Greedy Goblin

Saturday, September 25, 2010

While everyone are waiting for Cataclysm

... and whine that there is nothing to do now as everything will be obsolate, we in The PuG:
If you do things for the experience and not the gear, the pre-expansion depression avoids you. Join if interested. Don't forget to read the rules or you can end up kicked very fast!


  1. However, if you have done those things already plenty of times, and are in a guild that only has LK HC 25 left, without any progress on it, expansion blues still set in.

  2. Thankfully, only a small part of the player base suffers from having cleared all raiding content in the game. Most are happy to even be able to do normal mode ICC...

  3. And what about the other 11 million WoW players?

  4. "Thankfully, only a small part of the player base suffers from having cleared all raiding content in the game. Most are happy to even be able to do normal mode ICC... "

    My thoughts exactly.

    Due to long breaks from WoW I haven't cleared Ulduar yet (though I did ToC 25 plenty of times). ICC up to Putricide and then WoW-break again (damn college)

  5. Been there done that. About the only encounter I have not experienced and still want to is Algalon.

    If you have not done them, more power to you. But you can't deny that ICC has been out for a LONG time. We are getting close to 10 months ICC has been in the game.

    Looking at Kortias's statistics, you have killed 42 ICC 10 man bosses and 34 ICC 25 man bosses.

    I have killed 458 ICC 10 man bosses and 338 ICC 25 man bosses.

    Your experience does not equal that of everyone else.

  6. I would like to know if there is any pug like guilds on na servers. The pug seems to take alot of the annoyance out of playing wow.

  7. Majority of the commenters here complaining that they are in good guilds that cleared all the content. Why don't you go to a homeless shelter and complain about the gas guzzler tax on your Ferrari or something, you'd get the same feelings from doing so, and you'd be a lot more original.

    Yes, you are doing this for emotional reasons, there is no logical reason to state the obvious fact that you'd be bored with HM's if you are already doing them.

    However, I do have a helpful suggestion for you. Join the worst guild you can find, then you won't do hardmodes in Cata, and you won't come back here to complain in 2 years. Thanks.
