there is no way to prove this.
The "second account" and another explanations avoid the point: it's NOT that Goons rat. That's obvious. It's that Goons rat much more than the average nullsec residents.
"The "second account" and another explanations avoid the point: it's NOT that Goons rat. That's obvious. It's that Goons rat much more than the average nullsec residents."
That may be true, but the question is - so what? Why do you find it so interesting to make a post about it? I am genuinely curious.
Literally in glevins post:
"ordering their minions to kick the "useless carebears" and going to highsec to blow up carebears, the Goons are still the biggest carebears of New Eden "
Thats why its interesting
I'm no expert on null but as far as I know alliances kick out useless people. Doesn't matter if they're called carebears or another propaganda name. Also, people rat in there so that's not newsworthy. That's why I see nothing really earth shaking here. Sure goons have their propaganda, they can call who they like what they like. But I don't see them or any null group denying doing peaceful activities that bring home isk. They don't make an image of elite pvpers, so what's the point of proving they're not ones?
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