Greedy Goblin

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Morons of the week

KiwiRed was reminded to keep balance between playing and real life, especially about selling glyphs (pay attention to the carefully selected subject of the mail):

Albin was told that AH-trading is pointless:

"I.W.I.N Industries" sent me the following link from the Khaz'goroth realm forum. Can anyone tell me why does a lvl 36 needs titanium ore at all?

Chris found a guild advertisement. Bonus: someone wants too much for OS25 PuG at the bottom.

KamikazeeKevin got his fair share of letters too:

And finally, fate reached me too. Some genious explained me that having 200G profit for a click of creating a mongoose enchant scroll is just not good enough:


KiwiRed said...

Nothing quite like getting fanmail to start the day in the right frame of mind.

Cosmos said...

Is it just me, or are these guys getting stupider as time goes on?

Ranjurm said...

Casual and long play hours spread across a guild in no way contradict. In fact, the casual portion likely refers to a bg focus/light world pvp over things like arena or full BG premades.

Unknown said...

Is the mail to Gevlon himself actually English?

Dan said...

Some of these messages are downright hilarious.
Not too long ago I had a discussion with a competitor of mine. Why I don't get more fanmail I wouldn't know - my competition gets plenty of it, yet I'm a much higher volume seller. I have got a few in the past from someone buying several dozen of my items saying "I hope I made you rich" - no (s)he didn't; they did me a favor by clearing inventory.

Keeva said...

I love the semi-threat at the end of the last one, "please do it or else you're a noob".

Uh oh, I don't want to be a noob, better do what he says..

A friend of mine answered a trade message to buy a deck. The seller said "5k". My friend said "4k". The seller said "5k or ur gay"


Anonymous said...

I love you Gevlon, even if u r a nooooooooooooooooooob!

Anonymous said...

@Keeva. Don't make fun of it because that type of social pressure can be effective. I won't do it but people do it because it works.

Vlad aerie peak said...

which makes it even more hilarious if someone pays 25% more just becaus _someone_ semi threats to _just think_ about him as a noob, which actually makes him one... atleast in my eyes

Tiggin said...

On that PVP advert - being that khaz is an oceanic realm, I think that guild advert was meaning to say they were looking for both american and aussie time zone players. Just some poor sentence structure.

Love the one to gevlon himself this week!

Anonymous said...

That last one had to be a fake from someone who reads the blog. I mean, either that or they 7 years old. I can't see how anyone, with even just a tiny grasp on english could not put in any punctuation, and use 'u' instead of 'you' in a letter.
In fact there might be another reason, if it is real. That writing also looked a little [litel] like Chinglish. Chinese gold farm much?
I always love seeing morons of the week.


Anonymous said...

The mails are lovely ^-^ Poor people can't make gold when you're there. ( Well atleast they think they can't )

thedoctor said...


got to love idiots.

Lee Quillen said...

"Can anyone tell me why does a lvl 36 needs titanium ore at all?"

Because he is a bank alt? Not all bank alts are level 1 (mine are all level 70).

Wooly said...

The first 2 are definitely fun, and the last one too. It's a 100% guarantee that whenever someone uses "u r" in a sentence or "noob" that he has a below average IQ. I avoid those people like the plague and it's a great way to filter people if they apply to your guild or even pug.

The others are hardly special and I don't get why you post them. That PvP add is absolutely nothing wrong with. The OS request is a bit funny, but also not particularly special. The one that's complaining about someone camping AH 24/7 has a good point. It even goes against your own principles! I'd say that the receiver really is an idiot for camping 24/7 for his gold. Wasn't the plan to make money by spending LESS time? Those are YOUR words Gevlon. So the guy camping AH is the true moron, and that's defined by your own definitions.

Chris said...

It wasn't on Khaz.
The reason I found it humorous was because it reminded me of one of Gevlon's posts that pointed out that the adjective "casual" and just being a bad player are unfortunately used synonymously. I thought that this was an excellent example of that confusion.

Yaggle said...

That 30 copper you wasted telling Supernaxban that you are Gevlon could have gone towards feeding a starving child from Durotar for an entire week :)

Very funny stuff!

Anonymous said...

I love these posts.

The worst I've ever managed to get is some idiot telling me that making money was hard at 63. Also, that I'm an asshole for telling a 7-year-old (him) otherwise. :o

*waves at her level 10 priest that's at 30g from selling low-level JC items*

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog always makes my day hehe. And I agree with cosmos, the mail u get is more funny and retarded every ''Morons of the week''.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to get some mail, too!

I started a Glyph selling business on the Kul Tiras server (US), and let me tell you... it's cut throat in there! For every actual glyph sale, there is at least one undercutting of the price.

So basically... prices on pretty much any glyph start at 30 or so, then drop rapidly over a few days to about 5 gold due to the constant undercutting.

So I set up a process based system that incoprorates high levels of automation (mass mail grabber, auction cancel macro, heavy use of Auctioneer) I currently have 37 different glyphs in my 'stock'.

I just pop in every few hours (If I'm not busy) mass dump my mail, mass refresh my auctions, and mass spam in undercuts. That's like... 5 minutes tops.

I've made 4K the first week (after getting it set up, that was a lot of work). It's an hour a day tops to run the system. And I'm just a noob at this. I expect to expand to 60 or more glyphs in 'inventory' eventually.

I actually spend more time milling herbs than I do maintaining the glyph selling system now.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't camp the AH 24/7. I only post glyphs at noon and then I go to work and come back an post again at around 10. I dont mess with glyphs other than that. I just thought it was funny because he was saying that he couldn't make any gold when I only post twice a day.


Anonymous said...

These are w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l!

A agree the best part is the "stop or you are a noob or gay" lines, that is classic.

Anonymous said...

I'm an avid glyph and gem trader, yet the only time someone contacted me to ease off was on Scarlet Rubies and some other gem. He tried to get me to stop undercutting, that we should split the AH between us (ie. he posts one Ruby, someone buys it, then it's my turn etc). I told him it was too much of a bother since I deal with a ton of gems, but in the end stopped posting Rubies for a while just to make him stop talking. I never ignore people.

I think the reason I never get hate mails is because my competitors are like me.

Ben said...

Hey Gevlon,
I sent you a pretty good screenshot from trade chat on my server last week and I don't see it here, did you not like it or not recieve it?
My email address had 'ben' in it if it helps...

Anonymous said...

I am still hopeing for the day I get one of these mails...

I think I need to step up my game on the AH!

Thanks for the giggles.

Anonymous said...

lol @ some of these people for glyphs.

Tonus said...

I like the idea that on the one hand, you should not be accumulating so much money and on the other hand, you should be making more money. Convenience makes for some interesting complaints. :)

Baro said...

Wonderful as always. You should have included some spare punctuation marks for the last corespondent.

Anonymous said...

Long time reader but since today I got my first official "moron mail", I figured I share with you.