Greedy Goblin

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ganking report

Update: the ganking project ended, do not apply.

At first, let's see what happened in Wintergrasp:
14:05 WG assault won
16:45 WG defense won
19:05 WG defense won
21:40 WG defense won

15:10 assault lost
17:30 assault won
20:10 defense won

18:25 Assault won
21:10 Defense won

23:40 Defense lost

17:05 Assault won
19:40 Fishing macro

18:10 Assault lost
20:35 Assault lost

17:35 Assault won
20:15 Defense lost

16:00 Assault won
18:30 Defense lost
21:10 Assault won

"Fishing macro" was invented by Ensidia, believing that someone is griefing them by crashing the server by using this mysterious macro. Of course it's nonsense. EU-Maghteridon most probably has faulty hardware, because we lately had series of DCs. It did not happen before, so it's sporadic enough to deal with.

As you see we still win mostly, but the horde are now capable of setting up organized attacks/defenses to get WG for themselves sometimes.

We also tried to gank Kau'lak fishing derby, and we ganked a few horde. Since you can fish anywhere for that event and we could cover only a region (Grizzly), our effect was limited. Yet, an alliance player won the derby, so our efforts were not without effect.

As always, we are recruiting more gankers!


  1. Actually, the fishing macro did exist. It was posted on the major exploiting forums about two weeks before the incident and was confirmed working - you could crash the world server by spawning near-infinite amounts of bobbers by chain-casting fishing (/cast Fishing until the 255-char limit is reached and a G15 that spams that button).

    Whether or not this was done to grief Ensidia is, of course, unknown.

  2. i noticed that wednesday, thursday and friday you mostly lost which are on any EU servers the top days for VOA, after that it can be hard to go to VOA even if you have WG for the simple fact that everyone did it on his main and alts already.

    so i'd say horde is doing more then getting WG sometimes, they are getting it at 'prime' times and after that you cap it because the "skilled" ppl don't care anymore.

  3. Better than the allies NEVER having prior to this short of a lead guilds effort to get it on Wednesday's...

    Also last week horde didn't have it during this time which means the m&s are getting help from the good players more because they need it to get WG.

  4. Just now (Sunday 19 server time) a HUGE amount of horde queued for WG (more than a full raid), but Gevlon's premade didn't show up (I don't mind, I'll take the free marks).

    The preceding battle we barely defended against Gevlon's premade - chamber door was at 5% health.

  5. Heh, fishing macro. I now have an excuse that fits any possible situation!

  6. @ Anonymous: "i noticed that wednesday, thursday and friday you mostly lost which are on any EU servers the top days for VOA, after that it can be hard to go to VOA even if you have WG for the simple fact that everyone did it on his main and alts already."

    I agree. I believe Gevlon, that this happened a couple of weeks ago too - it's easy enough to win on Monday / Tuesday when nobody cares about VoA anymore, but when weekly quests and raids reset, it's a whole new ball game.

  7. What Treeston said is correct. It was posted on the certain forum shortly before the transfer. It did work, but was fixed about a month later.

    Though, I doubt that a transfer really would matter, someone could have simply made a new char on the new server and do it again. Only advantage would be, that Paragon couldn't advance if they couldn't.
