This one is pretty profitable, though requires some investment. You surely heard of twinks, low level PvP-ers of BG-s. They need special gear and enchants. As you can sell scrolls, you can make money on them. Some of the top twink enchants are rare BoP drops, and the market is too small to pay a whole raid run you through some lvl60 raid again and again for them. However some real gems are available:
Weapon - 15 Agi and 2H - 25 Agi are wanted by most twink rogues and hunters. They are available for Timbermaw Honored. You most probably already honored or at least friendly with them. With the new rules, you get 20 honor for every enemy furbolg and sometimes some rep item. You can reach honored in less than an hour and start selling scrolls for these.
Weapon - 22 int, Weapon - 15 Str and Weapon - 20 Spirit are sold in BRD for different Thorium reps up to revered. You can buy the rep items for about 300G for honored and turn them in at Thorium point. For revered, the items cost another 1200G and you have to fight your way to the BRD inn (or find someone with the Remote Control from Brewfest) and turn in the rep items. In the same inn you can buy the recipes and start selling the scrolls for some sameless price.
Bracer - 15 SP is sold at Argent Dawn (not crusade) revered.
Of course you can set up a factory too: you buy mats, spam trade for an enchanter who knows rare twink enchants. Get him craft 20 scrolls for 250G tip, and sell them for 100G profit each.
You can shop around in twinkinfo.com, see what enchants are suggested for twinks and sell them. Twinks pay extremely well.
You don't have to pay a whole raid to run through level 60 instances; all you have to do is create a group with old-time players that want to rerun old content and ask for any enchanting scrolls that drop. If you do this multiple times, with any luck you'll get your scrolls.
Caution, server-dependent, like everything. I've recently been playing on a server where twink items don't sell well. It has a high population, but the stuff that sells for lots elsewhere times out on the AH. Excellent advice, though, and I will follow it on my regular server, where my enchanter does have that Timbermaw rep and where guildies sometimes go into BRD for fun.
Sounds very interesting for me. I have a mage and i LIKE farming. And now I know theres a market for twink items i can run that instance right to undercity for assasins blade and shadowfang. Then I farm scarlet part of stratholme and put crusader on the weapons and sell it in that forum. Damn nice idea thanks :D I will tell you if I`m rich.
Blue lvl 19 weapons often sell well too. Check your AH for bargains.
Kill things?
Just find a player with Direbrew Remot from the Brewfest event, works the same as a portal and takes you down to the tavern in BRD instantly.
Used it myself the other day to get a blacksmithing recipe for someone.
Last week I started a new shaman and gave him some heirloom items (those for shards, can't afford those for emblems and the shards are nearly useless else). Of course I wanted the 30 spellpower enchant on his weapon but they went for 500g on my server. Took my a week to find a guildy who made it for free ;-)
There is a market for such items and twinks have usually a main with a big pocket. But it depends a lot on the server. Guess I stick with the bags, gems and mongoose :-)
For BRD you can get someone who got the controller from last years brewfest which will teleport the group directly to the bar in BRD.
Nice tips. As I write this I'm looking at multiple twinks spamming trade looking for AQ enchants. I was already selling some old enchants, but I hardly have any rare ones. I just hope the growing popularity of your blog doesn't create a horde of new goblins for this market again, as it usually seems to do on my server. Nope, I'm not always happy with your advice, as the amount of annoying hyperactive undercutters on all markets seems to be rising every day. Goblinism is getting too popular :) ..Which is understandable, it can be very addictive after you log on and find a bunch of "auction successful" mails in your box. Besides raiding, playing AH is all I do in wow these days.
But if it gets any more popular, and I get forced to log in even more than 3 times a day to get mail, cancel-undercut, scan, outbid, etc. to keep my income up, I might get a better effort2pay ratio from grinding. Meh.
Still, the difference needs to be big before I go grinding again. Not that I hate doing so, it's just the thought of paying real money to do something boring goes against my principles.
Total "social" comment, but there are also decent twink BoEs in SM, Stockades, and SFK. If you want to level enchanting, take a group through (any 60+ can run people through), run those places, grab the wool (worth way more than silk^), DE any greens they don't want, and grab and sell the twink BoEs (check wowhead, but any lvl x8 or x9 blue is a good start).
I ran guild alts/noobs through there while leveling my 60 DK's enchanting. I got them all 1.5-2 levels and made/saved* 400-500 gold in under an hour, and that was being "unlucky" in not getting a twink BoE to drop.
I realize 500g/hour isn't much by Gevlon standards, but I did that while helping out friends.
^ - I guess because it drops in a smaller level range than silk. On my (smaller) server, wool goes for like 10g a stack, and there's only ever 1-2 stacks on the AH.
* - low level enchanting mats cost a fortune on my server, and I had a tailor make the silk into stuff to DE, as well as DEing the greens no-one wanted.
The twink market is nothing compared to what it was. Depends on realm but alot of twinks have quit now their playing field became fairer.
Still plenty of twinks around.
Need a cheat sheet for what they're buying? The Armory Data Mine has lots of twink-specific reports:
And, as a goblin twink, I welcome the competition. It's about time some new folks farmed up these recipes.
I've been doing this for awhile and it can work fairly well. The weapon enchants sell especially well, not only because of twinks, but also the Bind on Account weapons which are technically lvl 1 and so require old world enchants.
As far as finding enchanting mats goes, the large brilliants are the easiest to come across. All you need to do is bid on the BoE blues that people post from doing Stratholme mount runs. Of course, there's also people who buy or do the run and post shards from that, so check the prices.
The other mats are usually cheap too, but you have to be checking the AH regularly as periodic shortages come up. And there's always some joker trying to "corner" the market on Essence of Earth or something, which basically just means I don't buy any of his stuff until he lowers his prices back to a reasonable level.
The armor enchants sell okay, but are variable. Partly because there's other people who are leveling enchanting and posting scrolls, but also because this is where the actual twinks (instead of the people with BoA weapons) are buying so there's less of them.
On my server, in the last three weeks, I've made ~1000 gold selling Fiery Weapon scrolls for ~50g (clearing 47.50 each after AH cut). I can get a stack of Small Radiant Shards for about 30g a stack, and each stack makes 5. Add in the Essence of Fire for about 40s, I'm making about 40 gold each. The small radiants are hard to get, unfortunately, as they come from level 40ish blues which are running about 20-30g each on my server. I've made a few myself on my JC when Aquamarine Signets of poor sales quality (such as of the Boar) get made, but in general, it's cheaper to buy them from the AH.
re: small radiant shards: these are easily (and actively, in most cases) farmed from instances. If you ever see the supply of them running short, and want to boost the supply, here's what you do: feint a monopoly attempt. You know the drill: just buy out everything, repost at a crazy high price, maybe sell one or two, and then *poof* the farmers come out of the woodwork. Chuckle and get back to making fiery scrolls.
@hardYoYo:I tend to get small radiant shards from crafting and DEing white bandit masks.
What are the 3.2 changes (no xp from bgs, but twink only bgs) going to mean for twink enchants now?
U forgot 30+ SP (no item lvl limit) Found in MC , like 0.43% drop chanse.
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